Oceanography Magazine Supplement on

Frontiers in Ocean Observing

Author Guidelines

Thank you for contributing a manuscript to the Oceanography supplement on Frontiers in Ocean Observing. On this page you will find guidance on preparing and submitting your manuscript.

Please email Dr. Ellen S. Kappel, Oceanography Editor


The purpose of the supplement is to widely disseminate information about the many different ways in which scientists observe the ocean to improve our understanding and support the sustainable management of the ocean and its resources. In a series of short articles that include high-quality scientific graphics and photos to bring topics alive for readership, the supplement will make ocean observing technologies, fieldwork, scientific results, and their societal relevance accessible to a broad audience. One of the aims of the supplement is to help explain the scientific and societal importance of ocean observing to funders, policymakers, and the general public.

As mentioned in the invitation letters, this supplement will be published online only. 


Topic 1: Model-Based Design and Evaluation of Observing Networks
John Wilkin (Rutgers University), Patrick Heimbach (University of Texas at Austin), and Helen Pillar (University of Texas at Austin)

Topic 2: The Use of Autonomous Tools for Ecosystem Management and Monitoring of Marine Protected Areas
Catherine Edwards (Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, University of Georgia) and Georgia Coward (Center for Ocean Leadership, UCAR)

Topic 3: Western Boundary Currents and Their Impacts on Shelf Seas
Moninya Roughan (UNSW Sydney, Australia), Tammy Morris (SAEON, South Africa), and Ilson Carlos A. da Silveira (University of São Paulo, Brazil)

Topic 4: Robot-Enabled Access to the Deep Sea
Eric Terrill and Sophia Merrifield (both at Scripps Institution of Oceanography) and Eric Gallimore (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Preparing Your Manuscript

This supplement will be comprised of articles of of varying lengths. If you are unsure of the word count for your article, please refer to your invitation letter or email Oceanography Editor Dr. Ellen S. Kappel. You will find detailed guidance for each article length below.

The word count for articles include author information, abstract (if any), main body text, additional text such as boxes, acknowledgements, and references.

In addition to meeting the requirements outlined below, all authors are expected to adhere to The Oceanography Society’s Policy on Professional Integrity, Ethics, and Conduct when submitting a manuscript.

Lead Articles

Each topic area will have one lead article. Guest editors have identified those authors and sent invitations.


No more than 3,500 words including:

  • TITLE PAGE. Your title page should include the article title; authors and associated job titles, organizational affiliations, state/province, and country; and ORCID numbers. Please include contact information for the corresponding author, including email and mailing address.
  • ABSTRACT. Your abstract should not exceed 200 words.
  • MAIN BODY TEXT. Please ensure that your manuscript contains continuous line numbering throughout. Line spacing should be 1.5–2. Manuscripts should be prepared according Oceanography’s language style and follow Oceanography’s style conventions provided in our Style Guide.
  • ADDITIONAL TEXT. Be sure to include any boxes in your total word count.
  • REFERENCES. All references included in the bibliography must be cited in the main text. References should be formatted according to Oceanography’s Style Guide. The Oceanography reference style is also available for download for use in EndNote. All articles cited must be available publicly online or in print before a paper can be accepted; there should be no “submitted” or “in prep” references. Exceptions are considered by the editor.
  • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Your acknowledgments section should include the following items: all funding information from each author pertaining to this work; any conflicts of interest for any author that are not apparent from their affiliations or funding; any additional information on author contributions

Figures and Tables

  • Maximum of 5 figures, including tables and photographs. All figures and tables must have captions and must be called out in the text.
  • When considering figures to include, please make sure that they will be available at high resolution for final submission.
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions, if required.

Short articles

Short article lengths vary between 1,200-word articles and 2,500-word articles, with word counts assigned by the guest editors for each topic. Please consult your invitation letter to determine the word count assigned for your article.


No more than 1,200 words or 2,500 words (see your email invitation for your assigned word count) including:

  • TITLE PAGE. Your title page should include the article title; authors and associated job titles, organizational affiliations, state/province, and country; and ORCID numbers. Please include contact information for the corresponding author, including email and mailing address.
  • ABSTRACT. For articles <2,000 words, no abstract is needed. For articles >2,000 words, abstracts should not exceed 200 words.
  • MAIN BODY TEXT. Please ensure that your manuscript contains continuous line numbering throughout. Line spacing should be 1.5–2. Manuscripts should be prepared according Oceanography’s language style and follow Oceanography’s style conventions provided in our Style Guide.
  • REFERENCES. We recommend including no more than 3 references for 1,200-word articles to 6 references for 2,500-word articles. All references included in the bibliography must be cited in the main text. References should be formatted according to Oceanography’s Style Guide. The Oceanography reference style is also available for download for use in EndNote. All articles cited must be available publicly online or in print before a paper can be accepted; there should be no “submitted” or “in prep” references. Exceptions are considered by the editor.
  • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Your acknowledgments section should include the following items: all funding information from each author pertaining to this work; any conflicts of interest for any author that are not apparent from their affiliations or funding; any additional information on author contributions

Figures and Tables

  • Maximum of 2 figures, including tables and photographs, for 1,200-word articles.
  • Maximum of 4 figures, including tables and photographs, for 2,500-word articles.
  • All figures and tables must have captions and must be called out in the text.
  • When considering figures to include, please make sure that they will be available at high resolution for final submission.
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions, if required.

flipbook edition

An exciting enhancement now available to Oceanography authors is the ability to embed videos, animations, photo galleries, and audio files in the flipbook version of their articles. All enhancements must be directly associated with a figure in the article—the link to media is embedded within the figure. Any captions and credits should be provided at the time of submission of the media to Oceanography so that we can include them appropriately.

Acceptable Assets

• We recommend that videos not exceed a few minutes in length
• Videos must be provided to Oceanography in a format compatible with YouTube
• Videos will be uploaded to The Oceanography Society’s YouTube channel and linked to a figure in the flipbook
• If the movie exists on another institution’s YouTube or Vimeo channel, and that link is stable, we can instead use that link

Animated GIFS
• GIFS must be no larger than 5 MB

• Audio files must be in MP3 format and no larger than 100 MB

Photo Galleries
• Photos for a photo gallery must be in jpg or png format and no larger than 5 MB per photo

Permissions and Agreements


Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions, if necessary, from other publishers for the figures/images they submit to Oceanography. The websites of most publishing companies and journals have instructions on how to obtain copyright permission. Please send a copy of the letter(s) granting permission via email to:

Vicky Cullen
Oceanography Assistant Editor
[email protected]


Upon submission of your manuscript to Oceanography, all authors must sign and return the appropriate agreement. Authors can sign and send forms individually.

There are two different types of agreements:
• The certification form to be signed by US government employees only
• The license to publish form to be signed by all others

Send agreements via email to:

Vicky Cullen
Oceanography Assistant Editor
[email protected]

If you have any questions regarding the agreements, contact the Assistant Editor.


Oceanography makes articles available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). For additional information on content usage, please go to the Permissions page.

Submitting Your Draft Manuscript

To submit your manuscript, please click on the Submit Your Manuscript button below. You will be taken to Oceanography‘s online manuscript submission portal. Click on the red Submit Manuscript button at the top right. Authors will need to create a login if they have not previously used this web app.  When choosing “article type,” please select “Ocean Observing Supplement.”

Prior to submission, please be sure that you have created one file for peer review in MS Word or PDF format that contains all text, figures, and tables, and is numbered continuously, as outlined above in Preparing Your Manuscript. Please name your file “lastname-firstname.doc” or “lastname-firstname.pdf”. Any supporting information (including Supplementary Materials) should be provided in a separate file(s) for review purposes.

Any questions should be directed to Oceanography editor Ellen Kappel at [email protected].

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