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What’s Happening
As both 2024 and my term as president come to an end, I am reflecting on the world we live in with its climate crisis, political instability, and war. In the United States, we are also facing corrosive political division, a growing distrust of science, and the possibility of unprecedented changes to the federal system that underpins US science. I acknowledge the lure of putting your head in the sand to avoid the steady stream of bad news, but now is when the world needs us to engage. In the coming year I encourage all of us to ask ourselves… What can I do to help? > READ MORE
We’re excited to announce these newly elected members of the Council!
• President-Elect: Heidi Dierssen
• At-Large Councilor: Leonard Pace
• Geological Oceanography Councilor: Jonathan Lewis
• Student Councilor: Moronke Harris
On January 1, 2025, Deborah Bronk (President) will move to the position of Past-President and Paula Bontempi (President-Elect) will step in as President. In addition, Andone Lavery (Past President), Mona Behl (At Large Councilor), Laura Guertin (Geological Oceanography Councilor), and Josette McLean (Student Councilor) will rotate off of the Council. The Oceanography Society thanks all of these representatives for their time, dedication, and valuable contributions to the organization.
Members of the ocean sciences community are invited to apply to participate on the OSM26 Program Committee. Members will be selected to form a diverse and inclusive committee covering the full range of the presented science. The primary responsibility of the program committee is to develop and organize the OSM26 scientific program. This includes reviewing session proposals within your assigned topic areas, scheduling sessions within your assigned areas, reviewing abstract submissions, providing guidance and responding to inquiries from session chairs and authors. Applications are due by January 3, 2025.
We thank all members who submitted self-nominations for the TOS-appointed representatives to the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2026 (OSM26) Program Committee. The selected representatives listed below join OSM26 TOS Co-Chair, Ellen Kappel, on the committee:
• 2026 Vice-Chair/2028 Co-Chair: Alice Marzocchi
• Early Career Representative: Yuanheng Xiong
• Student Representative: Narayan Kumar
Upcoming Events
Join us for OSM26, a scientific gathering providing attendees with the opportunities to share research, collaborate across disciplines and create deeper connections with the diverse group of attendees from universities, research centers, and across the wider scientific community as they access the world-class content that this meeting offers.
Student and Early Career
News and Resources
Visit TOS’s Grad Student/Early Career Resources page where you will find graduate student and early career job and fellowship links, shiptime opportunities, and helpful articles and websites…
Shania Brown
View nearly 100 career profiles of ocean scientists with careers outside of academia. These profiles are intended to advise ocean sciences graduate students about career options other than teaching and/or research in a university setting…
Don’t miss Oceanography magazine’s popular articles providing guidance on navigating grad school:
Visit TOS’s Undergrad Student Resources page for lists of opportunities and recommended reading…
Background photo credit: Lewis Burnett/Ocean Image Bank
Featured Resources
Disseminating Knowledge of Oceanography and Its Application
This special issue of Oceanography focuses on NISKINe: The Near-Inertial Shear and Kinetic Energy in the North Atlantic Experiment.
September 2024 Issue
This issue of Oceanography features articles on machine learning in ocean remote sensing, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Gulf of Maine cold wave, metocean data in support of offshore wind energy, and more…
Twenty Years of GEOTRACES
This special issue of Oceanography focuses on GEOTRACES: An International Study of the Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes.
Sea Grant: Science Serving America’s Coastlines and People
This special issue of Oceanography details the National Sea Grant College Program’s contributions to enhancing the use and conservation of US coastal, marine, and Great Lakes resources.
Building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Ocean Sciences
This special issue of Oceanography explores many avenues for building DEI in the ocean sciences.
Building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Ocean Sciences Autobiographical Sketches
This supplement to Oceanography presents short autobiographies from a diverse group of ocean scientists.
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
This special issue of Oceanography explores 50 years of innovative research in oceanography
Frontiers in Ocean Observing
Emerging Technologies for Understanding and Managing a Changing Ocean—A 2023 Supplement to Oceanography
The New Arctic Ocean
This special issue of Oceanography explores the profound changes that are occuring to the Arctic Ocean and the many follow-on consequences.
DIY Oceanography
Presenting homemade sensors or instruments that you can build, or build upon.
Hands-On Oceanography
Providing peer-reviewed activities for undergraduate and/or graduate classes in oceanography.
Career Profiles
Providing advice to ocean sciences graduate students about career options outside of the university setting.
Oceanography is an open access journal featuring peer-reviewed articles that chronicle all aspects of ocean science and its applications.
Featured Articles
The Promise and Pitfalls of Machine Learning in Ocean Remote Sensing
By P.C. Gray et al.
This feature article explores machine learning, which has the potential to play an important role in improved process understanding, but we must always ask what we are learning after the model has learned…
Backyard Buoys: Meeting Needs of Coastal, Indigenous Communities Through Co-Design and Co-Production
By J. Newton et al.
This article spotlights the Backyard Buoys project enabling Indigenous and coastal communities to gather and use wave data to enhance their blue economies and hazard protections…
Satellite Data Sharing for Scientific Inter-Group Cooperation Using the Leaflet R Package
By C. Marchese et al.
This DIY Oceanography article demonstrates the practical application of the leaflet R package to visualize satellite-derived data and showcases its value in aiding researchers’ decision-making…
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