TOS Student Committee
About the Committee
Students make up a large proportion of TOS members and are central to the TOS mission of supporting a vibrant ocean science community. The TOS Student Committee is dedicated to increasing the engagement of student members with Society activities and hopes to leverage student members’ considerable energy and passion to advance TOS goals. A vibrant Student Committee will create a deeper sense of community and encourage sustained membership in TOS after their student status ends.
The TOS Student Committee is chaired by the Student Representative to the TOS Council, currently Chrissy Hernandez. The Committee is open to all current TOS student members. We are currently working to improve the TOS social media presence, set up additional resources related to computer coding and job opportunities, conduct some online events, and enhance the content of the TOS Student Newsletter. If there is something you would like to see us work on, please share your ideas with us or get involved in making your ideas happen! To apply, please e-mail the student rep or fill out this Google form.
Social Events Subcommittee
CHAIR: Sheikh Fahim Faysal Sowrav
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh
Ngozi Margaret Oguguah
University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Lagos, Nigeria
Uzoma Chukwuka Sampson
University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Abu Hena Muhammad Yousuf
International Centre for Ocean Governance (ICOG), Western Sydney University, Australia; also holds a position as Assistant Professor, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Social Media Subcommittee
CHAIR: Raisha Lovindeer
University of British Columbia
Prem Kumar R
Annamalai University, India
Tsamara Tsabita
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
Coding Resources Subcommittee
CHAIR: Srinivas Kolluru
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida Atlantic University
Kitty Kam
Dalhousie University, Canada
Job and Graduate Student Opportunities Subcommittee
CHAIR: Kitty Kam
Dalhousie University, Canada
Srinivas Kolluru
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida Atlantic University
Alexander Joy P
Cochin University of Science And Technology, India
Newsletter Subcommittee
CHAIR: Chrissy Hernandez
Cornell University
Sarah Lu
Southampton University, UK
Alexander Joy P
Cochin University of Science And Technology, India
Committee Member Bios
Chrissy Hernandez is interested in larval fish ecology, population dynamics, and life history evolution. In particular, she is interested in the impact and evolution of reproductive strategies, including spawning grounds, reproductive migrations, and maternal effects.
Alexander Joy P’s research interests include atmospheric chemistry and air Pollution/air quality monitoring, ocean-atmosphere chemical interactions, pollution of aquatic environments and analytical hydrochemistry.
Kitty Kam’s research focuses on biological carbon pump and mixing dynamics in the Northwest Atlantic through quantification and comparison of net primary production and net community production from in situ and remotely sensed measurement of autonomous observational platforms.
Srinivas Kolluru’s research interests include ocean color, bio-optics, hyperspectral remote sensing, machine learning, and optimization.
Prem Kumar R works on estimating optically active substances in estuarine and coastal water using hyperspectral and multispectral remote-sensing data.
Raisha Lovindeer’s research focuses on the impact of human activities, such as oil spills and nutrient loading, and changes in aquatic optics and biochemistry on the diversity of algal populations.
Sarah Lu’s research focuses on developing novel microfluidic systems for radionuclide detection for in situ and remote measurement in aquatic environments.
Ngozi Oguguah’s research is on the pollution of the aquatic environment and its human health impact.
Sheikh Fahim Faysal Sowrav’s research project on fisheries diversity in coastal areas and physical parameter changes along coasts using in situ methods and remote sensing.
Abu Hena Muhammad Yousuf is pursuing research on ‘Integration of Ecosystem Based Management and Marine Spatial Planning for the Sustainable Ocean Governance in the Bay of Bengal’ and ‘Water Mass Formation and Spreading in the Bay of Bengal.’

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