Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 25 Issue 02

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Volume 25, No. 2
Pages 20 - 29


Global Modeling of Internal Tides Within an Eddying Ocean General Circulation Model

By Brian K. Arbic , James G. Richman, Jay F. Shriver , Patrick G. Timko , E. Joseph Metzger, and Alan J. Wallcraft  
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Article Abstract

Ocean tides, and the atmospherically forced oceanic general circulation and its associated mesoscale eddy field, have long been run separately in high-resolution global models. They are now being simulated concurrently in a high-resolution version of the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). The incorporation of horizontally varying stratification with the addition of atmospheric forcing yields internal tides (internal waves of tidal frequency) in high-latitude, low-stratification regions that are qualitatively different from those in earlier global internal tide models, in which atmospheric forcing and horizontally variable stratification were absent. The internal tides in the new concurrent HYCOM simulations compare well with those measured in along-track satellite altimeter data. The new concurrent simulations demonstrate that the wavenumber spectrum of sea surface height—a measure of the energy contained in different length scales—is dominated in some locations by internal tides and in others by mesoscale eddies. Tidal kinetic energies in the new concurrent simulations compare well with those in current-meter observations, as long as sufficient spatial averaging is performed. The new concurrent simulations are being used in the planning of future-generation satellite altimeters, in the provision of boundary conditions for coastal ocean models, and in studies of ocean mixing.


Arbic, B.K., J.G. Richman, J.F. Shriver, P.G. Timko, E.J. Metzger, and A.J. Wallcraft. 2012. Global modeling of internal tides within an eddying ocean general circulation model. Oceanography 25(2):20–29, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2012.38.

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