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Deborah Bronk
Professional dress – does anything go?
Hello TOS members! As we hello to spring in beautiful Maine and I have been pondering changes in social norms and asking…
What is professional dress today?
In 1986 when I entered grad school, there seemed to be clear professional norms. Suit jackets were not uncommon for men giving a talk. At the very least, most men wore a tie. When I gave my first talk, I dressed up in a skirt, panty hose, and high heels. I felt it was expected. Today it is not so clear. That is probably a good thing.
I feel confident saying there is no consensus on what constitutes professional dress and that opinions vary widely, often by generation. In that vacuum there can be a lot of angst on the part of early career researchers and graduate students wondering how to navigate conferences, public presentations and job interviews. This is especially true of women where the range of options tends to be larger.
This vacuum can also leave more senior scientists, who can have considerable power in making hiring and other career decisions, having expectations that are not consistent with the, often conflicting, messages that more junior scientists have received.
I have no answers but do encourage scientists early in their career to consider their audience when deciding what to wear and then try to balance that with being true to themselves. I also make a plea to my more senior colleagues that when interviewing candidates, focus on their research and their potential and avoid thinking—“when I was interviewing…”
I’ll end with something I try to keep in mind. Clothes are a way to express our individually, our culture, and our beliefs. What we choose to wear can also depend on our biases, insecurities, gender expectations, and economic limitations. I argue that for a field where creativity is so critical to pushing the envelope, the fewer professional norms that limit personal expression—the better!
I’m here to serve, so please reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any concerns or ideas of how TOS can better serve its members and the work they do.
It’s not too late to submit an abstract! The link to the abstract submission system is provided upon completion of the registration process. Guidance on preparing your abstract and abstract evaluation is provided here.
Questions? Contact Jenny Ramarui.
Sea Grant: Science Serving America’s Coastlines and People
Check out the table of contents and individual articles or view the flipbook of the full issue.
Centering Knowledge Co-Production in Sustainability Science: Why, How, and When
By E.V. Satterthwaite et al.
Applied Education Programming: Four Exemplars in Environmental Literacy and Teacher Professional Development
By B.C. Bruno et al.
Examples of Sea Grant Efforts to Improve Aquatic Invasive Species Research, Outreach, and Management
By T. Campbell and S. Otts
NOAA National Sea Grant College Program’s Support of Aquaculture and Its Current Aquaculture Investment Portfolio
By C.R. Weirich et al.
Sea Grant Programs Build Resilience to Coastal Climate Hazards
By I. Miller et al.
Twenty Years of GEOTRACES: An International Study of the Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes
Peruse the early online releases from this in progress special issue. Check back for additional postings.
GEOTRACES Reflections
By R.F. Anderson
A Young Scientist’s Perspective on GEOTRACES
By D.J. Halbeisen
Shelf-Basin Connectivity Drives Dissolved Fe and Mn Distributions in the Western Arctic Ocean: A Synoptic View into Polar Trace Metal Cycling
By L. Jensen and M. Colombo
On the Variability of Equatorial Pacific Nitrate and Iron Utilization
By P.A. Rafter
Advances in Understanding the Marine Nitrogen Cycle in the GEOTRACES Era
By K.L. Casciotti et al.
Is the Atlantic Overturning Circulation Approaching a Tipping Point?
By S. Rahmstorf
This article explores the Atlantic branch of the global overturning circulation, a major player in past and quite likely future climate change.…
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