Volume 28 | Number 2 | June 2015
Special Issue: Emerging Themes in Ocean Acidification Science
On the Cover: Oyster shells and boat at Taylor Shellfish’s farm in Samish Bay, Washington. Taylor Shellfish was one of the first companies to document, and seek solutions for, ocean acidification-caused harm to shellfish grown in their hatchery. Photo credit: Jon Rowley
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Introduction to this Special Issue on Ocean Acidification: The Pathway from Science to Policy
Jeremy T. Mathis ,
Sarah R. Cooley ,
Kimberly K. Yates , and
Phillip Williamson
Understanding Ocean Acidification Impacts on Organismal to Ecological Scales
Andreas J. Andersson,
David I. Kline,
Peter J. Edmunds,
Stephen D. Archer ,
Nina Bednaršek ,
Robert C. Carpenter ,
Meg Chadsey,
Philip Goldstein ,
Andrea G. Grottoli ,
Thomas P. Hurst,
Andrew L. King,
Janet E. Kübler,
Ilsa B. Kuffner ,
Katherine R.M. Mackey,
Bruce A. Menge,
Adina Paytan ,
Ulf Riebesell ,
Astrid Schnetzer , and
Richard C. Zimmerman
Coupling Chemical and Biological Monitoring to Understand the Impact of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Ecosystems
Adrienne Sutton,
Derek Manzello , and
Brooke Gintert
Understanding, Characterizing, and Communicating Responses to Ocean Acidification: Challenges and Uncertainties
D. Shallin Busch,
Michael J. O’Donnell,
Claudine Hauri ,
Katharine J. Mach ,
Matthew Poach,
Scott C. Doney , and
Sergio R. Signorini
Technology for Ocean Acidification Research: Needs and Availability
Todd R. Martz,
Kendra L. Daly ,
Robert H. Byrne ,
Jonathon H. Stillman , and
Daniela Turk
And on Top of All That… Coping with Ocean Acidification in the Midst of Many Stressors
Denise L. Breitburg,
Joseph Salisbury ,
Joan M. Bernhard,
Wei-Jun Cai ,
Sam Dupont ,
Scott C. Doney,
Kristy J. Kroeker,
Lisa A. Levin ,
W. Christopher Long ,
Lisa M. Milke ,
Seth H. Miller,
Beth Phelan,
Uta Passow ,
Brad A. Seibel ,
Anne E. Todgham, and
Ann M. Tarrant
Geochemical Proxies for Estimating Faunal Exposure to Ocean Acidification
Lisa A. Levin ,
Bärbel Hönisch , and
Christina A. Frieder
Response of Photosynthesis to Ocean Acidification
Katherine R.M. Mackey,
J. Jeffrey Morris ,
François M.M. Morel , and
Sven A. Kranz
Characterizing the Natural System: Toward Sustained, Integrated Coastal Ocean Acidification Observing Networks to Facilitate Resource Management and Decision Support
Simone R. Alin,
Russell E. Brainard ,
Nichole N. Price,
Jan A. Newton,
Anne Cohen,
William T. Peterson,
Eric H. DeCarlo,
Elizabeth H. Shadwick,
Scott Noakes, and
Nina Bednaršek
How Can Present and Future Satellite Missions Support Scientific Studies that Address Ocean Acidification?
Joseph Salisbury,
Douglas Vandemark ,
Bror Jönsson ,
William Balch ,
Sumit Chakraborty,
Steven Lohrenz,
Bertrand Chapron ,
Burke Hales,
Antonio Mannino,
Jeremy T. Mathis ,
Nicolas Reul ,
Sergio R. Signorini ,
Rik Wanninkhof , and
Kimberly K. Yates
Ocean Acidification in the Surface Waters of the Pacific-Arctic Boundary Regions
Jeremy T. Mathis,
Jessica N. Cross ,
Wiley Evans , and
Scott C. Doney
The Potential for CO2-Induced Acidification in Freshwater: A Great Lakes Case Study
Jennifer C. Phillips,
Galen A. McKinley,
Val Bennington,
Harvey A. Bootsma,
Darren J. Pilcher ,
Robert W. Sterner , and
Noel R. Urban
Impacts of Coastal Acidification on the Pacific Northwest Shellfish Industry and Adaptation Strategies Implemented in Response
Alan Barton ,
George G. Waldbusser,
Richard A. Feely ,
Stephen B. Weisberg,
Jan A. Newton ,
Burke Hales,
Sue Cudd,
Benoit Eudeline ,
Chris J. Langdon ,
Ian Jefferds ,
Teri King ,
Andy Suhrbier, and
Karen McLaughlin
Core Principles of the California Current Acidification Network: Linking Chemistry, Physics, and Ecological Effects
Karen McLaughlin ,
Stephen B. Weisberg,
Andrew G. Dickson,
Gretchen E. Hofmann ,
Jan A. Newton,
Deborah Aseltine-Neilson,
Alan Barton ,
Sue Cudd ,
Richard A. Feely ,
Ian W. Jefferds ,
Elizabeth B. Jewett ,
Teri King ,
Chris J. Langdon,
Skyli McAfee,
Diane Pleschner-Steele, and
Bruce Steele
Ocean Acidification Science Needs for Natural Resource Managers of the North American West Coast
Alexandria B. Boehm,
Mark Z. Jacobson,
Michael J. O’Donnell ,
Martha Sutula,
W. Waldo Wakefield ,
Stephen B. Weisberg, and
Elizabeth Whiteman
Ocean and Coastal Acidification off New England and Nova Scotia
Dwight K. Gledhill ,
Meredith M. White ,
Joe Salisbury ,
Helmuth Thomas,
Ivy Mlsna,
Matthew Liebman ,
Bill Mook ,
Jason Grear,
Allison C. Candelmo,
R. Christopher Chambers,
Christopher J. Gobler,
Christopher W. Hunt ,
Andrew L. King ,
Nichole N. Price,
Sergio R. Signorini ,
Esperanza Stancioff ,
Cassie Stymiest,
Richard A. Wahle ,
Jesica D. Waller,
Nathan D. Rebuck,
Zhaohui A. Wang ,
Todd L. Capson,
J. Ruairidh Morrison ,
Sarah R. Cooley , and
Scott C. Doney
Getting Ocean Acidification on Decision Makers’ To-Do Lists: Dissecting the Process Through Case Studies
Sarah R. Cooley ,
Elizabeth B. Jewett ,
Julie Reichert,
Lisa Robbins ,
Gyami Shrestha ,
Dan Wieczorek, and
Stephen B. Weisberg
Transdisciplinary Science: A Path to Understanding the Interactions Among Ocean Acidification, Ecosystems, and Society
Kimberly K. Yates,
Carol Turley,
Brian M. Hopkinson,
Anne E. Todgham,
Jessica N. Cross ,
Holly Greening,
Phillip Williamson,
Ruben Van Hooidonk ,
Dimitri D. Deheyn, and
Zackary Johnson
Data Management Strategy to Improve Global Use of Ocean Acidification Data and Information
Hernan E. Garcia ,
Cathy Cosca ,
Alex Kozyr,
Emilio Mayorga ,
Cynthia Chandler,
Robert W. Thomas ,
Kevin O’Brien,
Ward Appeltans,
Steve Hankin ,
Jan A. Newton,
Angelica Gutierrez ,
Jean-Pierre Gattuso,
Lina Hansson,
Melissa Zweng, and
Benjamin Pfeil
Environmental Properties of Coastal Waters in Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, at the Future Site of a Seawater Air Conditioning Outfall
Christina M. Comfort,
Margaret A. McManus,
S. Jeanette Clark,
David M. Karl , and
Chris E. Ostrander
QUARTERDECK • Pursuing Earth and Ocean Sciences Priorities As One Community
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • Oceanographers as Masons
M. Susan Lozier
RIPPLE MARKS • Coastal Gold Rush: Southeast Alaska Sea Otters Swing from Boom to Bust to Boom
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
KEYNOTE LECTURE • Solutions for Recovering and Sustaining the Bounty of the Ocean: Combining Fishery Reforms, Rights-Based Fisheries Management, and Marine Reserves
Allison K. Barner,
Jane Lubchenco,
Christopher Costello ,
Steven D. Gaines ,
Amanda Leland ,
Brett Jenks,
Steven Murawski,
Eric Schwaab , and
Margaret Spring
BOOK REVIEW • Photosynthesis in the Marine Environment
Arthur Grossman
BOOK REVIEW • Plankton: Wonders of the Drifting World
Ellen S. Kappel
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and insights. 2015. Oceanography 28(2):266–268.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Sarah Cooley, Ocean Conservancy
Kimberly Yates, US Geological Survey
Jeremy Mathis, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Phil Williamson, Natural Environment Research Council and University of East Anglia
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).