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What’s Happening

FROM THE TOS PRESIDENT. Hello TOS members! As I look forward to heading to Gran Canaria to attend the Ocean Optics Conference, I am reflecting on the important role meetings have played in my career and I encourage you to do the same. What have science conferences meant to you? > READ MORE

CALL FOR TOS REPS FOR OSM26. Planning has started for Ocean Science Meeting 2026 to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, February 22–27, 2026. Submit your self-nomination to be the OSM26 TOS Vice-Chair, Early Career Representative, or Student Representative. > LEARN MORE


Upcoming Events

Over 360 colleagues from the ocean optics community will gather for the Ocean Optics XXVI Conference this October. The schedule-at-a-glance is available here, and the detailed program and abstracts will be posted on the website within the next several weeks. The conference welcomes onsite registrations for those who want to learn about the latest developments in the field and network with colleagues from the international community.

Building on the momentum of hosting over 5,500 attendees in New Orleans last month, we’re excited to announce that Glasgow, Scotland, UK, will be the host city for OSM26! The event will be held in February 2026 at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC), located on the bank of the River Clyde.

Student and Early Career

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Background photo credit: Lewis Burnett/Ocean Image Bank


Oceanography is an open access journal featuring peer-reviewed articles that chronicle all aspects of ocean science and its applications.

Featured Articles

Consensus Around a Common Definition of Atlantic Overturning Will Promote Progress

By N.P. Foukal and L. Chafik

This commentary highlights that the coordinate system used to define the AMOC matters, not only for understanding physical processes and past variations that remain elusive, but also for physically appropriate monitoring of its future evolution…

Building Stakeholder Response Capacity to Marine Heatwaves

By A.J. Hobday et al.

As a result of several virtual national marine climate briefings undertaken in Australia in response to the forecast 2023/2024 El Niño, targeted information products, additional regional and sector-specific briefings, and state response plans were developed…

Observing Ocean Boundary Currents: Lessons Learned from Six Regions

By N.K. Ayoub et al.

This article provides a brief overview of a virtual dialogue series that discussed six boundary current systems, including users and the observational and modeling components needed to achieve scientific, operational, and societal goals…

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