Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 31 Issue 04

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Volume 31, No. 4
Pages 113 - 121


Free-Living Marine Nematode Communities in San Jorge Gulf, Argentina

By Catalina T. Pastor de Ward, Virginia Lo Russo, and Martín Varisco 
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Article Abstract

The aim of this study was to investigate the patterns of nematode diversity and community structure in San Jorge Gulf, Argentina, in order to improve knowledge of this key group of organisms. Free-living marine nematodes were sampled at 13 stations in February 2014 during an expedition aboard R/V Coriolis II. We found a total of 188 species (101 of which were new to science) belonging to 98 genera. The statistical results indicated the presence of three different assemblages of free-living marine nematodes distributed spatially in three distinct zones in the gulf: the central part, the outer thermal front at both sides of the entrance, and the south thermal front area. Diversity increased from the coast to the entrance of the gulf, and the highest diversity was found in areas with coarser sediment. Sediment and salinity were the environmental parameters that best matched nematode community distribution.


Pastor de Ward, C.T., V. Lo Russo, and M. Varisco. 2018. Free-living marine nematode communities in San Jorge Gulf, Argentina. Oceanography 31(4):113–121, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2018.415.

Supplementary Materials
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