Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 25 Issue 02

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Volume 25, No. 2
Pages 108 - 123


The Generation of Nonlinear Internal Waves

By Christopher R. Jackson , José C.B. da Silva, and Gus Jeans 
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Article Abstract

Nonlinear internal waves are found in many parts of the world ocean. Their widespread distribution is a result of their origin in the barotropic tide and in the variety of ways they can be generated, including by lee waves, tidal beams, resonance, plumes, and the transformation of the internal tide. The differing generation mechanisms and diversity of generation locations and conditions all combine to produce waves that range in scale from a few tens of meters to kilometers, but with all properly described by solitary wave theory. The ability of oceanic nonlinear internal waves to persist for days after generation and the key role internal waves play in connecting large-scale tides to smaller-scale turbulence make them important for understanding the ocean environment.


Jackson, C.R., J.C.B. da Silva, and G. Jeans. 2012. The generation of nonlinear internal waves. Oceanography 25(2):108–123, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2012.46.

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