TOS News

Deborah Bronk
Hello TOS members!
The TOS Council you elected has been hard at work on a new strategic plan to guide the work of the society over the next 3 years. We started by revamping the TOS mission statement and offer this revised mission for member consideration.
The Oceanography Society’s mission is:
To build the capacity of its global membership; catalyze interdisciplinary ocean research, technology, policy, and education; and promote equal access to opportunities for all.
In developing this statement, the Council considered the landscape of science societies and TOS’s unique niche. We felt it was important to highlight that our members are spread around the globe and it is the global community we seek to serve. We also recognize TOS’s role is to catalyze the work of our members, providing them with resources, services and a community within which they can accomplish their own aspirations. Finally, we wanted our central ethos of equality to be stated explicitly in our mission.
I welcome your thoughts on the revised statement so please send them to me at [email protected]. I will collate all comments from members and present them to the Council for their consideration before we craft the final version.
In the coming months, I will also be updating and requesting comments on our strategic plan as it develops.

Professor Dariusz Stramski
Twenty Years of GEOTRACES: An International Study of the Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes
Read all the articles now.
WORKSHOP REPORT. Western Boundary Current–Subtropical Continental Shelf Interactions
By W.B. Savidge et al.
Read the summary of the Western Boundary Current–Subtropical Continental Shelf Interactions Workshop held in May 2023.
Sixth National Climate Assessment
USGCRP is seeking your input to inform the development of the Sixth National Climate Assessment (NCA6), the U.S. government’s premier resource for communicating climate change risks, impacts, and solutions. Public review and input at this early stage is vital to the future direction of the report. Please contact Chris Avery with any NCA6 questions and Laurie Howell if you would like information to amplify this opportunity.
Share Input to Support the Community!
SURVEY 1. In response to expressions of interest in a LGBTQIA2S+ (i.e., “Queer”) affinity group within the marine science community, and in conjunction with Pride month in June, a group of Queer-identifying marine scientists are conducting a survey to gauge the needs of the Queer community within the marine science field. If you identify under this umbrella of Queer identities, we would appreciate your input in this survey to better understand where a professional organization could help support our community and address needs. The survey is anonymous and all responses will be kept confidential.
SURVEY 2. Boston College PhD student Meg Yoder is gathering information from the scientific seagoing community in order to create an up-to-date resource for first time seagoing scientists, be they undergraduates, graduate students, or beyond. The intention of this document is to create the most positive fieldwork experience possible by providing future seagoers with relevant information prior to departure. To ensure that this guide is as helpful and inclusive as possible, Meg is aiming to collect input from as broad a swath of the community as possible. If you have sailed on a scientific research cruise in any capacity, please share your insights by filling out this survey.
Launched in May, FathomVerse is a mobile game that allows anyone with a smartphone or tablet to interact with real underwater images to help improve researchers’ study of ocean life. Specifically, FathomVerse game players are asked to identify animals in imagery and place them into nearly 50 groups; these data are then used to train artificial intelligence that is used to accelerate processing of ocean visual data. Funding for FathomVerse came from the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Convergence Accelerator, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and the Schmidt Marine Technology Partners, a program of the Schmidt Family Foundation. FathomVerse is available for download from the App Store and Google Play.
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