Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 25 Issue 02

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Volume 25, No. 2
Pages 227 - 231


OCEAN POLICY • US-Cuba Scientific Collaboration: Emerging Issues and Opportunities in Marine and Related Environmental Sciences

By Gary Machlis , Thomas A. Frankovich, Pedro M. Alcolado, Erik García-Machado, Aida Caridad Hernández-Zanuy , Robert E. Hueter, Nancy Knowlton, Erick Perera , and John W. Tunnell Jr.  
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Despite diplomatic nonrecognition, vast political differences, a long-standing trade embargo, and strict limitations on travel, US-Cuban scientific collaboration is on the rise. In December 2011, independent US scientists traveled to Havana, Cuba, for a series of scientific discussions with members of the Cuban scientific community. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the Cuban Academy of Sciences facilitated the trip. One topic for discussion concerned emerging issues and opportunities in marine and related environmental sciences. Shared resources (e.g., Gulf of Mexico fisheries) and high connectivity between US and Cuban ecosystems via regional oceanic and atmospheric circulations underscore the importance of increased US-Cuban cooperation in this field.


Machlis, G., T.A. Frankovich, P.M. Alcolado, E. García-Machado, A. Caridad Hernández-Zanuy, R.E. Hueter, N. Knowlton, E. Perera, and J.W. Tunnell Jr. 2012. Ocean policy—US-Cuba scientific collaboration: Emerging issues and opportunities in marine and related environmental sciences. Oceanography 25(2):227–231, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2012.63.

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