Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society

Volume 25 | Number 2 | June 2012

Special Issue: Internal Waves

On the Cover: Astronaut photograph (ISS009-E-7792) showing a large nonlinear internal wave packet in the Bali Sea impinging on Kangean Island in Indonesia. The wave packet is generated in Lombok Strait and propagates north (to the right in the image). Image courtesy of the Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. “The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth.”
Cover PDF
Volume 25 Issue 02

An Introduction to the Special Issue on Internal Waves
By Louis St. Laurent , Matthew H. Alford , and Terri Paluszkiewicz

Global Modeling of Internal Tides Within an Eddying Ocean General Circulation Model
By Brian K. Arbic , James G. Richman, Jay F. Shriver , Patrick G. Timko , E. Joseph Metzger, and Alan J. Wallcraft

Mapping Low-Mode Internal Tides from Multisatellite Altimetry
By Zhongxiang Zhao, Matthew H. Alford , and James B. Girton

Regional Models of Internal Tides
By Glenn S. Carter , Oliver B. Fringer, and Edward D. Zaron

Internal Waves on the Washington Continental Shelf
By Matthew H. Alford , John B. Mickett , Shuang Zhang , Parker MacCready , Zhongxiang Zhao , and Jan Newton

Are Any Coastal Internal Tides Predictable?
By Jonathan D. Nash, Emily L. Shroyer, Samuel M. Kelly , Mark E. Inall , Timothy F. Duda, Murray D. Levine, Nicole L. Jones , and Ruth C. Musgrave

Internal Solitary Waves in the Red Sea: An Unfolding Mystery
By José C.B. da Silva , Jorge M. Magalhães , Theo Gerkema , and Leo R.M. Maas

The Generation of Nonlinear Internal Waves
By Christopher R. Jackson , José C.B. da Silva, and Gus Jeans

Energy Release Through Internal Wave Breaking
By Hans van Haren and Louis Gostiaux

Ocean Mixing by Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
By William D. Smyth and James N. Moum

The Direct Breaking of Internal Waves at Steep Topography
By Jody M. Klymak , Sonya Legg, Matthew H. Alford, Maarten Buijsman , Robert Pinkel, and Jonathan D. Nash

Breaking Topographic Lee Waves in a Tidal Channel in Luzon Strait
By Robert Pinkel , Maarten Buijsman , and Jody M. Klymak


Journey to the Center of the Gyre: The Fate of the Tohoku Tsunami Debris Field
By Amal Bagulayan, Jinae N. Bartlett-Roa, Amanda L. Carter, Bryce G. Inman, Eric M. Keen, Eric C. Orenstein, Nastassia V. Patin, Kirk N.S. Sato, Elizabeth C. Sibert, Anne E. Simonis, Amy M. Van Cise, and Peter J.S. Franks

Special Issue Guest Editors

Matthew Alford, University of Washington

Terri Paluszkiewicz, Office of Naval Research

Louis St. Laurent, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the US Office of Naval Research.