TOS News

August 2022

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As summer winds down here in the northern hemisphere, we have several announcements to share about TOS activities taking place over the next few months.

Help Build a Better Oceanography Magazine

On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the publication of Oceanography, TOS leadership wants to find out what content readers find most useful and how they primarily access the magazine. We encourage all readers, including students, to respond to our eight-question survey which should only take about five minutes to complete. The survey closes tomorrow (September 1, 2022).

TOS Council Self-Nominations

In December, three Council members will complete their terms. We would like to thank Martin Visbeck (Past-President), Galen McKinley (Chemical Oceanography) and Larry Mayer (Applied Technology) for their contributions to TOS. We’re pleased to announce that a Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Council Position has been added to the committee this year. Following our tradition of making these opportunities available to a wide number of TOS members, we invite members to submit self-nominations for consideration for inclusion on the ballot for the Council positions. Additionally, you are welcome to contact the TOS Executive Director or TOS President with questions.

Ocean Social Science and Policy in the Context of Academic Careers

Friday, September 9, 2022, 9:00 – 11:00 am BRT (UTC-3)

This webinar will explore the interface of ocean science with social sciences and humanities in the Global South and North identifying common and contextual challenges and opportunities faced and ways forward. This event will showcase regional debates and progress in Social Oceanography research, extension and education, and policy.

TOS Representatives for OSM 2024

We invite TOS members to submit self-nominations for Vice-Chair, Early Career Representative, or Student Representative for the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting Planning Committee by September 30, 2022.


Special Issue on Oceans Across
the Solar System 

Members who selected to receive mailed copies will receive them in a few weeks. An email with instructions on downloading the PDF version was sent to all members on August 30.


Applications are Open for the
IOCCG Trevor Platt Memorial Scholarship

The inaugural award of the IOCCG Trevor Platt Memorial Scholarship is now open for applications. The scholarship is established in memory of the late Trevor Platt, and aims to provide students and early career scientists from developing countries with the opportunity to gain valuable training and experience in ocean and in-land water remote sensing and applications. Deadline: November 11, 2022.

Nominations are Open for the
2023 Sloan Research Fellowships

The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. These two-year, $75,000 fellowships are awarded yearly to early career researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field. Deadline: September 15, 2022.

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