Volume 31 | Number 2 | June 2018
Special Issue on Ocean Warming
On the Cover: The cover photo was taken in August 2015 north of Svalbard in the Arctic. Sailing through sea ice is the now retired Norwegian Polar Institute research vessel Lance. The expedition was part of a 2015 polar bear survey during which polar bear numbers were estimated in the Svalbard et Barents Sea regions. Taken from a helicopter, the photo shows late summer sea ice that is thin, fractured into small floes, and covered with melt ponds. An iceberg is in the foreground. Photo credit: © Nick Cobbing
Cover PDF

FROM THE GUEST EDITORS • Introduction to the Special Issue on Ocean Warming
Paul J. Durack,
Alex Sen Gupta, and
Lars H. Smedsrud
The Ocean’s Role in Climate
Raymond W. Schmitt
Ocean Warming: From the Surface to the Deep in Observations and Models
Paul J. Durack,
Peter J. Gleckler,
Sarah G. Purkey,
Gregory C. Johnson,
John M. Lyman, and
Tim P. Boyer
Southern Ocean Warming
Jean-Baptiste Sallée
Chaotic Variability of Ocean Heat Content: Climate-Relevant Features and Observational Implications
Thierry Penduff,
Guillaume Sérazin,
Stéphanie Leroux,
Sally Close,
Jean-Marc Molines,
Bernard Barnier,
Laurent Bessières,
Laurent Terray, and
Guillaume Maze
An Ocean View of the Global Surface Warming Hiatus
Wei Liu and
Shang-Ping Xie
Variability in Makassar Strait Heat Flux and Its Effect on the Eastern Tropical Indian Ocean
Laura K. Gruenburg and
Arnold L. Gordon
Simulation and Analysis of Hurricane-Driven Extreme Wave Climate Under Two Ocean Warming Scenarios
Ben Timmermans,
Christina Patricola, and
Michael Wehner
Ocean-Ice Interactions in Inglefield Gulf: Early Results from NASA’s Oceans Melting Greenland Mission
Josh K. Willis,
Dustin Carroll,
Ian Fenty,
Gurjot Kohli,
Ala Khazendar,
Matthew Rutherford,
Nicole Trenholm, and
Mathieu Morlighem
Projections of Future Sea Level Contributions from the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets: Challenges Beyond Dynamical Ice Sheet Modeling
Sophie Nowicki and
Helene Seroussi
Increased Arctic Precipitation Slows Down Sea Ice Melt and Surface Warming
Richard Bintanja,
Caroline A. Katsman, and
Frank M. Selten
Ocean Warming and the Reefs of Palau
Patrick L. Colin
Trends in Benthic Macrofaunal Populations, Seasonal Sea Ice Persistence, and Bottom Water Temperatures in the Bering Strait Region
Jacqueline M. Grebmeier,
Karen E. Frey,
Lee W. Cooper, and
Monika Kędra
Evidence for Adaptation from the 2016 Marine Heatwave in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
Andrew J. Pershing,
Katherine E. Mills,
Alexa M. Dayton,
Bradley S. Franklin, and
Brian T. Kennedy
Categorizing and Naming Marine Heatwaves
Alistair J. Hobday,
Eric C.J. Oliver,
Alex Sen Gupta,
Jessica A. Benthuysen,
Michael T. Burrows,
Markus G. Donat,
Neil J. Holbrook,
Pippa J. Moore,
Mads S. Thomsen,
Thomas Wernberg, and
Dan A. Smale
Impacts of Ocean Warming on Acoustic Propagation Over Continental Shelf and Slope Regions
James F. Lynch,
Glen G. Gawarkiewicz,
Ying-Tsong Lin,
Timothy F. Duda, and
Arthur E. Newhall
Marine Host-Pathogen Dynamics: Influences of Global Climate Change
Rebecca E. Cohen,
Chase C. James,
Allison Lee,
Maurizio M. Martinelli,
Wendy T. Muraoka,
Mikayla Ortega,
Rachel Sadowski,
Lark Starkey,
Angela R. Szesciorka,
Sonya E. Timko,
Elliot L. Weiss, and
Peter J.S. Franks
Slow Volcanoes: The Intriguing Similarities Between Marine Asphalt and Basalt Lavas
Yann Marcon,
Heiko Sahling,
Ian R. MacDonald,
Paul Wintersteller,
Christian dos Santos Ferreira, and
Gerhard Bohrmann
Distress Signals: Historical Waypoints in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Since 1850
W. Jeffrey Bolster
QUARTERDECK • A Really Tough Problem for Scientists to Solve
Ellen S. Kappel
PERSPECTIVES • Advice for Young Scientists on Fruitful Membership in the Scientific Community
Emmanuel Boss
PERSPECTIVES • Unanticipated Benefit of an Outreach Program
James A. Yoder
PERSPECTIVES • Science Outreach Using Social Media: Oceanography from the Lab to the Public
Amelie Meyer,
Alexey K. Pavlov,
Anja Rösel,
Jean Negrel,
Polona Itkin,
Lana Cohen,
Jennifer King,
Sebastian Gerland,
Stephen R. Hudson,
Laura de Steur,
Paul A. Dodd,
Laura Crews,
Marius Bratrein,
Mats A. Granskog, and
Nick Cobbing
RIP CURRENT – NEWS IN OCEANOGRAPHY • Effect on Ocean Noise: Nyepi, a Balinese Day of Silence
Rob Williams,
Christine Erbe,
I Made Iwan Dewantama, and
I Gede Hendrawan
OCEAN POLICY • Marine Species Range Shifts Necessitate Advanced Policy Planning: The Case of the North Atlantic Right Whale
Erin L. Meyer-Gutbrod,
Charles H. Greene, and
Kimberley T.A. Davies
RIPPLE MARKS • Stirrings in the Muck: Fiddler Crabs Emerge from Burrows Earlier in Spring—Crab-Specialist Herons Migrate in Sync
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and Insights. 2018. Oceanography 31(2):218–220.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Paul Durack, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Alex Sen Gupta, UNSW Sydney
Lars H. Smedsrud, University of Bergen
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, and US Arctic Research Commission