TOS News
From the TOS President
Oceanography News

Paula Bontempi
Hello TOS members!
I am grateful and honored to take the helm of an organization that was formative for me as a student and continues to be as a professional. I thank the incredibly capable outgoing President Deb Bronk, the TOS Council, and staff for their continual effort in shaping a new strategy for TOS’s future. Deb, you have been an inspirational leader and mentor—I learn a lot from you in every conversation and action. I am excited for membership to be a part of creating new opportunities, and build off the momentum from the last few years.
I know at the moment for some we see opportunity, and for others we see barriers. I would like to relay a story I shared with some of my colleagues this fall. Early one morning as I walked my dog in my neighborhood (my peaceful time), I realized it was 65 degrees (F) and sunny. It was November in New England. It occurred to me that the climate has really shifted. It also occurred to me that now, more than ever, the world needs an ocean literate workforce to guide it through the shared challenges and opportunities that lie before us.
I am proud to be a member of our global TOS community everyday. It was nearly 30 years ago that TOS sponsored my attendance at a conference—1998 Ocean Optics. The student award enabled me to attend a professional meeting and provided networking opportunities that truly opened doors for the rest of my career. As I meet TOS members and attend related meetings, I see the amazing community that I remember, people and partners with the same core values as scientists and humans.
Perhaps recent happenings have forced us to face unexpected and unpredicted challenges. Do not lose sight of what you have been called to do.
I am here to take your feedback and ideas for future TOS efforts, columns, and initiatives, so please reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any thoughts, concerns, or comments.
Best wishes,
NISKINe: The Near-Inertial Shear and Kinetic Energy in the North Atlantic Experiment
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