Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society

Volume 32 | Number 1 | March 2019

Special Issue on Scientific Ocean Drilling: Looking to the Future

On the Cover: Looking to the Future: A sample of the next generation of ocean drilling scientists.
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Volume 32 Issue 01

By Arthur E. Maxwell and Margaret Leinen

FROM THE GUEST EDITORS. Introduction to the Special Issue on Scientific Ocean Drilling: Looking to the Future
By Anthony A.P. Koppers, Carlota Escutia, Fumio Inagaki, Heiko Pälike, Demian M. Saffer, and Debbie Thomas

Spotlight 1. Glomar Challenger
By Mitch Malone and Brad Clement

Fifty Years of Scientific Ocean Drilling
By Keir Becker, James A. Austin Jr., Neville Exon, Susan Humphris, Miriam Kastner, Judith A. McKenzie, Kenneth G. Miller, Kiyoshi Suyehiro, and Asahiko Taira

Spotlight 3. A History of Science Plans
By Anthony A.P. Koppers and James A. Austin Jr.

Spotlight 4. JOIDES Resolution
By Mitch Malone and Brad Clement

Keeping an Eye on Antarctic Ice Sheet Stability
By Carlota Escutia, Robert M. DeConto, Robert Dunbar, Laura De Santis, Amelia Shevenell, and Timothy Naish

Spotlight 5. The New IODP Advisory Structure
By Anthony A.P. Koppers and James A. Austin Jr.

Blowing in the Monsoon Wind
By Pinxian Wang, Steven C. Clemens, Ryuji Tada, and Richard W. Murray

Finding Dry Spells in Ocean Sediments
By Stephen J. Gallagher and Peter B. deMenocal

Gauging Quaternary Sea Level Changes Through Scientific Ocean Drilling
By Yusuke Yokoyama, Anthony Purcell, and Takeshige Ishiwa

Astronomical Time Keeping of Earth History: An Invaluable Contribution of Scientific Ocean Drilling
By Kate Littler, Thomas Westerhold, Anna Joy Drury, Diederik Liebrand, Lorraine Lisiecki, and Heiko Pälike

Spotlight 7. D/V Chikyu
By Shin’ichi Kuramoto, Nobu Eguchi, and Sean Toczko

Riser Drilling: Access to Deep Subseafloor Science
By Yasuhiro Yamada, Brandon Dugan, Takehiro Hirose, and Saneatsu Saito

Listening Down the Pipe
By Evan A. Solomon, Keir Becker, Achim J. Kopf, and Earl E. Davis

Tōhoku-oki Fault Zone Frictional Heat Measured During IODP Expeditions 343 and 343T
By Patrick M. Fulton, Emily Brodsky, James J. Mori, and Frederick M. Chester

Spotlight 8. Regional Science Planning
By Anthony A.P. Koppers and Clive R. Neal

Slow Motion Earthquakes: Taking the Pulse of Slow Slip with Scientific Ocean Drilling
By Laura M. Wallace, Matt J. Ikari, Demian M. Saffer, and Hiroko Kitajima

Ocean Drilling Perspectives on Meteorite Impacts
By Christopher M. Lowery, Joanna V. Morgan, Sean P.S. Gulick, Timothy J. Bralower, Gail L. Christeson, and the Expedition 364 Scientists

What Lies Beneath: The Formation and Evolution of Oceanic Lithosphere
By Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Masako Tominaga, Benoît Ildefonse, and Damon A.H. Teagle

Starting a New Ocean and Stopping It
By Chun-Feng Li, Peter D. Clift, Zhen Sun, and Hans Christian Larsen

Scientific Drilling Across the Shoreline
By Sean P.S. Gulick, Kenneth Miller, Peter Kelemen, Joanna Morgan, Jean-Noel Proust, and Eiichi Takazawa

How to Create New Subduction Zones: A Global Perspective
By Richard J. Arculus, Michael Gurnis, Osamu Ishizuka, Mark K. Reagan, Julian A. Pearce, and Rupert Sutherland

Spotlight 11. Mission-Specific Platforms
By David McInroy and Gilbert Camoin

Spotlight 13. Reaching Out and Preparing the Next Generation
By Carl Brenner, Nobu Eguchi, and Antony Morris

IODP Advances in the Understanding of Subseafloor Life
By Steven D’Hondt, Fumio Inagaki, Beth N. Orcutt, and Kai-Uwe Hinrichs

The Limits of Life and the Biosphere in Earth’s Interior
By Verena B. Heuer, Mark A. Lever, Yuki Morono, and Andreas Teske

Spotlight 14. Gender Balance in Scientific Ocean Drilling
By Anthony A.P. Koppers, Adam Klaus, and Holly Given

Quo Vadis: Look to the Future
By Anthony A.P. Koppers, Carlota Escutia, Fumio Inagaki, Heiko Pälike, Demian M. Saffer, and Debbie Thomas

Special Issue Guest Editors

Anthony A.A.P. Koppers, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, USA
Carlota Escutia, Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Fumio Inagaki, Research and Development Center for Ocean Drilling Science, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Heiko Pälike, MARUM, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Universität Bremen, Germany
Demian M. Saffer, Department of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Debbie Thomas, Department of Oceanography, College of Geosciences, Texas A&M University, USA


Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by:
• IODP United States Science Support Program (USSSP)
• IODP Japan Drilling Earth Science Consortium (J-DESC)
• IODP European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD)
• Australian and New Zealand IODP Consortium (ANZIC)
• James A. Austin Jr. (University of Texas Institute for Geophysics)