Grad Student/Early Career Resources

On this page you will find graduate student and early career job and fellowship links, shiptime opportunities, and helpful articles and websites. If there is some information you would like us to include on this page, please send us a note.

Don't miss another early release from @TOSOceanography: Observing Ocean Boundary Currents: Lessons Learned from Six Regions with Mature Observational and Modeling Systems by Ayoub et al.

Just released by @TOSOceanography : Forecasting a Summer of Extremes: Building Stakeholder Response Capacity to Marine Heatwaves by Hobday et al. Read it now at

NEW Early Online Release from @TOSOceanography: Consensus Around a Common Definition of Atlantic Overturning Will Promote Progress by N. Foukal and L. Chafik. Read it now at

New early release from @TOSOceanography: Early Warning of a Cold Wave in the Gulf of Maine. Read it now at

The @TOSOceanography June issue of Oceanography on Twenty Years of GEOTRACES is now fully online. Go to to view all open access content.

Congratulations to Professor Dariusz Stramski on his selection as the 2024 Recipient of the Nils Gunnar Jerlov Medal! He will be honored for his contributions to the field of ocean optics at the upcoming @OceanOpticsConf Learn more at

Missed the abstract submission deadline?

Here's another chance to submit. The submission system has been re-opened to accept “poster-only” submissions until May 31st (12:00 PM ET).

Join 315+ colleagues in Gran Canaria, Spain this October! Learn more:

Sea Grant’s work in #coastal #communities across the US takes center stage in a special issue of @TOSOceanography journal. 36 featured articles from 175+ authors across the network cover diverse topics from #aquaculture to #MarineDebris.

Read the issue:

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Oceanography Career Profiles

Read nearly 100 career profiles of marine scientists who have pursued successful and fulfilling careers outside of academia. These profiles discuss the career paths taken, decisions made along the way, and job satisfaction, and provide advice on job searches.

Articles, Blogs, and Books of Interest

Other Useful Links

Oceanography Student News Archive

These issues included a regular column from the TOS student representative, links to career profiles of non-academic oceanographers, profiles of TOS student subcommittee members, and information on student activities planned for the upcoming scientific meetings. 

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