Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 32 Issue 01

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Volume 32, No. 1
Pages 120 - 134


Ocean Drilling Perspectives on Meteorite Impacts

By Christopher M. Lowery , Joanna V. Morgan, Sean P.S. Gulick, Timothy J. Bralower, Gail L. Christeson, and the Expedition 364 Scientists 
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Article Abstract

Extraterrestrial impacts that reshape the surfaces of rocky bodies are ubiquitous in the solar system. On early Earth, impact structures may have nurtured the evolution of life. More recently, a large meteorite impact off the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico at the end of the Cretaceous caused the disappearance of 75% of species known from the fossil record, including non-avian dinosaurs, and cleared the way for the dominance of mammals and the eventual evolution of humans. Understanding the fundamental processes associated with impact events is critical to understanding the history of life on Earth, and the potential for life in our solar system and beyond.

Scientific ocean drilling has generated a large amount of unique data on impact processes. In particular, the Yucatán Chicxulub impact is the single largest and most significant impact event that can be studied by sampling in modern ocean basins, and marine sediment cores have been instrumental in quantifying its environmental, climatological, and biological effects. Drilling in the Chicxulub crater has significantly advanced our understanding of fundamental impact processes, notably the formation of peak rings in large impact craters, but these data have also raised new questions to be addressed with future drilling. Within the Chicxulub crater, the nature and thickness of the melt sheet in the central basin is unknown, and an expanded Paleocene hemipelagic section would provide insights to both the recovery of life and the climatic changes that followed the impact. Globally, new cores collected from today’s central Pacific could directly sample the downrange ejecta of this northeast-southwest trending impact.

Extraterrestrial impacts have been controversially suggested as primary drivers for many important paleoclimatic and environmental events throughout Earth history. However, marine sediment archives collected via scientific ocean drilling and geochemical proxies (e.g., osmium isotopes) provide a long-term archive of major impact events in recent Earth history and show that, other than the end-Cretaceous, impacts do not appear to drive significant environmental changes.


Lowery, C.M., J.V. Morgan, S.P.S. Gulick, T.J. Bralower, G.L. Christeson, and the Expedition 364 Scientists. 2019. Ocean drilling perspectives on meteorite impacts. Oceanography 32(1):120–134, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2019.133.

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