TOS Council Election
In accordance with The Oceanography Society’s bylaws, the terms of six Council members expire. Kim Bernard (Biological Oceanography), Leopoldo Cavaleri Gerhardinger (Ocean Social Science and Policy), Vicky Ferrini (Ocean Data Science), Sara Harris (Education), Erin Satterthwaite (Early Career), and Luanne Thompson (Physical Oceanography) will rotate off of the Council. The Oceanography Society thanks all of these Councilors for their time, dedication, and valuable contributions to the organization. Candidates have been identified for these open positions and biographical sketches for each of the candidates appear below.
The Council is the governing body of the Society. Therefore, voting in this election is an important function of membership. The persons elected will participate in directing the affairs and determining the future of the Society. Each candidate has been advised of the responsibilities and duties of the position for which he/she is standing, and each is prepared to devote the necessary time and attention to conduct the Society’s business.
How to Vote
The TOS Council election is being conducted electronically. All TOS members were sent an email message from The Oceanography Society containing a unique ballot link with a random, secret access key. If you are a TOS member and did not receive this message, please contact Jenny Ramarui, TOS Executive Director ([email protected] or 301-251-7708) to receive voting instructions.
All votes must be cast by Friday, February 16, 2024 (11:45 AM ET).
The Candidates
Candidates have been identified for each of the positions available. Brief biographical sketches for each of the candidates appear below. Scroll down to view them all or click on a name to jump to a specific biographical sketch.
Biological Oceanography Councilor
The Biological Oceanography Councilor represents the ocean biological science community including disciplines such as biological oceanography, marine ecology, biodiversity, fisheries sciences, benthic ecology, and marine genomics.
The Early Career Councilor represents the needs and communicates opportunities for early career ocean professionals across all areas of engagement of the TOS family.
Education Councilor
The Education Councilor represents the ocean education community including aspects such as ocean education curricula, ocean literacy, school programs and engagement of young minds.
The Ocean Data Science Councilor represents the ocean data science community including disciplines such as informatics, ocean data sciences, interoperability, big-data, data visualization, data sharing.
Ocean Social Science and Policy Councilor
The Ocean Social Science and Policy Councilor represents the ocean social science community broadly defined including disciplines such as law of the sea, marine social sciences, ocean resource economics, marine policy and marine environmental ethics.
The Physical Oceanography Councilor represents the ocean physics community including disciplines such as physical oceanography, ocean acoustics, ocean circulation, physical ocean climate, air-sea exchanges.
BIological Oceanography Councilor
Aimee Neeley
Aimee Neeley recently joined the ICESat-2 team as the Mission Applications Lead at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. She received her B.S. and M.S. in Marine Biology at the College of Charleston (SC) in 2001 and 2005, respectively, and a Ph.D. at the University of Maryland as part of the Marine Estuarine and Environmental Sciences program. Prior to her new role as Mission Applications Lead, Aimee spent 15 years at NASA Goddard playing a leading role in the Field Support Group and the Ocean Ecology Laboratory through field data collection, analysis, and data quality control in support of satellite algorithm development and validation. She also co-led several working groups including the Operational Phytoplankton Observations and Phytoplankton Taxonomy working groups, both funded through solicitation by the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry program. Aimee has participated as a co-author or lead author on a number of publications on the topics of bio-optical measurements, phytoplankton ecology, data collection and data reporting. Aimee is also a member of the Arctic-COLORS Science Definition Team, bringing her expertise in remote sensing, phytoplankton ecology and the polar regions to shape the implementation plan for the upcoming field campaign. She has served as an adjunct professor at American University teaching a general oceanography course and will teach Biology as an adjunct instructor at Trident Technical College in the spring.
As a TOS councilor for Biological Oceanography, Aimee will bring a broad perspective on topics regarding biological oceanography, phytoplankton ecology, and satellite ocean color/remote sensing that could help shape future directives of TOS. Through her experience in outreach activities and working groups, she has helped to create an environment of inclusivity and learning by implementing a code of conduct that ensures that all thoughts and ideas are equally considered by the group. She is passionate about supporting students and early career scientists through their science career and sharing knowledge about the applications of remote sensing in oceanography. Aimee has been a TOS member for several years and hopes for this amazing opportunity to serve the community.
Grace Saba
Dr. Grace Saba is an Associate Professor at Rutgers University who leads a research group within the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences (DMCS) and serves as faculty in the Center for Ocean Observing Leadership (RUCOOL). She received her Ph.D. in Marine Science from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, and her B.S. in Aquatic Biology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her research group utilizes laboratory experiments, field research, and ocean observation to investigate how seawater conditions, including environmental stressors such as warming temperature and ocean acidification, affect the ecology, physiology, distribution, and phenology of coastal marine zooplankton and fishes. Her work spans from local shelf waters of the Mid-Atlantic to remote regions surrounding Antarctica. She collaborates with industry partners to develop sensors for autonomous underwater gliders, which she applies broadly to oceanographic research. Her research group now continuously uses ‘ecogliders’ for seasonal monitoring of ocean acidification and, to inform offshore wind development, they conduct glider deployments to collect observational data on physical and ecological oceanographic conditions such as temperature, stratification, pelagic zooplankton and fish biomass, and marine mammal presence. Grace works to develop data products from these projects to meet the information needs of a broad range of stakeholders. She thoroughly enjoys mentoring post-docs, undergraduate students, and graduate students in independent research, and serves as a faculty mentor in Rutgers University’s Masters of Operational Oceanography program that is designed to advance the workforce for the New Blue Economy. Grace co-founded the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN), serves on the MACAN Steering Committee and Science Working Group, and has been working with the State of New Jersey toward a developing statewide ocean acidification monitoring network and more broadly their Ocean Acidification Action Plan. She led the Fish Carbon Working Group, supported by the Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry Program, and continues to organize international research and workshops focused on fish, fisheries, and carbon. Grace has also served as co-lead of the Ocean Health and Ecosystems Task Team for OceanGliders, the international glider component to the Global Ocean Observing System that supports active coordination and enhancement of worldwide glider activity, and she serves as a member of the Habitat & Ecosystem Subcommittee for the Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative for Offshore Wind. Grace looks forward to the opportunity to serve alongside other TOS leadership as the Biological Oceanography Councilor. She will bring her interdisciplinary, collaborative nature to help guide the direction of and address the priorities of TOS and its membership, including those that promote ocean literacy and optimize TOS opportunities to support early career scientists and underrepresented groups.
Jodi Young
Jodi Young is an Assistant Professor of Biological Oceanography at the School of Oceanography, University of Washington. Her research focuses on mechanisms that link the environment to marine biological carbon fixation. The goal is to apply this mechanistic understanding to better model the biological carbon pump and ecosystem productivity across changing environments. She earned a BSc Honors in Marine Science and Biotechnology from Murdoch University, Australia, followed by a full scholarship to complete her PhD in Earth Sciences from Oxford University, UK. Her PhD work focused on the evolution and biochemistry of marine photosynthesis and involved laboratory and computational work along with multiple research cruises. After her PhD, Jodi took up a postdoctoral appointment with Prof. François Morel at Princeton University where she focused her photosynthesis research to polar regions. Her postdoctoral work included 2 months at Palmer Station on the western Antarctic Peninsula investigating how polar algae will respond to a changing climate. For this work she received an Antarctic Service Medal. In 2016, Jodi was hired as a Future of Ice Assistant Professor at the University of Washington and has recently submitted her packet for tenure after postponing for 2 years due to maternity leave. During her time as an Assistant Professor, she has been awarded an NSF Early Career Award to study sea-ice algae, a Simons Foundation Early Career Award to study the physiology of photosynthesis in marine algae, a Sloan Foundation Fellowship to investigate the diversity of autotrophy in marine environments and a UW Innovation Award to develop novel laboratory scale systems to study polar microbes. She is also currently interim Director of the UW Astrobiology Program which brings together faculty and students from diverse disciplines. She has directly supervised 5 graduate students, 4 postdocs, and participated on 29 student committees. Jodi would be honored to serve the global oceanographic community as a TOS Councilor for Biological Oceanography, and is excited to work with TOS leadership to increase a sense of belonging to students from non-traditional backgrounds, including working towards lowering many invisible barriers to pursuing an Oceanographic career. In addition, Jodi is eager to enhance public science literacy and educational opportunities and strengthen international collaborations.
Early Career Councilor
Logan Brenner
Logan Brenner (she/her/hers) is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Science at Barnard College in New York City. She received her BA in Geosciences from Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs, NY) in 2012 and a Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Columbia University (NYC, NY) in 2017. Logan is a paleoceanographer primarily studying geochemical climate proxies in coral skeletons to reconstruct sea surface temperature and hydroclimate at various sites throughout the Pacific Ocean, including Panama and Hawaii. Additionally, Logan studies estuarine foraminifera in the Hudson River as proxies for benthic ecosystem health. At Barnard College, Logan is co-director of the Environmental Science Pathways Scholar Program, which is a cohort-based opportunity and inclusion program that provides students underrepresented in the sciences with additional faculty and peer mentorship, field classes, and funded research or internship opportunities. Logan is also a member of CoralHydro2k, an international PAGES project focused on curating and disseminating a global database of coral geochemical records.
As the Early Career Council Member, Logan will speak out on behalf of early career scientists to make sure that their concerns are addressed and ideas are taken seriously. She will work with the TOS JEDI committee to provide opportunities to engage in meaningful activities with resources that scientists can bring to their institutions and provide a framework that will allow scientists to include this work in a meaningful way in their portfolios. Logan will ensure that there are workshops focused on proposal writing, how to forge new collaborations, and leadership skills targeted toward early career scientists or other groups with shared identities that might face unique challenges. She will continue to support opportunities that provide peer-to-peer interaction at conferences and throughout the year. Logan is looking forward to working with TOS leadership and members on these and other initiatives.
Jule Middleton
Dr. Julien Middleton (they/them) is a marine isotope geochemist and a postdoctoral scholar in the Marine Science Institute at the University of California – Santa Barbara. Their research combines measurements at sea, laboratory experiments, and mathematical modeling, to understand what the isotopic signatures of barium and silicon can tell us about carbon export and large scale cycling in the ocean environment. Prior to their work at UCSB, Dr. Middleton completed their PhD in the MIT-Woods Hole Joint Program for Oceanography.
While a graduate student, they served as the Student Body President and co-founded the MIT-WHOI Ad-Hoc Student Diversity Committee. This work led to their participation as a founding member of WHOI’s Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CDEI), on which they served as a co-chair for Academic Recruitment. Dr. Middleton has run a DEI workshop at the recent GRC for Chemical Oceanography which focused on actionable advice for improving the equity and inclusivity of fieldwork for TGD scientists. Currently, they are organizing a Town Hall at the upcoming international OSM ‘24 on the same topic, in partnership UNOLS leadership. As the TOS Early Career Councilor, Dr. Middleton would use their organizing experience to develop new programs for diversity that would benefit the oceanographic community at large. These programs will focus on the development of structural policy aimed at increasing equity for scientist in underrepresented groups.
Hilary Palevsky
Dr. Hilary Palevsky is a marine biogeochemist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Boston College. Her research combines seagoing fieldwork, laboratory measurements, autonomous sensor data, and global climate model simulations to investigate the interactions between biological, physical, and chemical processes in the marine carbon cycle. Her research group’s current projects span from the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean to a coastal salt marsh in New Jersey. Prior to her current position at Boston College, Dr. Palevsky earned her PhD in Oceanography and a Graduate Certificate in Climate Science at the University of Washington, completed a Postdoctoral Scholarship in Marine Chemistry at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and taught at Wellesley College and The Evergreen State College.
Though her career path landed her in a faculty position in a PhD-granting department, Dr. Palevsky started graduate school without aspirations to end up in academia, concluded her PhD with aspirations to teach at a primarily undergraduate institution, and spent multiple years navigating a dual-career job search together with her spouse. Along the way, she sought out leadership roles aimed at supporting early career scientists, including helping organize the Graduate Climate Conference as a PhD student, serving as president of the WHOI Postdoctoral Association, co-organizing the 2017 Chemical Oceanography Gordon Research Seminar, and serving on the steering committee of the Society for Women in Marine Science. In her current position as a pre-tenure faculty member, she has co-led the OOI Biogeochemical Sensor Data Working Group and mentors a group of early career women through MPOWIR (Mentoring Physical Oceanography Women to Increase Retention), in addition teaching and mentoring early career scientists in her own classes and research group. Dr. Palevsky would welcome the opportunity to work with the TOS council to support early career scientists across a range of career paths within oceanography, and to improve equity and inclusion and reduce barriers facing minoritized groups across all career stages.
Education Councilor
Leilani Arthurs
Leilani Arthurs is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Growing up on the Big Island of Hawai`i, she learned oceanography from the deep sea, geology from the volcanoes, and astronomy from dark night skies. Her enduring curiosity and sense of stewardship guided her through her first degree in Peace and Conflict Studies at UC Berkeley and then her second degree in Geology at UH Hilo. While pursuing her Geology degree, she was heavily influenced by her professors’ passion for teaching young adults and envisioned becoming a professor herself one day. Thus, while pursuing her PhD in Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences at the University of Notre Dame, she pursued four years of formal pedagogical training from the Kaneb Center for Teaching Learning and received four certificates for teaching excellence.
After graduate school, Arthurs was a Science Teaching Fellow for Carl Wieman’s Science Education Initiative at the University of Colorado at Boulder from 2007 to 2010. During that time, she combined and built upon her knowledge of social science research methods and geoscience concepts to build a repertoire of quantitative and qualitative geoscience education research methods. As a Science Teaching Fellow, she partnered with faculty members to improve undergraduate learning in science by introducing evidence-based and learner-centered teaching methods into courses such as Introduction to Oceanography.
Leilani’s research focuses on novice conceptions of Earth processes and phenomena, skill development, such as map-reading skills; the development of psychometrically reliable and valid assessment instruments, such as the Introduction to Oceanography concept inventory; and teaching-focused professional development of STEM college faculty. She also teaches geoscience courses for current and future high school science teachers and pedagogy courses for future STEM instructors. She also has taught summer ongoing education courses for in-service 6-12 science teachers wishing to learn Earth Science.
Committed to broadening participation in science, she’s been involved in several activities. For example, she taught for the Nā Pua No`eau program, a pre-kindergarten to college enrichment program to increase the number of Hawaiian students who attend and graduate from the University of Hawaiʻi. She served as the Secretary (3 yr), Vice President (1 yr), President (1 yr), and Past President (1 yr) for the National Association of Geoscience Teachers’ Geoscience Education Research Division. In those roles, she organized and hosted career development and mentoring programs and co-chaired geoscience education research topical sessions during the Geological Society of America’s annual conferences. She served on her department’s committee for Diversity and Inclusion for 6 years and co/liaison to the American Geophysical Union’s Bridge Program for 5 years.
Anesti Vega
Anesti Vega is an AAUS Scientific Diving Instructor and the Assistant Diving Safety Officer at the Florida Institute of Technology, where he is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Oceanography with Doctoral goals. The current focus of his research is in the ecology, community composition, and food web structures of deep sea habitats. Vega currently serves as a member of the Biodiversity Task Force at the Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI) where he most recently contributed to a policy brief on incorporating deep ocean biodiversity into climate change policy distributed at COP28.
While Vega is currently engaged in his formal academic pursuits, he is very much an experienced leader in the fields of community science, informal education, and the outreach/advocacy for underserved communities in marine sciences. Since 2020, Vega serves as the Scuba Council Chair for Diversity In Aquatics, an NGO dedicated to the education, promotion, and support of swimming, water safety, and healthy aquatics activities for underserved, marginalized, and vulnerable populations. In his role, he serves as a consultant and facilitator on the development of scholarship, programming, curricula, and outreach programs that aim to overcome barriers and create accessible pathways to scuba, scientific diving, and marine science careers for BIPOC youth. A few of these partnerships have included The Nature Conservancy, Black In Marine Science, The National Aquarium, and University of Southern California Dornsife.
From 2017-2021 as an Army combat veteran himself, Vega served as the Director of Ocean Sciences briefly before being elected Executive Director of USX, an organization dedicated to helping military veterans establish a continuity of purpose in civilian transition by leveraging survival skills and experience to train and engage in community science initiatives and expeditions in remote and austere environments. Since 2021, Vega also serves as the Advisory Council Chair of Barrier Free Divers, dedicated to increasing opportunities to scuba diving for people with disabilities, as well as Youth Counselor during their annual summer camp for youth with disabilities to train in adaptive scuba and actively participate in community marine science with partners such as REEF and Coral Restoration Foundation. Most recently in 2023, Vega is quite fresh in his role as an NGO Representative to the United Nations, serving on the Committee on Water for Healing, Justice, & Action. This committee, under the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, drives progress with BIPOC communities to culturally reconnect with water to improve conservation, sustainability, and quality of life.
Vega is the recipient of the John Beakley Marine Science Educator of the Year 2021 by the Florida Marine Science Educators Association (FMSEA). Later that year, Scuba Diving Magazine and Seiko Watches selected Vega as the August Sea Hero and ultimately named him Sea Hero of the Year for his dedication to expanding education and accessibility to ocean exploration. In 2022, he received the coveted President’s Award by Diversity in Aquatics for exhibiting the highest ideals of diversity and inclusion in his aquatic practices.
Despite the insurmountable odds and challenges in his own life, Vega is grateful to have fallen in love with marine science through scuba diving, and his current work and progress is a universe apart from anything his childhood self could have imagined. He is honored to use his experience and passion to inspire and guide others to become champions for the ocean. The opportunity to serve as Education Councilor for TOS would be a driving force in furthering Vega’s vision of empowering communities through culturally competent engagement in marine sciences.
Ocean Data Science Councilor
Corinne Bassin
As the Data Solutions Architect at Schmidt Ocean Institute, Corinne Bassin leads the implementation of SOI’s data strategy, increasing the availability and accessibility of data, building automated data systems, and promoting open science in the earth observation community. Corinne has worked in both private and public sectors with experience in oceanography, scientific programming, software development, data science, and geospatial analytics. She has a B.S. in Math/Applied Science from U.C. Los Angeles and an M.S. in Interdisciplinary Marine Science from U.C. Santa Barbara. Corinne has worked on the development and implementation of data systems across the data pipeline including collection, transformation, analysis, product creation, and dissemination.
Corinne is motivated by her ability to add value to SOI’s collected data and support the broader community. Sharing data within the oceanographic community makes the data more valuable and lowers the effective cost-to-value relationships. Corinne believes that supporting the broader community by enabling data access supports the general goals of the oceanographic community. Improved data access includes building and sharing software and applications that enable further analysis of the data, as well as simply following good data-sharing practices. Having worked across multiple fields and disciplines, including data science in the technology industry, Corinne can help strengthen communication across a variety of stakeholders, often understanding the different technical terms that are specific to each group and will be able to work in this capacity with TOS by serving on the Council.
Corinne was recently appointed to the U.N. Decade of the Ocean Science Data Strategy Implementation Group (DSIG). This working group will develop a detailed action plan to implement the identified strategic objectives detailed in the “Ocean Decade Data Information Strategy.” Corinne is also involved in the programming working group for Ocean Vision AI, reviewing projects and activities related to enabling accurate, rapid processing of underwater visual data.
Before joining Schmidt Ocean Institute, Corinne was contracted to NOAA Fisheries as a developer on various software and analytical tools for scientists. She led the NOAA Fisheries Integrated Toolbox, coordinating a national effort to centralize access to fisheries modeling software, and worked to adopt strategies to encourage open-source software development across NOAA Fisheries.
Corinne looks forward to the opportunity to represent oceanographic data practitioners in The Oceanography Society while serving on its Council.
Nick Record
Dr. Nick Record (he/him) is a Senior Research Scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences. He directs the Tandy Center for Ocean Forecasting and the Sea Change Semester Program. He also serves on NOAA’s Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team, and the Maine Climate Council. He received a B.A./M.A. in Mathematics from the University of Rochester (2001), a B.Sc. in Physical Oceanography from Memorial University of Newfoundland (2005), and a Ph.D. in Oceanography from the University of Maine (2012). He engages with the public through science writing, community science, and frequent public talks. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the Gulf of Maine Marine Education Association and the steering committee for OceanHackWeek.
Dr. Record’s research is in ecological modeling, ocean forecasting, and data science. His work aims to build a practice of ocean science that is predictive, that engages people in their everyday lives, and that yields tools for adapting to climate change. He is the founding director of the Tandy Center for Ocean Forecasting, which works with partners to develop and deploy real-time ocean forecasting tools for industry, conservation, resource management, communities, and education. Projects range from toxic algae to endangered whales, and partners engage from around the world. The diversity of projects exposes him to a wide range of modes of data collection and application, and an appreciation for how different kinds of partners interact with data. The work is informed by the emerging fields of Environmental Data Justice and Algorithm Accountability—disciplines that help scientists understand how data practices and knowledge influence communities, policy, and livelihoods.
As Ocean Data Science Councilor, Dr. Record would be excited to work with the TOS community to help navigate the rapid scientific and cultural changes happening around data science and artificial intelligence. He is interested in helping to make new connections between communities across disciplines, and in supporting new ways of thinking about data within Ocean Science, such as applying knowledge from the fields of Data Justice and Algorithm Accountability, which have strong links to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives. He is also excited to work with the early career, education, and disciplinary efforts in the TOS community.
Jeremy Werdell
I resolved to become a marine scientist in 1988 upon returning from an eighth grade science trip to the Bermuda Biological Station for Research. After a quick stint in high school, I received a B.A. in Biology and in Environmental Science from the University of Virginia in 1996 and a M.S. in Oceanography from the University of Connecticut in 1998. In 1999, I joined NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) as a research scientist, where I’ve remained ever since, as all oceanographers with a penchant for motion sickness should. When the stars properly aligned in 2014, I received a Ph.D. from the University of Maine. Today, I currently serve as the Project Scientist for the upcoming NASA Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission, scheduled for launch in February 2024.
My primary interest focuses on improving our understanding of the ocean’s biological responses to Earth’s changing climate – namely, how the spatial distributions of phytoplankton communities evolve over time. If one cares about breathing and eating and aquatic recreation, then one cares about phytoplankton. Given that I wear a NASA badge, my mandatory secondary interests extend to the more challenging aspects of satellite remote sensing, including the on-orbit calibration of ocean color instruments, the development of remote-sensing algorithms, and the validation of satellite-derived data products. These, in combination with my subject matter living in a three-dimensional fluid on a rotating ellipsoid, create a research environment packed with opportunities to contribute to NASA’s pursuit of better understanding our home planet.
Broadly speaking, I hope to offer the Council expertise on oceanographic data utility and accessibility, visualization, and analysis. In my two-decade career, I’ve gained hands-on experience with all aspects of oceanographic data, from the top-of-the-atmosphere to the seafloor and everything in between. My tenure includes dataset development, analysis and assimilation of in situ and satellite time-series, algorithm development, measurement protocols maintenance, data processing, and mission formulation. I can offer a deep and frank perspective on the opportunities for diverse datasets to support community needs. I’ve accumulated insight into the inner workings of data accumulation and accessibility services from an agency perspective to that of an end-user.
My CV lists experiences that are professionally relevant to the work of this Council, such as maintenance of large datasets, teaching about data accessibility, visualization, and analysis, and participation in groups related to the above. What I also can contribute to the core values of the Council is my enthusiasm for cheerleading and supporting my team, particularly the early career crew, and interest in ensuring representation of underrepresented groups in STEM in hiring practices, acceptance into classes and opportunities, and mentoring activities (details available by request). I’m also actively working on a first-of-its-kind Inclusion Plan for my lab that defines tracking protocols, trainings, conflict resolution strategies, and feedback mechanisms, with attention to accessibility and accountability.
Outside of NASA, but also perhaps relevant qualities for a potential Council member, is that I’ve recently begun (perhaps not recently enough) journeys of self-reflection and-improvement. As a professional example, the experience of PACE pushed me into a position of leadership and management that I was unquestionably ill-prepared to accept. It was humbling. To that end, after several years of stumbling and bumbling, I recently sought out and completed an 18-month program in management and leadership offered by Harvard Business School online. This was a transformative experience – and also humbling, particularly those exercises where my subordinates, peers, and supervisors provided 360-deg feedback. I’m currently working with senior staff in my lab to put new processes in place. Finally, beyond being identified as the PACE Project Scientist, I also serve as a husband, father, son, friend, wannabe cook, former musician, avid music-lover, runner, beginner meditation practitioner, and future cookbook author.
Ocean Social Science and Policy Councilor
Eric Wade
Dr. Eric Wade is an assistant professor of environmental social science at East Carolina University and an assistant research scientist at the Coastal Studies Institute. His primary expertise is studying human-environment interactions within coastal and marine systems. Specifically, his research focuses on understanding the non-monetary factors influencing individual and collective decision-making in response to socio-ecological changes. Furthermore, Eric’s work examines how formal and informal institutions influence stakeholders’ behaviors and decisions within coastal and marine environments. His research areas include fisheries governance and management, marine spatial planning, and the social dimensions of marine renewable energy. His research is primarily based in the Wider-Caribbean region and North Carolina (USA). Dr. Wade is committed to conducting research that generates actionable science, contributing not only to theoretical knowledge but also to the development and well-being of local communities. Eric worked as a project officer for the Government of Belize’s Fisheries Department. He has also worked for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (Sub-Regional Office for the Caribbean) as a Fisheries Management Expert and Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fisheries Governance Expert. Eric also serves as the vice chair of the board of directors of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute.
If elected, I look forward to (1) continuing to bridge the fields of policy, social science, and oceanography to support decision-making and science to tackle growing socio-environmental challenges and (2) expanding this connection by actively engaging experts, researchers, and stakeholders across disciplines and regions. To support this, I aim to leverage his network and experience in policy forums to position the TOS to lead efforts to support sustainable ocean practices.
Doug White
Current Position: Manager of Research Computing and current lead at the Ocean Information Center (OCEANIC), University of Delaware’s College of Earth, Ocean and Environment
Professional Interests:
- Bridging the gap between ocean science and policy: I am passionate about translating complex ocean data into actionable insights for policymakers and stakeholders. My experience at OCEANIC has focused on developing open-source tools and platforms that democratize access to ocean information and facilitate informed decision-making.
- Promoting international collaboration: Recognizing that ocean challenges transcend national boundaries, I advocate for robust international partnerships and research initiatives. My work with the World Ocean Circulation Experiment Data and Information Unit (WOCE DIU), the Global Observing Systems Information Center (GOSIC) and the International Research Vessels project demonstrates my commitment to fostering global cooperation in ocean science.
- Fostering the next generation of ocean stewards: I believe in the power of education and outreach to inspire and empower future ocean leaders. I am dedicated to sharing knowledge and igniting passion for ocean issues among students and the broader public.
Experience Relevant to TOS:
- Leadership in ocean data and information management: Over two decades at OCEANIC, I have led the development and implementation of innovative tools and infrastructure for ocean data collection, analysis, and dissemination. My expertise aligns perfectly with TOS’s commitment to advancing ocean knowledge and data accessibility.
- Experience in building and managing partnerships: My work with the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS), and the GOSIC demonstrates my ability to forge productive collaborations between academic institutions, government agencies, and industry partners. I am confident in my ability to leverage my network and communication skills to strengthen TOS’s partnerships and expand its reach.
- Commitment to open access and community engagement: My dedication to open-source solutions and outreach initiatives aligns with TOS’s mission to foster a vibrant and inclusive ocean science community. I believe in the power of open data and collaboration to accelerate progress in understanding and managing our oceans.
Contributions to TOS as a Council Member:
- Develop and advocate for data-driven ocean policies: I will champion the use of open-source ocean data and tools in informing policy decisions on critical issues like climate change, marine resource management, and coastal resilience.
- Strengthen international collaboration: I will leverage my network and experience to foster partnerships with international ocean science organizations and advance global ocean research and governance efforts.
- Bridge the gap between science and society: I will actively engage in outreach and education initiatives to raise public awareness about ocean issues and inspire the next generation of ocean stewards.
- Contribute to TOS’s strategic development: I will offer my expertise and insights to help TOS strengthen its position as a leading voice for ocean social science and policy.
I am confident that my expertise, experience, and commitment to open access, collaboration, and public engagement will enhance TOS’s mission and values. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the organization’s vital work and work alongside fellow council members to advance understanding and sustainable management of our oceans.
Thank you for your consideration.
Physical Oceanography Councilor
Emily Lemagie
Emily Lemagie is a sea-going research physical oceanographer at NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL). She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Physics and English with honors as well as a minor in Mathematics from the University of Washington (UW) in 2006. She also holds a Master’s of Science in Marine Resource Management (2011) and a Doctor of Philosophy (2018), both from Oregon State University (OSU). She trained as a postdoctoral scholar at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and at Scripps Institute of Oceanography before returning to Seattle to study ocean dynamics and the impacts on marine ecosystems in the North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, and U.S. Arctic.
She is currently a PI for the EcoFOCI program leading research of the dynamic relationships among climate, fisheries, and the marine environment with projects that range from local to regional and large scale and leverage a combination of satellite, autonomous platform, and ship-based observing approaches as well as high-resolution model output. She is editor for the PICES Press newsletter report The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Trends, and a contributor for the annual NOAA Ecosystem Status Reports For The Gulf Of Alaska, Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands, and for the NOAA Fisheries Regional Action Plan to guide implementation of the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy in the Gulf of Alaska.
Service to the oceanography community to support open sharing of ideas and information, early career professional development, and integration of JEDI principles into every aspect of the scientific enterprise have been fundamental tenets throughout her career. She volunteered with student mentoring programs at OSU and WHOI, and UW and co-chaired the 2019 Gordon Research Seminar on Coastal Ocean Dynamics, including fundraising to support travel costs for every student in need. She has almost a decade of experience as a board and committee member serving marine science organizations, such as: Pacific Estuarine Research Society (PERS, 2014 – 2018); Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF, 2014 – 2018); Mentoring Physical Oceanography Women to Increase Retention (MPOWIR, 2021 – present); North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) Advisory Panel for the U.N. Decade of Ocean Science (2022 – present). These experiences have exposed her to a broad range of challenges and solutions from institutional, regional, national, and international perspectives.
It would be an honor and a privilege to join The Oceanography Society Council to assist with maintaining the high level of excellence within existing programs as well as with development and implementation of new initiatives. Dr. Lemagie has been engaged with TOS since her early career; as a student member she was selected to participate in the first trial mentorship program. It is the support and community afforded her by such opportunities that inspires her to want to give back.
Colleen Mouw
Colleen Mouw is the Associate Dean for Diversity and Academic Affairs of the Graduate School at the University of Rhode Island (URI). She is also an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Oceanography at URI. She holds a B.S. in Biology from Western Michigan University (2000), a M.S. in Oceanography (2003) and Ph.D. (2009) in Oceanography from the University of Rhode Island. She has held previous appointments at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center as a post-doc and Research Scientist and Michigan Technological University as an Assistant Professor. She joined URI in 2016.
Colleen’s research focuses on utilizing optical tools to investigate phytoplankton community structure, carbon cycling, and the physical drivers of these in marine and freshwater systems. Her work utilizes satellite imagery and field observations from ship-based and continuous flow-through platforms.
Colleen’s work has been recognized by the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientist and Engineers, and Western Michigan University Alumni Achievement Award. She is a current (2023-2025) cohort member of AGU’s Leadership Academy and Network for Diversity and Inclusion in Geosciences (LANDInG). She served as the co-lead of Mentoring Physical Oceanography Women to Increase Retention (MPOWIR) since 2014 and has been a member of NASA’s Earth Science Advisory Committee since 2017.
Colleen is very interested in broadening participation in science and in improving how it feels to do science within our communities. She has extensive experience mentoring graduate students in her own lab and post-docs and early career scientists through the MPOWIR program. Beyond her academic research, her personal and professional interests lie in mentoring, coaching, and inspiring others to discover and achieve inner excellence to thrive in their professional lives. She aims to create a community of belonging where everyone feels welcome to bring their whole unique selves to their life’s endeavors. She is enthusiastic to work within the TOS community on these aspects to make space in oceanography for everyone.
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