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It is difficult to believe that I have never written a Quarterdeck column thanking all of the guest editors who have worked with me to publish special issues of Oceanography. Simply put, we could not do it without them. Guest editors develop the table of contents of special issues and invite authors to contribute manuscripts. They conduct the peer review and ride herd on their authors to get their manuscripts in and revised and final files to Oceanography. Guest editors often endure relentless pestering from Oceanography’s editor—me—because deadlines must be met and the magazine published on time. There is a fairly narrow margin of error. The few subtle places where their names appear in the magazine or on the Oceanography website don’t come close to honoring the efforts, often heroic, of the guest editors. Here I list all of the marvelous guest editors with whom I have worked over the last eight years as Oceanography editor. I send all of them a big hearty THANK YOU!!!
Matthew Alford, William Balch, Benjamin Baron-Taltre, Stace Beaulieu, Michael Bell, Serge Berné, Whitney Blanchard, Ted Brekken, Ken Brink, Mel Briscoe, Debbie Bronk, Bob Burger, Miquel Canals, Luca Centurioni, Elisa Chae, Ben Chicoski, Joan Cleveland, Robert Cowen, Peggy Delaney, Colin Devey, Scott Doney, Hugh Ducklow, Victoria Fabry, Kelly Falkner, Richard Feely, Chuck Fisher, Dan Fornari, Kantaro Fujioka, Glen Gawarkiewicz, Pat Glibert, Arnold Gordon, Vikki Gunn, Steve Hammond, MaryLee Haughwout, James Holden, Debbie Jahnke, Rick Jahnke, Dave Karl, Kerry Kehoe, Anthony Koppers, Kristen Kusek, J. William Lavelle, Dongkyu Lee, Michel Lefèbvre, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Eric Lindstrom, Ralph Lopez, Patricia Matrai, Nikolai Maximenko, Craig McLean, Laury Miller, Greg Mountain, Lauren Mullineaux, Jim Murray, Chuck Nittrouer, Alex Orsi, Joe Ortiz, Terri Paluszkiewicz, Jesús Pineda, Grant Pitcher, Tony Pitcher, Lita Proctor, Peter Ranelli, Don Rice, Carleigh Rodriguez, Ray Schmitt, Tim Shank, Neville Smith, Walter H.F. Smith, Hubert Staudigel, Lou St. Laurent, James Syvitski, Tswen Yung David Tang, Phil Taylor, Kethy Tedesco, Ellen Ternes, Simon Thorrold, Maya Tolstoy, Fabio Trincardi, Cesar Villanoy, Annette von Jouanne, Philip Weaver, Julia Wellner, Cisco Werner, Josh Willis, Kirsten Wilmer-Becker, Rebecca Woodgate
– Ellen S. Kappel, Editor