TOS News

October 12, 2021

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October 12, 2021

From the President, Andone Lavery

The ocean sciences community is working to address past inequity in its ranks by creating more inclusive environments. An important way to promote equity is through recognizing excellence among underrepresented scholars in our community. TOS is currently accepting nominations for Fellows, the Jerlov Award, the Mary Sears Medal, the Munk Medal, and the Broecker Medal through October 31. I strongly encourage TOS members to think beyond the usual set of colleagues and nominate persons who may have been overlooked for recognition in the past due to ingrained biases but are conducting world-class research and community outreach.

Over the next year, TOS leadership, in concert with the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee, will review the TOS Honors Program to identify and remedy barriers to participation in order to make this program more equitable. The deadline for submitting nominations for this year’s honors is only a few weeks away, but if you have suggestions or ideas for worthy nominees, please contact me at [email protected] to ask for assistance, or submit a nomination directly by accessing the online system for each recognition on the TOS Honors webpage.

TOS Honors Nominations Due October 31, 2021

We are now accepting nominations by October 31 for Fellows, the JerlovAward, and the Wallace Broecker, Walter Munk, and Mary Sears medals. We encourage you to take the time to nominate your colleagues for their exceptional achievements and contributions to ocean sciences.

TOS Representatives for OSM 2024

We invite TOS members to submit self-nominations for Vice-Chair, Early Career Representative, or Student Representative for the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting Planning Committee by December 1, 2021:

All TOS Representatives are expected to:

  • Participate in regularly scheduled monthly one-hour Planning Committee conference calls, as well as additional conference calls with other relevant committee representatives from AGU and ASLO as needed
  • Attend two planning committee meetings (either in-person or virtually). The first will likely take place in June 2023, and the other will take place in October 2023.
  • Assist with reviewing and merging sessions and communicating with session chairs as needed; work with other committee members and staff to create the schedule of oral and poster presentations
  • Collaborate with other relevant committee members from AGU and ASLO to review past Ocean Sciences Meeting activities and determine activities for OSM 2024. Create plans, invite speakers, coordinate with conference staff on logistical needs as necessary.
  • Attend the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting, and host, moderate, or monitor activities as assigned.

PLEASE NOTE: The 2024 TOS Vice-Chair will assume the position of TOS Co-Chair for the 2026 Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) immediately after the 2024 OSM concludes.

To submit your self-nomination, please prepare a short statement indicating your motivation, interest, and relevant experience (2,000 characters maximum) and submit that information along with your CV by using one of the following submission forms: 

Applicants will be notified of decisions in mid-January 2022. If you have any difficulty accessing the submission form, contact Jenny Ramarui.


The system is now open for regular, sponsoring, and early career members to renew memberships for 2022. Please note the following:

  • The “auto-renew” feature enabling members to renew memberships for subsequent years is no longer operational due to software communication issues between the membership system and the secure payment processing system. All members who have received a renewal notice should pay by December 31 to keep their membership active through December 2022.
  • Student membership renewals are processed manually. All student members who indicated a graduation year of 2021 will be contacted by email to check their status and extend their memberships if needed.

Thank you very much for your support of The Oceanography Society; your membership dues enable TOS to continue to serve our community!

Gender Differences in NSF Ocean Sciences Awards

In this Oceanography article by Ivan D. Lima and Jennie E. Rheuban, the authors review funding trends from the NSF Ocean Sciences Division between 1987 and 2019 across various programs and research areas.

Over 5,300 abstracts and auxiliary event applications were submitted by the deadline. More details on participation and registration links will be provided in the coming weeks.



OCE POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROPOSAL DEADLINE NOVEMBER 12. We would like to remind the community of the upcomingNovember 12th target date for OCE Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (OCE PRF) proposals.  OCE is hosting office hours every Wednesday from 3:00-4:00 Eastern through November 10th. Please see the website for details and to register for the office hours. Details available here.

SEEKING REVIEWERS FOR THE GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM. The portal to become a reviewer for the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is available here.

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