Career Profiles

Oceanography magazine includes a recurring column on “career profiles” of marine scientists who have pursued successful and fulfilling careers outside of academia. These profiles are intended to advise ocean sciences graduate students about career options other than teaching and/or research in a university setting.

Call for Career Profiles

Oceanography needs your help to make this careers column a success. Finding the right subjects is a challenging task, and Oceanography needs suggestions about who to profile. Please consult your roots, your rolodex, or your iPhone or Blackberry contacts folders and provide Oceanography with information about people you know whose career paths might inspire and inform the next generation. Do you have suggestions? Please send their contact information to Ellen Kappel, Editor, Oceanography.


NEW » Emma R. Ozanich, Project Scientist and Acoustic Modeler, JASCO Applied Sciences (US office)

NEW » Jocelyn Runnebaum, Marine Scientist, The Nature Conservancy

NEW » Scott Loranger, Acoustician and Application Scientist, Kongsberg Discovery


KIM I. MARTINI | Senior Oceanographer, Sea-Bird Scientific
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STEPHANIE WEAR | Senior Scientist and Strategy Advisor, Global Science, The Nature Conservancy
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CONOR McMANUS | Deputy Chief, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Division of Marine Fisheries
» 228 KB pdf

NICOLE ELKO | President, Elko Coastal Consulting Inc.
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MARLEY JARVIS | Outreach and Education Specialist, Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington
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MIRIAM GOLDSTEIN | Director of Ocean Policy and Managing Director of Energy and Environment, Center for American Progress
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SHERRY LIPPIATT | California Regional Coordinator, NOAA Marine Debris Program/IM Systems Group
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LISA MUNGER | Independent Contractor and Research Affiliate/Lecturer at University of Oregon
92 KB pdf

HOLLY ROLLS | Owner, Senior Instructor, and Guide, Happy Paddler Kayak Tours & EcoVentures
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COURTNEY SCHMIDT | Staff Scientist, Narragansett Bay Estuary Program
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LESLIE M. SMITH | Communications Consultant, Your Ocean Consulting LLC
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AARON GOLDNEREnergy Policy Advisor, Office of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
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ORENS DE FOMMERVAULT | Research Scientist, Alseamar
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HEATHER HAVENS | Vice President, Program Development, National Defense Industrial Association
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ANDREAS KRUPKE | Scientist III, Verification & Validation Department, Thermo Fisher Scientific
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ANNA J. MALEK MERCER Executive Director, Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation
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KATIE MATTHEWS | Deputy Chief Scientist, Oceana
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JEFF STANDISH | Manager, Corporate Sustainability, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota
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SARA BENDER | Program Officer, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
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KATHERINE BRODIE | Research Oceanographer, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
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ANDREA DELL’APA | Marine Restoration Specialist, Ocean Conservancy’s Gulf Restoration Program
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KATY HILLScientific Officer for the Global Climate Observing System and the Global Ocean Observing System, World Meteorological Organization
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NICOLE RAINEAULT | Vice President of Exploration and Science Operations, Ocean Exploration Trust
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DANNY RICHTER | Legislative Director and Director of Research, Citizens’ Climate Lobby
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JO-ANN ROSARIO-LLANTÍN | Consultant in Physical Oceanography; Founder, Executive Director, and Principal Scientist, Coastal and Environmental Research Applications Inc.
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akob_tnDENISE M. AKOB | Research Microbiologist, US Geological Survey
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JULIET HERMES |Manager and Principal Oceanographer, Egagasini Node for Marine Offshore Systems, South African Environmental Observation Network
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FIONA HORSFALL |Chief, Climate Services Branch, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service
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JONATHAN M. LILLY | Senior Research Scientist, NorthWest Research Associates
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EDUARDO LOOS Project Manager, ASL Environmental Sciences
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LOUISE NEWMAN | Executive Officer, Southern Ocean Observing System
» 323 KB pdf
CECILE S. ROUSSEAUX | Research Scientist, Goddard Earth Sciences Technology and Research (GESTAR), Universities Space Research Association Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center » 71 KB pdf
SARAH A. STONE and MICAELA S. PARKER | Program Managers, eScience Institute, University of Washington
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DANIELLE SUMY |Project Associate, Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
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ADRIENNE J. SUTTON | Research Scientist, University of Washington Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory » 105 KB pdf


bunje_tnPAUL BUNJE | Senior Director of Oceans, XPRIZE Foundation
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burger_tnROBERT L. BURGER | Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Yale University 
» 130 KB pdf
JORDAN DAWE | Data Engineer, EnerNOC 
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CYNTHIA J. DECKER | Executive Director, NOAA Science Advisory Board, and Acting Director, NOAA Cooperative Institute Program Office
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goldstone_tnHEATHER M.H. GOLDSTONE | Science Editor, WGBH and WCAI National Public Radio Stations
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kryc_tnKELLY A. KRYC | Foreign Affairs Officer, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, US State Department
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SHELBY WALKER |Director, Oregon Sea Grant
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byrne_profile_tnDEIRDRE A. BYRNE | Surface Oceanography Unit, National Oceanographic Data Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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daniel_profile_tnARI DANIEL | Digital Producer, PBS NOVA, and Freelance Science Reporter 
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drexler_profile_tnTINA DREXLER | Geoscience Associate, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company
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ekwurzel_profile_tnBRENDA EKWURZEL | Senior Climate Scientist, Union of Concerned Scientists
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goldner_profile_tnDAN GOLDNER | Math Teacher, Boston Public Schools
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lettvin_profile_tnELLEN LETTVIN | Vice President for Science and Education, Pacific Science Center, on assignment as Noyce Fellow, Department of Education
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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAKRIS LUDWIG | Staff Scientist, Natural Hazards Mission Area, US Geological Survey
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pratt_profile_tnPATTY PRATT | Systems Engineer and Calibration and Validation Lead for Ocean Color, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
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spitzer_profile_tnBILLY SPITZER | Vice President, Programs, Exhibits, and Planning, New England Aquarium
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behl_profile_tnMONA BEHL | Research Coordinator, Texas Sea Grant College Program, Texas A&M University
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deese_profile_tnHEATHER DEESE | Vice-President, Strategic Development, Island Institute
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drenzek_tnNICK DRENZEK | Principal Researcher, Statoil, Bergen, Norway
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gentemann_profile_tnCHELLE GENTEMANN | Senior Principal Scientist, Remote Sensing Systems
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janzen_profile_tnCAROL JANZEN | Senior Oceanographer, Sea-Bird Electronics Inc. 
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kaye_tnJON KAYE | Program Officer, Marine Microbiology Initiative, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
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peach_profile_tnCHERYL PEACH | Director, Scripps Educational Alliances 
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weaver_profile_tnCHRIS WEAVER | Scientist, US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development, currently on assignment to the US Global Change Research Program
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alverson_profile_tnKEITH ALVERSON | Head of Climate Change Adaptation and Terrestrial Ecosystems Branch and Climate Change Adaptation Unit, United Nations Environment Programme/Department ofEnvironmental Policy Implementation » 89 KB pdf
glickson_tnDEB GLICKSON | Senior Program Officer, Ocean Studies Board, National Research Council 
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honeycutt_tnMARIA G. HONEYCUTT | Coastal Hazards Specialist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
» 137 KB pdf
larson_tnNORGE LARSON | President, Sea-Bird Electronics Inc. 
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lau_profile_tnWINNIE LAU | Program Manager, Marine Ecosystem Services Program, Forest Trends
107 KB pdf
law_profile_tnKARA LAVENDER LAW | Research Oceanographer, Sea Education Association
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masse_tnANN K. MASSE | Safety, Health, Environmental and Sustainability Leader, DuPont
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fritz_profile_tnFRITZ STAHR | Manager, Seaglider Fabrication Center, School of Oceanography, University of Washington 
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abramson_profile_tnLYNN ABRAMSON | Senior Legislative Assistant, Office of Senator Barbara Boxer 
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edmonds_profile_tnHENRIETTA N. EDMONDS | Program Director, Arctic Natural Sciences, National Science Foundation 
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kilfoyle_profile_tnDANIEL KILFOYLE | Science Applications International Corporation
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kong_profile_tnLAURA KONG | Director, UNESCO/IOC–NOAA International Tsunami Information Center
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malone_profile_tnMITCHELL MALONE | Assistant Director of Science Services/Manager of Science Operations, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University 
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mcconnell_profile_tnMARTHA C. McCONNELL | US Coast Guard Academy
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mcelwee_profile_tnKRIS McELWEE | Pacific Islands Coordinator, Marine Debris Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
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rogerson_profile_tnAUDREY M. ROGERSON | Director of Development, The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University 
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j_farre_profileJOHN A. FARRE | Geoscience Supervisor, ExxonMobil Exploration Company 
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franks_profile_tnSHARON E.R. FRANKS | Director, Research Proposal Development Service, University of California, San Diego 
» 456 KB pdf
hegarty_profile_tnKERRY A. HEGARTY | Managing Director/CEO, Sienna Cancer Diagnostics 
» 432 KB pdf
malinverno_profile_tnALBERTO MALINVERNO | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Borehole Research Group 
» 592 KB pdf
mengerink_tnKATHRYN MENGERINK | Environmental Law Institute 
» 156 KB pdf
shure_tnLOREN SHURE | MathWorks 
» 94 KB pdf

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