TOS Council Meeting

June 14, 2022


New TOS Task Force

A new TOS task force will be set up to examine how to diversify TOS’s funding portfolio in the coming years. If you are interested in serving on the task force, email [email protected].

Oceanography Magazine 

Issues forthcoming in 2022 are:

  1. Sea Grant-Sponsored Research
  2.  Increasing Diversity and Inclusion in the Ocean Sciences
  3. GEOTRACES-Sponsored Research
  4. Building Capacity in the Ocean Sciences in Under-Resourced Nations

Amelia Shevenell will be welcomed as a new Oceanography editorial board member. The magazine is still seeking at least another new addition to the Oceanography editorial board.

Fall 2022 Council Election

Council Elections are coming up in the fall for TOS President, JEDI Committee Representative, Applied Technology Representative and Chemical Oceanography Representative. TOS Members should look for a ballot in their inbox this fall.

Using Ocean and Environmental Data to Address Socio-Economic Challenges

The TOS Student Committee hosted a moderated session on World Ocean Day. The recording of the webinar is on the TOS website for members to view.

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