Volume 29 | Number 2 | June 2016
Special Issue: Bay of Bengal: From Monsoons to Mixing
On the Cover: A series of vignettes from a research ship in the Bay of Bengal (above water), during the southwest monsoon season. On sunny days, the sea surface is a source of heat and moisture feeding deep atmospheric convection. The placid conditions are abruptly terminated by an approaching wall cloud, accompanied by gusty winds and torrential monsoon rains. While the ocean’s surface layer is visibly stirred up, what are the processes that determine the interior properties and currents? And, how are the air-sea fluxes themselves affected? These are questions addressed by the articles in this issue. Photo credits: Above-water photographs by San Nguyen, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Bottom panel photo by Gualtiero Spiro Jaeger, MIT/WHOI Joint Program
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FROM THE GUEST EDITORS. Introduction to the Special Issue on the Bay of Bengal: From Monsoons to Mixing
Amala Mahadevan,
Theresa Paluszkiewicz ,
M. Ravichandran,
Debasis Sengupta, and
Amit Tandon
Monsoons to Mixing in the Bay of Bengal: Multiscale Air-Sea Interactions and Monsoon Predictability
B.N. Goswami ,
Suryachandra A. Rao,
Debasis Sengupta, and
Soumi Chakravorty
Air-Sea Interaction in the Bay of Bengal
Robert A. Weller,
J. Thomas Farrar,
Jared Buckley,
Simi Mathew,
R. Venkatesan,
J. Sree Lekha,
Dipanjan Chaudhuri,
N. Suresh Kumar , and
B. Praveen Kumar
Representation of Bay of Bengal Upper-Ocean Salinity in General Circulation Models
Jasti S. Chowdary,
G. Srinivas,
T.S. Fousiya,
Anant Parekh,
C. Gnanaseelan,
Hyodae Seo , and
Jennifer A. MacKinnon
A Tale of Two Spicy Seas
Jennifer A. MacKinnon,
Jonathan D. Nash,
Matthew H. Alford ,
Andrew J. Lucas,
John B. Mickett,
Emily L. Shroyer,
Amy F. Waterhouse,
Amit Tandon ,
Debasis Sengupta,
Amala Mahadevan,
M. Ravichandran,
Robert Pinkel ,
Daniel L. Rudnick,
Caitlin B. Whalen,
Marion S. Alberty,
J. Sree Lekha,
Elizabeth C. Fine,
Dipanjan Chaudhuri, and
Gregory L. Wagner
Modification of Upper-Ocean Temperature Structure by Subsurface Mixing in the Presence of Strong Salinity Stratification
Emily L. Shroyer,
Daniel L. Rudnick,
J. Thomas Farrar,
Byungho Lim,
S. Karan Venayagamoorthy,
Louis C. St. Laurent ,
Amrapalli Garanaik , and
James N. Moum
Freshwater in the Bay of Bengal: Its Fate and Role in Air-Sea Heat Exchange
Amala Mahadevan,
Gualtiero Spiro Jaeger,
Mara Freilich,
Melissa M. Omand,
Emily L. Shroyer, and
Debasis Sengupta
Bay of Bengal: 2013 Northeast Monsoon Upper-Ocean Circulation
Arnold L. Gordon,
Emily L. Shroyer,
Amala Mahadevan,
Debasis Sengupta, and
Mara Freilich
Modeling Salinity Exchanges Between the Equatorial Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal
Tommy G. Jensen ,
Hemantha W. Wijesekera ,
Ebenezer S. Nyadjro,
Prasad G. Thoppil ,
Jay F. Shriver ,
K.K. Sandeep, and
Vimlesh Pant
Collaborative Observations of Boundary Currents, Water Mass Variability, and Monsoon Response in the Southern Bay of Bengal
Craig M. Lee ,
S.U.P. Jinadasa,
Arachaporn Anutaliya ,
Luca R. Centurioni ,
Harindra J.S. Fernando ,
Verena Hormann,
Matthias Lankhorst ,
Luc Rainville,
Uwe Send, and
Hemantha W. Wijesekera
Observations of Currents Over the Deep Southern Bay of Bengal—With a Little Luck
Hemantha W. Wijesekera,
William J. Teague,
Ewa Jarosz,
David W. Wang,
Tommy G. Jensen,
S.U.P. Jinadasa ,
Harindra J.S. Fernando ,
Luca R. Centurioni ,
Zachariah R. Hallock ,
Emily L. Shroyer , and
James N. Moum
Variability of Near-Surface Circulation and Sea Surface Salinity Observed from Lagrangian Drifters in the Northern Bay of Bengal During the Waning 2015 Southwest Monsoon
Verena Hormann,
Luca R. Centurioni ,
Amala Mahadevan,
Sebastian Essink,
Eric A. D’Asaro, and
B. Praveen Kumar
Adrift Upon a Salinity-Stratified Sea: A View of Upper-Ocean Processes in the Bay of Bengal During the Southwest Monsoon
Andrew J. Lucas,
Jonathan D. Nash,
Robert Pinkel,
Jennifer A. MacKinnon,
Amit Tandon,
Amala Mahadevan ,
Melissa M. Omand ,
Mara Freilich ,
Debasis Sengupta,
M. Ravichandran, and
Arnaud Le Boyer
The Interplay Between Submesoscale Instabilities and Turbulence in the Surface Layer of the Bay of Bengal
Sutanu Sarkar ,
Hieu T. Pham,
Sanjiv Ramachandran ,
Jonathan D. Nash,
Amit Tandon,
Jared Buckley,
Aneesh A. Lotliker, and
Melissa M. Omand
Monsoon Mixing Cycles in the Bay of Bengal: A Year-Long Subsurface Mixing Record
Sally J. Warner ,
Johannes Becherer,
Kandaga Pujiana,
Emily L. Shroyer ,
M. Ravichandran ,
V.P. Thangaprakash, and
James N. Moum
Ocean Turbulence and Mixing Around Sri Lanka and in Adjacent Waters of the Northern Bay of Bengal
S.U.P. Jinadasa,
Iossif Lozovatsky,
Jesús Planella-Morató,
Jonathan D. Nash,
Jennifer A. MacKinnon,
Andrew J. Lucas ,
Hemantha W. Wijesekera , and
Harinda J.S. Fernando
Decay Mechanisms of Near-Inertial Mixed Layer Oscillations in the Bay of Bengal
T.M. Shaun Johnston,
Dipanjan Chaudhuri ,
Manikandan Mathur,
Daniel L. Rudnick,
Debasis Sengupta,
Harper L. Simmons,
Amit Tandon, and
R. Venkatesan
Large-Scale Air-Sea Coupling Processes in the Bay of Bengal Using Space-Borne Observations
R. Sharma,
N. Agarwal ,
A. Chakraborty,
S. Mallick ,
Jared Buckley,
V. Shesu, and
Amit Tandon
What Controls Seasonal Evolution of Sea Surface Temperature in the Bay of Bengal? Mixed Layer Heat Budget Analysis Using Moored Buoy Observations Along 90°E
V.P. Thangaprakash,
K. Suprit,
N. Suresh Kumar,
Dipanjan Chaudhuri,
K. Dinesh,
Ashok Kumar,
S. Shivaprasad ,
M. Ravichandran,
J. Thomas Farrar,
R. Sundar, and
Robert A. Weller
Penetrative Radiative Flux in the Bay of Bengal
Aneesh A. Lotliker,
Melissa M. Omand ,
Andrew J. Lucas ,
Samuel R. Laney,
Amala Mahadevan, and
M. Ravichandran
Effects of Freshwater Stratification on Nutrients, Dissolved Oxygen, and Phytoplankton in the Bay of Bengal
V.V.S.S. Sarma,
G.D. Rao,
R. Viswanadham ,
C.K. Sherin ,
Joseph Salisbury ,
Melissa M. Omand,
Amala Mahadevan,
V.S.N. Murty ,
Emily L. Shroyer,
Mark Baumgartner, and
Kathleen M. Stafford
Remotely Driven Anomalous Sea-Air Heat Flux Over the North Indian Ocean During the Summer Monsoon Season
G.S. Bhat and
Harindra J.S. Fernando
Technological Advancements in Observing the Upper Ocean in the Bay of Bengal: Education and Capacity Building
Amit Tandon,
Eric A. D’Asaro,
Kathleen M. Stafford ,
Debasis Sengupta ,
M. Ravichandran ,
Mark Baumgartner,
R. Venkatesan , and
Theresa Paluszkiewicz
Journey of an Arctic Ice Island
Anna J. Crawford,
Peter Wadhams ,
Till J.W. Wagner,
Alon Stern ,
E. Povl Abrahamsen,
Ian Church,
Richard Bates, and
Keith W. Nicholls
Oceanography Surrounding Krakatau Volcano in the Sunda Strait, Indonesia
R. Dwi Susanto,
Zexun Wei ,
T. Rameyo Adi ,
Quanan Zheng,
Guohong Fang,
Bin Fan,
Agus Supangat,
Teguh Agustiadi ,
Shujiang Li ,
Mukti Trenggono, and
Agus Setiawan
Biological Impacts of the 2013–2015 Warm-Water Anomaly in the Northeast Pacific: Winners, Losers, and the Future
Letícia M. Cavole,
Alyssa M. Demko,
Rachel E. Diner,
Ashlyn Giddings,
Irina Koester,
Camille M.L.S. Pagniello,
May-Linn Paulsen,
Arturo Ramirez-Valdez,
Sarah M. Schwenck,
Nicole K. Yen,
Michelle E. Zill, and
Peter J.S. Franks
Summer Bridge Program Establishes Nascent Pipeline to Expand and Diversify Hawai‘i’s Undergraduate Geoscience Enrollment
Barbara C. Bruno,
Johanna L.K. Wren,
Jessica Ayau ,
Sherril Leon Soon,
Heidi Needham,
Keolani Noa,
Elisha M. Wood-Charlson, and
C. Anela Choy
QUARTERDECK • Wading in the Footsteps of an Ecological Giant
Charles H. Greene
FROM THE PRESIDENT • Oceanographers at the Beach
M. Susan Lozier
RIP CURRENT – NEWS IN OCEANOGRAPHY • First Evidence of Bioluminescence on a “Black Smoker” Hydrothermal Chimney
Brennan T. Phillips,
David F. Gruber,
Ganesh Vasan ,
Vincent A. Pieribone,
John S. Sparks, and
Christopher N. Roman
RIPPLE MARKS • It’s Catching: Leukemia, Third Known Transmissible Cancer, Infects Soft-Shell Clams
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM • Polar Oceanography: Engendering Students with a Sense of Place and a Sense of Time
Collin S. Roesler
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and insights. 2016. Oceanography 29(2):296–299.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Amala Mahadevan, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Theresa Paluszkiewicz, Office of Naval Research
M. Ravichandran, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
Debasis Sengupta, Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science
Amit Tandon, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the US Office of Naval Research through a grant to Scripps Institution of Oceanography.