Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 29 Issue 02

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Volume 29, No. 2
Pages 146 - 157


The Interplay Between Submesoscale Instabilities and Turbulence in the Surface Layer of the Bay of Bengal

By Sutanu Sarkar , Hieu T. Pham, Sanjiv Ramachandran , Jonathan D. Nash, Amit Tandon, Jared Buckley, Aneesh A. Lotliker, and Melissa M. Omand 
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Article Abstract

The Air-Sea Interactions Regional Initiative (ASIRI) aims to understand vertical fluxes of momentum and heat across the surface layer in the Bay of Bengal. As the mesoscale and submesoscale eddies redistribute freshwater input over saline water of the bay, they influence the vertical distribution of salinity and thus impact air-sea fluxes. This study reports on numerical simulations performed to investigate processes that can lead to the observed vertical structure of stratification near the ocean surface. Processes are explored at multiple lateral scales, ranging from a few meters to tens of kilometers, to elucidate how the interplay among large-scale motion, submesoscale instabilities, and small-scale turbulent motion affects the surface layer.


Sarkar, S., H.T. Pham, S. Ramachandran, J.D. Nash, A. Tandon, J. Buckley, A.A. Lotliker, and M.M. Omand. 2016. The interplay between submesoscale instabilities and turbulence in the surface layer of the Bay of Bengal. Oceanography 29(2):146–157, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2016.47.

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