Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
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Recent Issues
Volume 37 Issue 4

December 2024

NISKINe: The Near-Inertial Shear and Kinetic Energy in the North Atlantic Experiment

Volume 37 Issue 2

June 2024

Twenty Years of GEOTRACES: An International Study of the Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes

Volume 37 Issue 1

March 2024

Sea Grant: Science Serving America’s Coastlines and People

Volume 36 Issue 4

December 2023

Building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Ocean Sciences

Volume 36 Issue 4 Supplement

December 2023

SUPPLEMENT • Building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Ocean Sciences Autobiographical Sketches

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About Oceanography

Oceanography contains peer-reviewed articles that chronicle all aspects of ocean science and its applications. Oceanography is published four times a year in online and paper format. Learn more.

Oceanography articles are posted online immediately upon publication with full access to all content. Please refer to our permissions page for information about content usage.

PRINT: ISSN 1042-8275
ONLINE: ISSN 2377-617X
2019 IMPACT FACTOR: 3.431

Invitation to Contribute to Ocean Observing

Invitation to Contribute to Ocean Observing



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Editor’s Choice
Life in Internal Waves

Life in Internal Waves

Linear and nonlinear internal waves are widespread phenomena with important implications for the ocean’s ecology. Read more.

Long-Term Biophysical Observations and Climate Impacts in US Arctic Marine Ecosystems

Biophysical Observations and Climate Impacts in US Arctic Marine Ecosystems

A long-term mooring array covering most of the US Arctic provides a full range of oceanographic data. Read more.

Detecting Mediterranean White Sharks with Environmental DNA

Detecting Mediterranean White Sharks with Environmental DNA

A survey was conducted in the Sicilian Chanel to test and refine methods for detecting white shark eDNA. Read more.

The “Net” Impact of Hydrothermal Venting on Oceanic Elemental Inventories

The “Net” Impact of Hydrothermal Venting on Oceanic Elemental Inventories

GEOTRACES has played a role in defining the extent and dynamics of hydrothermal plume geochemistry. Read more.