Volume 31 | Number 4 | December 2018
Special Issue on the Gulf of San Jorge (Patagonia, Argentina)
On the Cover: A high concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Gulf of San Jorge near Cape Tres Puntas captured on August 31, 2015, in a MODIS Aqua true color (Bands 1, 4, and 3; 500 m resolution) satellite image. During periods when the SPM concentration is high in the water column, the coastal circulation can be identified through the spatial configuration of SPM. This satellite image reveals the coastal low-salinity/high SPM waters originating from the Strait of Magellan, Santa Cruz River, and Puerto Deseado Estuary flowing to the north and reaching the southern area of the gulf, where a physically and biologically important tidal front develops. Source: NASA Worldview application (https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov), part of the NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS)
Cover PDF

FROM THE GUEST EDITORS • Introduction to the Special Issue on the Gulf of San Jorge (Patagonia, Argentina)
Guillaume St-Onge and
Gustavo A. Ferreyra
Seasonal Variability of the Oceanic Circulation in the Gulf of San Jorge, Argentina
Ricardo P. Matano and
Elbio D. Palma
Dynamics of Macronutrients in the San Jorge Gulf During Spring and Summer
Américo I. Torres,
Flavio E. Paparazzo,
Gabriela N. Williams,
Andrés L. Rivas,
Miriam E. Solís, and
José L. Esteves
Patagonian Dust as a Source of Macronutrients in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
Flavio E. Paparazzo,
Augusto C. Crespi-Abril,
Rodrigo J. Gonçalves,
Elena S. Barbieri,
Leilén L. Gracia Villalobos,
Miriam E. Solís, and
Gaspar Soria
Light Absorption by Phytoplankton, Non-Algal Particles, and Dissolved Organic Matter in San Jorge Gulf in Summer
Gabriela N. Williams,
Pierre Larouche,
Ana I. Dogliotti, and
Maité P. Latorre
Mixing Processes at the Pycnocline and Vertical Nitrate Supply: Consequences for the Microbial Food Web in San Jorge Gulf, Argentina
Maité P. Latorre,
Irene R. Schloss,
Gastón O. Almandoz,
Karine Lemarchand,
Ximena Flores-Melo,
Valérie Massé-Beaulne, and
Gustavo A. Ferreyra
High-Frequency Frontal Displacements South of San Jorge Gulf During a Tidal Cycle Near Spring and Neap Phases: Biological Implications Between Tidal States
Juan Cruz Carbajal,
Andrés Luján Rivas, and
Cédric Chavanne
Phytoplankton Ecology During a Spring-Neap Tidal Cycle in the Southern Tidal Front of San Jorge Gulf, Patagonia
Ximena Flores-Melo,
Irene R. Schloss,
Cédric Chavanne,
Gastón O. Almandoz,
Maité Latorre, and
Gustavo A. Ferreyra
Effects of a Chronic Oil Spill on the Planktonic System in San Jorge Gulf, Argentina: A One-Vertical-Dimension Modeling Approach
Philippe Klotz,
Irene R. Schloss, and
Dany Dumont
Quantifying Sources and Transport Pathways of Surface Sediments in the Gulf of San Jorge, Central Patagonia (Argentina)
Pierre-Arnaud Desiage,
Jean-Carlos Montero-Serrano,
Guillaume St-Onge,
Augusto César Crespi-Abril,
Erica Giarratano,
Mónica Noemí Gil, and
Miguel J. Haller
Spatial Analysis of Benthic Functional Biodiversity in San Jorge Gulf, Argentina
Julieta Kaminsky,
Martín Varisco,
Mónica Fernández,
Ricardo Sahade, and
Philippe Archambault
Free-Living Marine Nematode Communities in San Jorge Gulf, Argentina
Catalina T. Pastor de Ward,
Virginia Lo Russo, and
Martín Varisco
Distribution of Modern Dinoflagellate Cyst Assemblages in Surface Sediments of San Jorge Gulf (Patagonia, Argentina)
Simon Faye,
André Rochon, and
Guillaume St-Onge
Occurrence of Marine Biotoxins and Shellfish Poisoning Events and Their Causative Organisms in Argentine Marine Waters
Bernd Krock,
Martha E. Ferrario,
Rut Akselman, and
Nora G. Montoya
Toxigenic Dinoflagellates and Associated Toxins in San Jorge Gulf, Argentina
Elena Fabro,
Bernd Krock,
Américo I. Torres,
Flavio E. Paparazzo,
Irene R. Schloss,
Gustavo A. Ferreyra, and
Gastón O. Almandoz
Composition, Spatial Distribution, and Trophic Structure of the Zooplankton Community in San Jorge Gulf, Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
Eloísa M. Giménez,
Gesche Winkler,
Mónica Hoffmeyer, and
Gustavo A. Ferreyra
Topics and Trends in NSF Ocean Sciences Awards
Ivan D. Lima and
Jennie E. Rheuban
Meeting Mentoring Needs in Physical Oceanography: An Evaluation of the Impact of MPOWIR
Colleen B. Mouw,
Sarah Clem,
Sonya Legg, and
Jean Stockard
QUARTERDECK • Global Temperatures and…Baseball?
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • “So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish”
Alan C. Mix
RIPPLE MARKS • Over A Cliff: Northern Elephant Seals’ California Comeback Challenged by Sea Level Rise, Inbreeding
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
NEWS AND INFORMATION • Marine Sciences in Germany: The Restart in Kiel After World War II
Gerold Siedler,
Jörn Thiede, and
Walter Zenk
THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM • Leveraging Student Experience with Water for Active Learning in a Large Introductory Oceanography Classroom
Rebecca Freeman
HANDS-ON OCEANOGRAPHY • How Do Upwelling and El Niño Impact Coral Reef Growth? A Guided, Inquiry-Based Lesson
Philip M. Gravinese,
Lauren T. Toth,
Carly J. Randall, and
Richard B. Aronson
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and Insights. 2018. Oceanography 31(4):189–190.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Guillaume St-Onge, Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Gustavo A. Ferreyra, Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by:
• Gouvernement du Québec through its Secrétariat à la Stratégie maritime
• Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR) and its Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski (ISMER)
• Fonds de recherche du Québec
• Secretaria de Gobierno de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva, República Argentina