

Keys to Proposing, Conducting, Presenting, and Publishing Your Research

This information was presented during four workshops held on Sunday, February 23, 2014 during the Ocean Sciences Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.




A Primer to Proposal Writing, Merit Review and Research Funding (1.95 MB pdf)

Led by Eric Itsweire, National Science Foundation and
Paula Bontempi, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

This workshop will cover the various factors that come into play to develop a great idea into a funded project: Should I do it alone or seek collaborators? Which agency and/or program(s) might be the best home for my proposal? Who is the audience for my proposal: experts in the field, the larger scientific community, the funding agency’s program managers? How do I structure my proposal to get my message across effectively? How are funding decision made? Examples for several U.S. funding agencies will be discussed and ample time will be reserved for questions and answers. Participants who would like more detailed information about a specific research program or funding agency are encouraged to sign up for one of the breakfast meetings with U.S. funding agencies’ program managers.


Key Elements to Planning and Conducting an Oceanographic Expedition
(1.90 MB PowerPoint Presentation)
Led by Jon Alberts, UNOLS and Clare Reimers, Oregon State University
Congratulations! All your hard work in writing your research proposal has paid off and you are ready to begin planning the details of your oceanographic research program. There are many steps to be aware of in this process. This workshop will focus on the most important responsibilities of a chief scientist of an oceanographic voyage. From the initial proposal budget to post cruise reporting, we will cover the critical elements that are hallmarks of a successful program at sea. Discussion items will include developing a cruise plan with ship and technical support groups, working up cruise timelines, identifying the required composition of your science party, understanding user-supplied versus a vessel’s scientific equipment, research clearances, environmental permitting, data dissemination, and post cruises assessments, to name a few. This workshop will be led by members of the oceanographic community with decades of experience in research at sea, oceanographic project planning, and assistance of scientists preparing to carry out expeditions. We encourage you to participate in this informative workshop. A question and answer session will follow.


Great Presentations! Effectively Presenting Your Research to Different Audiences
(21.82 MB PowerPoint Presentation)
Led by Tracy Wiegner and Steven Colbert, University of Hawaii at Hilo
Come and learn how to give a great presentation. This workshop will cover basics on developing a presentation and delivering it effectively to different audiences. Specifically, it will cover: presentation structure, effective slide layouts (font to figure), writing and delivering presentation scripts, and adjusting presentations for different audiences. Participants are encouraged to bring their presentations for review.


The Secrets of Publishing Your Article in International Journals (9.76 MB PowerPoint Presentation)
Led by Eric Des Barton, CSIC, Spain, Editor-in-chief for JGR Oceans
The editorial and review processes along the road to publication are described in general terms. The construction of a well-prepared article and the manner in which authors may maximize the chances of success at each stage of the process towards final publication are explored. The most common errors and ways of avoiding them are outlined. Typical problems facing an author writing in English, especially as a second language, including the need for grammatical precision and appropriate style, are discussed. Additionally, the meaning of plagiarism, self-plagiarism and duplicate publication is explored. Critical steps in manuscript preparation and response to reviews are examined. Finally, the relation between writing and reviewing is outlined, and it is indicated how becoming a good reviewer helps in becoming a successful author.

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