Volume 25 | Number 1 | March 2012
Special Issue: Oceanic Spreading Center Processes: Ridge 2000 Program Research
On the Cover: FRONT COVER: A hallmark of the Ridge 2000 Program is the integrated, interdisciplinary studies focused on links among geological, chemical, and biological processes at oceanic spreading centers. The cover illustrates these relationships at one of the Ridge 2000 Integrated Study Sites—Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. BACK COVER: Collage of high-resolution perspectives of axial terrain and vent ecosystems at Ridge 2000 Integrated Study Sites.
Cover PDF

Introduction to the Special Issue: From RIDGE to Ridge 2000
Daniel J. Fornari ,
Stace E. Beaulieu,
James F. Holden ,
Lauren S. Mullineaux , and
Maya Tolstoy
The East Pacific Rise Between 9°N and 10°N: Twenty-Five Years of Integrated, Multidisciplinary Oceanic Spreading Center Studies
Daniel J. Fornari ,
Karen L. Von Damm (deceased) ,
Julia G. Bryce,
James P. Cowen,
Vicki Ferrini ,
Allison Fundis,
Marvin D. Lilley,
George W. Luther III ,
Lauren S. Mullineaux,
Michael R. Perfit,
M. Florencia Meana-Prado,
Kenneth H. Rubin,
William E. Seyfried Jr.,
Timothy M. Shank,
S. Adam Soule ,
Maya Tolstoy , and
Scott M. White
Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: One of the Most Remarkable Places on Earth
Deborah S. Kelley ,
Suzanne M. Carbotte,
David W. Caress,
David A. Clague,
John R. Delaney,
James B. Gill ,
Hunter Hadaway,
James F. Holden,
Emilie E.E. Hooft ,
Jonathan P. Kellogg,
Marvin D. Lilley,
Mark Stoermer,
Doug Toomey,
Robert Weekly , and
William S.D. Wilcock
Links from Mantle to Microbe at the Lau Integrated Study Site: Insights from a Back-Arc Spreading Center
Margaret K. Tivey,
Erin Becker ,
Roxanne Beinart,
Charles R. Fisher,
Peter R. Girguis ,
Charles H. Langmuir,
Peter J. Michael , and
Anna-Louise Reysenbach
Geodynamic Models of Melt Generation and Extraction at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Patricia M. Gregg ,
Laura B. Hebert ,
Laurent G.J. Montési , and
Richard F. Katz
Lava Geochemistry as a Probe into Crustal Formation at the East Pacific Rise
Michael R. Perfit ,
V. Dorsey Wanless ,
W. Ian Ridley ,
Emily M. Klein,
Matthew C. Smith,
Adam R. Goss,
Jillian S. Hinds,
Scott W. Kutza, and
Daniel J. Fornari
Active Long-Lived Faults Emerging Along Slow-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges
Deborah K. Smith,
Javier Escartín,
Hans Schouten , and
Johnson R. Cann
Recent Seismic Studies at the East Pacific Rise 8°20'–10°10'N and Endeavour Segment: Insights into Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal and Magmatic Processes
Suzanne M. Carbotte ,
Juan Pablo Canales,
Mladen R. Nedimović ,
Hélène Carton, and
John C. Mutter
Recent Advances in Multichannel Seismic Imaging for Academic Research in Deep Oceanic Environments
Juan Pablo Canales ,
Hélène Carton,
John C. Mutter,
Alistair Harding ,
Suzanne M. Carbotte, and
Mladen R. Nedimović
Hydroacoustic Monitoring of Oceanic Spreading Centers: Past, Present, and Future
Robert P. Dziak,
DelWayne R. Bohnenstiehl , and
Deborah K. Smith
Hydrothermal Discharge During Submarine Eruptions: The Importance of Detection, Response, and New Technology
Edward T. Baker ,
William W. Chadwick Jr.,
James P. Cowen,
Robert P. Dziak ,
Kenneth H. Rubin , and
Daniel J. Fornari
Volcanic Eruptions in the Deep Sea
Kenneth H. Rubin,
S. Adam Soule,
William W. Chadwick Jr. ,
Daniel J. Fornari ,
David A. Clague ,
Robert W. Embley ,
Edward T. Baker ,
Michael R. Perfit,
David W. Caress , and
Robert P. Dziak
A Vent-Field-Scale Model of the East Pacific Rise 9°50'N Magma-Hydrothermal System
Robert P. Lowell ,
Aida Farough ,
Leonid N. Germanovich,
Laura B. Hebert , and
Rebecca Horne
Measurements and Models of Heat Flux and Plumes from Hydrothermal Discharges Near the Deep Seafloor
Daniela Di Iorio ,
J. William Lavelle,
Peter A. Rona,
Karen Bemis,
Guangyu Xu,
Leonid N. Germanovich,
Robert P. Lowell , and
Gence Genc
Turbulence Observations in a Buoyant Hydrothermal Plume on the East Pacific Rise
Andreas M. Thurnherr and
Louis C. St. Laurent
Diffuse Flow On and Around Hydrothermal Vents at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Karen Bemis,
Robert P. Lowell , and
Aida Farough
Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Plumes in the Near-Bottom Boundary Layer at Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Susan Hautala,
H. Paul Johnson ,
Matthew Pruis ,
Irene García-Berdeal, and
Tor Bjorklund
Biogeochemical Processes at Hydrothermal Vents: Microbes and Minerals, Bioenergetics, and Carbon Fluxes
James F. Holden ,
John A. Breier ,
Karyn L. Rogers,
Mitchell D. Schulte, and
Brandy M. Toner
Measuring the Form of Iron in Hydrothermal Plume Particles
Brandy M. Toner ,
Matthew A. Marcus ,
Katrina J. Edwards,
Olivier Rouxel , and
Christopher R. German
On the Potential for Bioenergy and Biofuels from Hydrothermal Vent Microbes
Peter R. Girguis and
James F. Holden
Chemoautotrophy at Deep-Sea Vents: Past, Present, and Future
Stefan M. Sievert and
Costantino Vetriani
Chemistry, Temperature, and Faunal Distributions at Diffuse-Flow Hydrothermal Vents: Comparison of Two Geologically Distinct Ridge Systems
George W. Luther III ,
Amy Gartman,
Mustafa Yücel ,
Andrew S. Madison,
Tommy S. Moore ,
Heather A. Nees ,
Donald B. Nuzzio,
Arunima Sen,
Richard A. Lutz ,
Timothy M. Shank, and
Charles R. Fisher
Energy Transfer Through Food Webs at Hydrothermal Vents: Linking the Lithosphere to the Biosphere
Breea Govenar
Larval Dispersal: Vent Life in the Water Column
Diane K. Adams,
Shawn M. Arellano, and
Breea Govenar
Estimating Zooplankton Biomass Distribution in the Water Column Near the Endeavour Segment of Juan de Fuca Ridge Using Acoustic Backscatter and Concurrently Towed Nets
Brenda J. Burd and
Richard E. Thomson
The Prediction, Verification, and Significance of Flank Jets at Mid-Ocean Ridges
J. William Lavelle,
Andreas M. Thurnherr,
Lauren S. Mullineaux ,
Dennis J. McGillicuddy Jr., and
James R. Ledwell
The Lau Basin Float Experiment (LAUB-FLEX)
Kevin Speer and
Andreas M. Thurnherr
Bringing Mid-Ocean Ridge Discoveries to Audiences Far and Wide: Emerging Trends for the Next Generation
Liz Goehring ,
Véronique Robigou , and
Katherine Ellins
Ellen S. Kappel
RIPPLE MARKS • A River Raged Through It: Through the Lens of Vermont’s In-Sight Photography Project, A Confluence of Art and Science
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
Tom Garrison
BOOK REVIEW • Ocean Acidification
Scott C. Doney
BOOK REVIEW • Chemical Biomarkers in Aquatic Ecosystems
Christopher C. Parrish
BOOK REVIEW • Shifting Baselines: The Past and the Future of Ocean Fisheries
Alistair J. Hobday
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and insights. 2012. Oceanography 25(1):309–312.
OCEAN POLICY • Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystems and Conservation
Cindy Lee Van Dover
Special Issue Guest Editors
Daniel J. Fornari, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Stace E. Beauliu, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
James F. Holden, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Lauren S. Mullineaux, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Maya Tolstoy, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the Ridge 2000 Program Office at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution through a grant from the National Science Foundation, Ocean Sciences Division.