SEPTEMBER 22, 2020


Engagement within the scientific community

Even before the pandemic, a crucial question that many communities asked themselves was how to engage people. Academic departments provide coffee or cookies to encourage seminar attendance. Scientific societies give their members discounted registration for in-person meetings. Companies give away free stuff at exhibitor booths. All of these are ways to incentivize you to spend your precious time and mental energy on connecting with some community or network.

And there are big benefits to investing time and energy in scientific communities. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m still working from home, and I really miss campus—not the physical space but the sense of being part of a team, the serendipity of bumping into friends and collaborators, the feeling of helping my labmates solve a problem. That sense of community is what helped me to keep working on the tough days.

We don’t have to be in person to feel connected in that way. One of my goals this year, since the TOS Strategy Retreat in February, has been to start a TOS Student Committee that would help build community despite our geographic separation. Thanks to Srinivas Kolluru, TOS President Martin Visbeck, and TOS President-​Elect Andone Lavery, we’re ready to launch. This committee will give student members a clear way to get involved in TOS activities and, through increased communication, improve the ability of TOS to serve the needs of student members.

If you’re thinking you’d like to get involved, then please don’t hesitate! We are committed to building an inclusive committee that operates with JEDI principles. You are valuable—your voice, your experiences, your ideas, your personalities, and your dreams. I hope you’ll join us!

— Chrissy

TOS Student Committee

Applications are open to join the TOS Student Committee! This group will be organized by Chrissy Hernandez, and Srinivas Kolluru is already a member. We’ll work on things like:

» Social media content
» Webinars
» Future Ocean Sciences Meetings
» Coding resources
» And more!

You can read about (and comment on) our ideas for the committee here.

Call for OCEAN Nominations

What is OCEAN? The Online Conversations for Equity, Action, and Networking (OCEAN) is a pilot webinar series that will celebrate the fullness of early career Black, Indigenous, and People of Color working in marine environments.

Who is eligible? Early career Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in New England

What will OCEAN speakers do? Speakers will have the opportunity to share their research, work, and stories across three virtual platforms:

1. Invited Talk – A 45-minute seminar on their research or work as a professional at UMass Boston’s School for the Environment Seminar Series

2. Podcast – A short (5–10 minute) interview on a podcast produced by undergraduates

3. Informal Student Conversation – A 45-minute informal conversation with UMass-Boston undergraduates where speakers share their journeys and provide advice to undergraduates

There is flexibility for engagement with the platforms, which will be at the discretion of the speaker. For example, all events can be scheduled for the same day or spread out over several days.

What do speakers get from OCEAN? Each OCEAN speaker will be awarded a $250 honorarium and will be supported by a mentoring team composed of marine researchers and professionals across New England.

Where do I nominate? Nominations and self-nominations are welcome until October 1 and can be submitted here.

Who to contact with more questions? Email Kelly Luis at [email protected].

Get Listed!

Geoscientists of color can volunteer to be listed on this Google Doc, which is managed by Dr. Jennifer Glass (GA Tech). This list is a great resource when looking for a new collaborator, speakers to invite, or scientists to consider nominating for awards!

Seen in Oceanography

Impacts of Coastal Acidification on the Pacific Northwest Shellfish Industry and Adaptation Strategies Implemented in Response
By Alan Barton et al.
» Read the full article

Recommended Reading

What Black Scientists Want from Colleagues and Their Institutions
For this June 2020 article, Nature spoke to six Black academic researchers about the effects of racism on their careers, their advice to white colleagues, and their thoughts on meaningful institutional actions. » Read the full article

We Need Your Feedback!

You might have noticed that TOS Student News is coming to your inbox less frequently than it used to. This is partly because we haven’t had as much content that seemed super worthwhile. If you would like to be highlighted, or you have ideas for topics we could cover, please tell us! Tweet at Chrissy (@fishy_chrissy) or the TOS account (@TOS_Oceanography), or drop us an email ([email protected])!

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