TOS News
September 1, 2021
From the President, Andone Lavery
Membership in a professional organization such as The Oceanography Society is an important career step that can open doors within the ocean sciences community. Through numerous avenues and activities, TOS fosters collaborations and networking, disseminates members’ scientific results, and recognizes and celebrates members’ achievements. The active involvement of TOS members like you is key to the successful execution of such activities. TOS is mostly fueled by an army of volunteers—dedicated members who participate on committees, hold elected positions on the TOS Council, administer the TOS Honors program, and play a critical role in making our biennial Ocean Sciences Meeting a success. I would like to take a moment to celebrate the commitment of our TOS volunteers and to encourage you to get involved by self-nominating for several open positions. Volunteering will help make TOS a stronger society, better able to serve its community. It will help you connect with the ocean sciences community and foster a sense of belonging for yourself and your colleagues. Information on these opportunities appears below, and I encourage you to get involved!
TOS Council Positions – Due September 30, 2021
Following our tradition of making opportunities for involvement on the TOS Council available to a wide number of members, we invite members to submit self-nominations for consideration for inclusion on the ballot for Council positions. Information about the role of Councilors and the scientific areas they represent appears below. Self-nominations are due September 30.
TOS Council members guide the direction and activities of the Society. Representing the broad range of expertise and experience across the ocean sciences, Council members serve a three-year term and participate in regular conference calls to conduct customary oversight responsibilities such as reviewing financial and other reports as well as developing and implementing new programs.
The Geological Oceanography Councilor represents the ocean geological community including disciplines such as marine geology, petrology, geophysics, sedimentology, geological resources, marine geohazards and paleoceanography.
The At-Large Councilor represents crosscutting issues including aspects of interdisciplinary ocean science, internationalization, and justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI).
The Student Representative brings the perspectives of students to the council and works to cultivate engagement with TOS student members.
TOS Representatives for OSM 2024
We invite TOS members to submit self-nominations for Vice-Chair, Early Career Representative, or Student Representative for the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting Planning Committee by December 1, 2021:
All TOS Representatives are expected to:
- Participate in regularly scheduled monthly one-hour Planning Committee conference calls, as well as additional conference calls with other relevant committee representatives from AGU and ASLO as needed
- Attend two planning committee meetings (either in-person or virtually). The first will likely take place in June 2023, and the other will take place in October 2023.
- Assist with reviewing and merging sessions and communicating with session chairs as needed; work with other committee members and staff to create the schedule of oral and poster presentations
- Collaborate with other relevant committee members from AGU and ASLO to review past Ocean Sciences Meeting activities and determine activities for OSM 2024. Create plans, invite speakers, coordinate with conference staff on logistical needs as necessary.
- Attend the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting, and host, moderate, or monitor activities as assigned
PLEASE NOTE: The 2024 TOS Vice-Chair will assume the position of TOS Co-Chair for the 2026 Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) immediately after the 2024 OSM concludes.
To submit your self-nomination, please prepare a short statement indicating your motivation, interest, and relevant experience (2,000 characters maximum) and submit that information along with your CV by using one of the following submission forms:
- Vice-Chair Submission Form
- Early Career Representative Submission Form
- Student Representative Submission Form
Applicants will be notified of decisions in mid-January 2022. If you have any difficulty accessing the submission form, contact Jenny Ramarui.
TOS Honors Nominations Due October 31, 2021
We are now accepting nominations by October 31 for Fellows, the Jerlov Award, and the Wallace Broecker, Walter Munk, and Mary Sears medals. We encourage you to take the time to nominate your colleagues for their exceptional achievements and contributions to ocean sciences.
The Submission System for Abstracts, Town Halls, Workshops and Auxiliary Events is now open. Submissions are due September 29, 2021.
SEEKING APPLICATIONS. Director, Ocean Sciences Division, National Science Foundation
The Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) in the Directorate of Geosciences (GEO) announces a nationwide search for a Division Director. The Division supports research, infrastructure, and education to advance understanding of all aspects of the global oceans and ocean basins, including their interactions with people and the integrated Earth system. These activities provide knowledge critical to addressing many of our nation’s most pressing challenges involving ocean processes. OCE supports and promotes collaboration and facilitates development of a diverse scientific and educational community, including international efforts. The Division works with the U.S. ocean sciences academic community to direct funding towards advancing the frontiers of knowledge, developing the next generation of researchers, and enhancing the public’s understanding of ocean sciences.
The deadline for applications has been extended. The closing date is September 10, 2021. We hope for the successful candidate to begin the position in the summer of 2022.
Comments are requested on the NASA/IOCCG-sponsored Aquatic Primary Productivity Field Protocol for Satellite Validation and Model Synthesis, which was recently posted on the IOCCG website for a 90-day community feedback period. This document is the product of a three-year effort with the objective to produce community consensus protocols for aquatic primary productivity appropriate for satellite algorithm development and validation. The hope is that the protocols presented here can be widely adopted by the scientific community engaged in ocean carbon research, particularly those in activities that support ocean color validation. Additional information on all protocols is available here. Comments may be emailed to [email protected].
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