Volume 32 | Number 3 | September 2019
Special Issue on PISCO: Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans
On the Cover: The Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans (PISCO) is dedicated to understanding coastal processes in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Consortium research aims to quantify intertidal and subtidal biogeographic patterns of community structure and ecological subsidies, create a mooring network to document inner-shelf oceanic conditions, and conduct coordinated, coast-wide experiments that evaluate variation in ecological processes. (1) Copper rockfish, Sebastes caurinus, (2) researchers in the rocky intertidal zone, (3) Spanish shawl nudibranch, Flabellinopsis iodinea, (4) diver conducting kelp forest surveys, (5) purple urchins, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, and (6) oceanographers deploying instruments. Credits: Photos 1, 4, and 5: Katie Davis. Photo 2: Heather Fulton-Bennett. Photo 3: Chris Honeyman. Photo 6: Michael Moses.
Cover PDF

FROM THE GUEST EDITORS • Introduction to the Special Issue on PISCO: Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans
Heather M. Leslie,
Mary Ruckelshaus, and
Jon D. Witman
PISCO: Advances Made Through the Formation of a Large-Scale, Long-Term Consortium for Integrated Understanding of Coastal Ecosystem Dynamics
Bruce A. Menge*,
Kristen Milligan*,
Jennifer E. Caselle*,
John A. Barth,
Carol A. Blanchette,
Mark H. Carr,
Francis Chan,
Robert K. Cowen,
Mark Denny,
Steven D. Gaines,
Gretchen E. Hofmann,
Kristy J. Kroeker,
Jane Lubchenco,
Margaret A. McManus,
Mark Novak,
Stephen R. Palumbi,
Peter T. Raimondi,
George N. Somero,
Robert R. Warner,
Libe Washburn, and
J. Wilson White
Quantitative Biogeography: Large-Scale, Long-Term Change in the Rocky Intertidal Region of the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
Peter T. Raimondi*,
C. Melissa Miner*,
Bruce A. Menge,
Carol A. Blanchette, and
David P. Lohse
Integrating Coastal Oceanic and Benthic Ecological Approaches for Understanding Large-Scale Meta-Ecosystem Dynamics
Bruce A. Menge*,
Jennifer E. Caselle*,
Kristen Milligan*,
Sarah A. Gravem,
Tarik C. Gouhier,
J. Wilson White,
John A. Barth,
Carol A. Blanchette,
Mark H. Carr,
Francis Chan,
Jane Lubchenco,
Margaret A. McManus,
Mark Novak,
Peter T. Raimondi, and
Libe Washburn
Connectivity, Dispersal, and Recruitment: Connecting Benthic Communities and the Coastal Ocean
J. Wilson White,
Mark H. Carr,
Jennifer E. Caselle,
Libe Washburn,
C. Brock Woodson,
Stephen R. Palumbi,
Peter M. Carlson,
Robert R. Warner,
Bruce A. Menge,
John A. Barth,
Carol A. Blanchette,
Peter T. Raimondi, and
Kristen Milligan
SIDEBAR • Empirical Approaches to Measure Connectivity
J. Wilson White,
Mark H. Carr,
Jennifer E. Caselle,
Stephen R. Palumbi,
Robert R. Warner,
Bruce A. Menge, and
Kristen Milligan
The Dynamics and Impact of Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia: Insights from Sustained Investigations in the Northern California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
Francis Chan,
John A. Barth,
Kristy J. Kroeker,
Jane Lubchenco, and
Bruce A. Menge
Community Responses to Climate-Related Variability and Disease: The Critical Importance of Long-Term Research
Bruce A. Menge*,
Jennifer E. Caselle*,
John A. Barth,
Carol A. Blanchette,
Mark H. Carr,
Francis Chan,
Sarah Gravem,
Tarik C. Gouhier,
Jane Lubchenco,
Margaret A. McManus,
Kristen Milligan,
Mark Novak,
Peter T. Raimondi,
Libe Washburn, and
J. Wilson White
Present and Future Adaptation of Marine Species Assemblages: DNA-Based Insights into Climate Change from Studies of Physiology, Genomics, and Evolution
Stephen R. Palumbi,
Tyler G. Evans,
Melissa H. Pespeni, and
George N. Somero
Marine Protected Areas Exemplify the Evolution of Science and Policy
Mark H. Carr,
J. Wilson White,
Emily Saarman,
Jane Lubchenco,
Kristen Milligan, and
Jennifer E. Caselle
SIDEBAR • The Science of Marine Reserves: A Series of Booklets and Graphics Connecting Science, Public Understanding, and Policy
Kirsten Grorud-Colvert,
Jane Lubchenco,
Satie Airamé,
Monica Pessino, and
Steven D. Gaines
Connecting Science to Policymakers, Managers, and Citizens
Jane Lubchenco,
Bruce A. Menge,
John A. Barth,
Mark H. Carr,
Jennifer E. Caselle,
Francis Chan,
Heather K. Fulton-Bennett,
Steven D. Gaines,
Kristy J. Kroeker,
Kristen Milligan,
Steven R. Palumbi, and
J. Wilson White
Planning for Change: Assessing the Potential Role of Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries Management Approaches for Resilience Management in a Changing Ocean
Kristy J. Kroeker,
Mark H. Carr,
Peter T. Raimondi,
Jennifer E. Caselle,
Libe Washburn,
Stephen R. Palumbi,
John A. Barth,
Francis Chan,
Bruce A. Menge,
Kristen Milligan,
Mark Novak, and
J. Wilson White
Oleander is More than a Flower: Twenty-Five Years of Oceanography Aboard a Merchant Vessel
Thomas Rossby,
Charles N. Flagg,
Kathleen Donohue,
Sandra Fontana,
Ruth Curry,
Magdalena Andres, and
Jacob Forsyth
SIDEBAR • Submesoscale Dynamics Inferred from Oleander Data
Jörn Callies
SIDEBAR • Acoustic Backscatter Patterns
Jaime Palter,
Lauren Cook,
Afonso Gonçalves Neto,
Sarah Nickford, and
Daniele Bianchi
QUARTERDECK • Ten Years of Career Profiles
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • From Knowledge to Value: Connecting the Boxes
Martin Visbeck
RIPPLE MARKS • The DNA They Leave Behind: In a Drop of Water, New Answers to Questions About Marine Species
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
BOOK REVIEW • Vast Expanses: A History of the Oceans
Ian Brosnan
Career Profiles—Options and Insights. 2019. Oceanography 32(3):146–148.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Heather Leslie, Darling Marine Center & School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine
Mary Ruckelshaus, Stanford University
Jon Witman, Brown University
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by core funding from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation to the Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans.