Volume 29 | Number 1 | March 2016
Special Issue: Graduate Education in the Ocean Sciences
On the Cover: (1) Kara Vadman (USF) and Mikhaila Redovian (Colgate undergraduate) secure hydrophones before seismic work near Totten Glacier, East Antarctica, on US Antarctic Program cruise NBP14-02. Photo credit: Steffen Saustraup (UTIG)
(2) Florida State University PhD student Samira Daneshgar Asl takes notes during a research cruise in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico as part of a project to study the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Photo courtesy of Florida State University
(3) Samantha Bosman prepares to collect a plankton tow during a Deep-C Geochemistry cruise aboard R/V Weatherbird II in May 2012. Photo courtesy of Florida State University
(4) For more than 10 years, courtesy of University of California ship funds, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography deep-sea biology graduate class led by Lisa Levin has held field trips to the San Diego Trough to give students a hands-on, real-time look at deep hydrographic features. Photo courtesy of Lisa Levin (SIO)
(5) University of Hawaii graduate student Yoshimi Rii running CTD operations. Photo Credit: Tara Clemente (C-MORE, UH Manoa)
(6) University of Delaware undergraduate Semester-in-Residence students collecting plankton samples from the Delaware Bay aboard R/V Hugh R. Sharp. Photo credit: School of Marine Science and Policy, University of Delaware
(7) MIT-WHOI graduate student collecting water samples for river chemistry studies. Photo courtesy of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution graphics
Cover PDF

FROM THE GUEST EDITORS. Introduction to the Special Issue on Graduate Education in the Ocean Sciences
Susan B. Cook and
Nancy H. Marcus
The Ocean Science Graduate Education Landscape: A 2015 Perspective
Susan B. Cook ,
Amanda Holloway,
Matthew Lettrich, and
Kristen Yarincik
A Moving Target: Matching Graduate Education with Available Careers for Ocean Scientists
Melbourne Briscoe,
Deborah Glickson,
Susan Roberts,
Richard Spinrad , and
James Yoder
SIDEBAR. The Individual Development Plan: A Tool to Help Graduate Students Assume Control of Their Futures
Nancy H. Marcus
SIDEBAR. The Optical Oceanography Class Turned 30 in Summer 2015
Mary Jane Perry
SIDEBAR. The Duke Professional Master of Environmental Management: An Exemplary Program Responsive to Workforce Needs
Patrick Halpin and
Andy Read
Moving Forward: 21st Century Pathways to Strengthen the Ocean Science Workforce Through Graduate Education and Professional Development
Linda C. Schaffner,
Troy W. Hartley, and
James G. Sanders
SIDEBAR. The Big Picture: National Initiatives in Graduate Education
Suzanne T. Ortega and
Maureen Terese McCarthy
Strategies for Increasing Diversity in the Ocean Science Workforce Through Mentoring
Ashanti Johnson,
Melanie J. Huggans,
David Siegfried, and
LaTanya Braxton
SIDEBAR. The Ocean Science Social Diversity Challenge
Matt Gilligan and
Sue Ebanks
SIDEBAR. MS PHD’S: By and for Minorities
Lois Ricciardi,
Vivian Williamson Whitney, and
Ashanti Johnson
Broadening the Impact of Graduate Education in the Ocean Sciences
Cheryl Peach and
Gail Scowcroft
SIDEBAR. STEM Graduate Students: Learning How to be Effective Storytellers
Nancy H. Marcus
SIDEBAR. Out of the Tower and Into the Classroom OR How Classroom Partnerships Give Marine Science Grad Students an Edge
Carol Hopper Brill
Beyond Academia: Professional Society Resources and Programs for Ocean Sciences Graduate Students
Linda E. Duguay and
Susan B. Cook
SIDEBAR. Student-Led Retreats for Graduate Student Cohesion and Career Success
Karen Stamieszkin ,
Melissa A. May, and
Alison Chase
NASA Graduate Fellowship Opportunities
Eric Lindstrom ,
Sirpa Hakkinen, and
Ming-Ying Wei
An Experiment in Graduate Education: A Marine Science Adventure Across the Indian Ocean
Vicki Buchsbaum Pearse,
John C. Ogden, and
Sharon J. Proctor
QUARTERDECK • Working Toward a PhD in Ocean Sciences Hones a Variety of Marketable Skills: Insights from Oceanography’s Career Profiles Column
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • The Case for a “Sea Change” in Graduate Education in the Ocean Sciences
M. Susan Lozier
RIPPLE MARKS • Life in Rough Seas: For Harlequin Ducks, Home is Churning Rapids and Pounding Surf
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
HANDS-ON OCEANOGRAPHY • Building Intuition for In-Water Optics and Ocean Color Remote Sensing: Spectrophotometer Activity with littleBits™
Stephanie Schollaert Uz
THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM • Higher and Higher in Education
Simon Boxall
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and insights. 2016. Oceanography 29(1):106–110.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Susan B. Cook, Ocean Conservation and Research Association
Nancy H. Marcus, Florida State University
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and National Science Foundation grant OCE-1549561.