Volume 30 | Number 2 | June 2017
Special Issue on Autonomous and Lagrangian Platforms and Sensors (ALPS)
On the Cover: Photos of several types of autonomous and Lagrangian platforms and sensors (ALPS) currently being deployed in the world ocean. 1. Propeller-driven REMUS 100 unmanned underwater vehicle used in Project Recover (from Terrill et al., 2017, in this issue). 2. Onboard image from a Liquid Robotics Wave Glider deployed off the coast of Iceland as part of an Extreme SeaState Study (photo courtesy of Liquid Robotics). 3. Wirewalker (photo courtesy of Tyler Hughen, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; see Lucas et al., and Omand et al., 2017, both in this issue). 4. Surface Velocity Program (SVP) drifter deployed in the Gulf Stream (photo courtesy of Luca Centurioni, Scripps Institution of Oceanography). 5. Air-Launched Autonomous Micro Observer (ALAMO) being loaded into the launch tube of a Hurricane Hunter C-130J (photo courtesy of Maj. Marnee Losurdo, USAFR; see Jayne and Bogue, 2017, in this issue). 6. Seaglider in the waters off the Maldives (photo courtesy of Luc Rainville, University of Washington). 7. Surface Wave Instrument Float with Tracking (SWIFT) in the Arctic (photo courtesy of Jim Thomson, University of Washington). 8. Drone footage of the Robotic Oceanographic Surface Sampler (ROSS) near a glacier in Alaska (photo courtesy of David Sutherland, University of Oregon; see Nash et al., 2017, in this issue). 9. ALAMO float in the water off Miami (photo courtesy of Robert Todd, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution).
Cover PDF

Autonomous Instruments Significantly Expand Ocean Observing: An Introduction to the Special Issue
Craig M. Lee,
Theresa Paluszkiewicz ,
Daniel L. Rudnick,
Melissa M. Omand, and
Robert E. Todd
The Argo Program: Present and Future
Steven R. Jayne ,
Dean Roemmich ,
Nathalie Zilberman ,
Stephen C. Riser ,
Kenneth S. Johnson ,
Gregory C. Johnson , and
Stephen R. Piotrowicz
Air-Deployable Profiling Floats
Steven R. Jayne and
Neil M. Bogue
Looking Ahead: A Profiling Float Micro-Rosette
Philip Bresnahan,
Todd Martz,
Joao de Almeida,
Brian Ward , and
Paul Maguire
ASIP: Profiling the Upper Ocean
Anneke ten Doeschate,
Graig Sutherland,
Leonie Esters,
Danielle Wain,
Kieran Walesby, and
Brian Ward
A New Technology for Continuous Long-Range Tracking of Fish and Lobster
Thomas Rossby,
Godi Fischer, and
Melissa M. Omand
Autonomous Multi-Platform Observations During the Salinity Processes in the Upper-ocean Regional Study
Eric J. Lindstrom,
Andrey Y. Shcherbina,
Luc Rainville,
J. Thomas Farrar,
Luca R. Centurioni,
Shenfu Dong ,
Eric A. D’Asaro ,
Charles Eriksen,
David M. Fratantoni,
Benjamin A. Hodges,
Verena Hormann,
William S. Kessler,
Craig M. Lee,
Stephen C. Riser ,
Louis St. Laurent, and
Denis L. Volkov
Multi-Month Dissipation Estimates Using Microstructure from Autonomous Underwater Gliders
Luc Rainville,
Jason I. Gobat,
Craig M. Lee, and
Geoffrey B. Shilling
Observing Internal Tides in High-Risk Regions Using Co-located Ocean Gliders and Moored ADCPs
Rob A. Hall ,
Barbara Berx, and
Mark E. Inall
KAUST’s Red Sea Observing System
Burton H. Jones and
Yasser Kattan
An Autonomous Approach to Observing the Seasonal Ice Zone in the Western Arctic
Craig M. Lee,
Jim Thomson,
The Marginal Ice Zone Team, and
The Arctic Sea State Team
On the Benefit of Current and Future ALPS Data for Improving Arctic Coupled Ocean-Sea Ice State Estimation
An T. Nguyen,
Victor Ocaña,
Vikram Garg,
Patrick Heimbach,
John M. Toole,
Richard A. Krishfield ,
Craig M. Lee, and
Luc Rainville
Northern Arabian Sea Circulation-Autonomous Research (NASCar): A Research Initiative Based on Autonomous Sensors
Luca Centurioni ,
Verena Hormann,
Lynne D. Talley ,
Isabella Arzeno,
Lisa Beal,
Michael Caruso,
Patrick Conry,
Rosalind Echols,
Harindra J.S. Fernando,
Sarah N. Giddings,
Arnold Gordon,
Hans Graber,
Ramsey R. Harcourt,
Steven R. Jayne ,
Tommy G. Jensen ,
Craig M. Lee ,
Pierre F.J. Lermusiaux,
Pierre L’Hegaret ,
Andrew J. Lucas,
Amala Mahadevan,
Julie L. McClean,
Geno Pawlak ,
Luc Rainville,
Stephen C. Riser ,
Hyodae Seo,
Andrey Y. Shcherbina ,
Eric Skyllingstad ,
Janet Sprintall ,
Bulusu Subrahmanyam ,
Eric Terrill ,
Robert E. Todd,
Corinne Trott ,
Hugo N. Ulloa, and
He Wang
Underwater Glider Observations and the Representation of Western Boundary Currents in Numerical Models
Robert E. Todd and
Lea Locke-Wynn
Ocean Glider Observations Around Australia
Charitha Pattiaratchi,
L. Mun Woo,
Paul G. Thomson,
Kah Kiat Hong, and
Dennis Stanley
Autonomous and Lagrangian Ocean Observations for Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Studies and Forecasts
Gustavo J. Goni,
Robert E. Todd,
Steven R. Jayne,
George Halliwell ,
Scott Glenn ,
Jili Dong,
Ruth Curry,
Ricardo Domingues,
Francis Bringas,
Luca Centurioni ,
Steven F. DiMarco ,
Travis Miles,
Julio Morell ,
Luis Pomales,
Hyun-Sook Kim ,
Pelle E. Robbins,
Glen G. Gawarkiewicz,
John Wilkin,
Joleen Heiderich,
Becky Baltes ,
Joseph J. Cione ,
Greg Seroka,
Kelly Knee, and
Elizabeth R. Sanabia
Sustained Measurements of Southern Ocean Air-Sea Coupling from a Wave Glider Autonomous Surface Vehicle
Jim Thomson and
James Girton
Autonomous CTD Profiling from the Robotic Oceanographic Surface Sampler
Jonathan D. Nash,
June Marion,
Nick McComb,
Jasmine S. Nahorniak,
Rebecca H. Jackson ,
Corwin Perren,
Dylan Winters ,
Andy Pickering,
Jorian Bruslind,
Onn Lim Yong , and
Sam Jia Khai Lee
Advances in Ecosystem Research: Saildrone Surveys of Oceanography, Fish, and Marine Mammals in the Bering Sea
Calvin W. Mordy ,
Edward D. Cokelet,
Alex De Robertis,
Richard Jenkins ,
Carey E. Kuhn ,
Noah Lawrence-Slavas,
Catherine L. Berchok ,
Jessica L. Crance ,
Jeremy T. Sterling ,
Jessica N. Cross,
Phyllis J. Stabeno ,
Christian Meinig ,
Heather M. Tabisola,
William Burgess, and
Ivar Wangen
Measurements of Near-Surface Turbulence and Mixing from Autonomous Ocean Gliders
Louis St. Laurent and
Sophia Merrifield
Ocean Wave Energy for Long Endurance, Broad Bandwidth Ocean Monitoring
Andrew J. Lucas,
Robert Pinkel, and
Matthew Alford
Using Bio-Optics to Reveal Phytoplankton Physiology from a Wirewalker Autonomous Platform
Melissa M. Omand,
Ivona Cetinić , and
Andrew J. Lucas
Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole: A Review of the MEOP Consortium
Anne M. Treasure,
Fabien Roquet,
Isabelle J. Ansorge,
Marthán N. Bester,
Lars Boehme,
Horst Bornemann ,
Jean-Benoît Charrassin,
Damien Chevallier,
Daniel P. Costa ,
Mike A. Fedak ,
Christophe Guinet,
Mike O. Hammill ,
Robert G. Harcourt ,
Mark A. Hindell,
Kit M. Kovacs ,
Mary-Anne Lea,
Phil Lovell ,
Andrew D. Lowther,
Christian Lydersen,
Trevor McIntyre,
Clive R. McMahon,
Mônica M.C. Muelbert,
Keith Nicholls,
Baptiste Picard,
Gilles Reverdin,
Andrew W. Trites,
Guy D. Williams, and
P.J. Nico de Bruyn
Ocean Observations Using Tagged Animals
Fabien Roquet,
Lars Boehme ,
Mike A. Fedak,
Barbara Block,
Jean-Benoit Charrassin,
Daniel Costa,
Luis A. Hückstädt,
Christophe Guinet,
Robert G. Harcourt ,
Mark A. Hindell ,
Clive R. McMahon, and
Bill Woodward
Do Southern Elephant Seals Behave Like Weather Buoys?
Dorian Cazau,
Cédric Pradalier,
Julien Bonnel , and
Christophe Guinet
Project Recover: Extending the Applications of Unmanned Platforms and Autonomy to Support Underwater MIA Searches
Eric J. Terrill ,
Mark A. Moline ,
Patrick J. Scannon,
Eric Gallimore,
Travis Schramek,
Andy Nager ,
Robert Hess,
Megan Cimino ,
Patrick L. Colin ,
Andrew Pietruszka, and
Mark R. Anderson
Satellites to Seafloor: Toward Fully Autonomous Ocean Sampling
Andrew F. Thompson,
Yi Chao,
Steve Chien,
James Kinsey ,
M. Mar Flexas,
Zachary K. Erickson ,
John Farrara,
David Fratantoni,
Andrew Branch,
Selina Chu ,
Martina Troesch ,
Brian Claus, and
James Kepper
Do AUVs Dream of Electric Eels?
Jeffrey W. Kaeli
Optimal Planning and Sampling Predictions for Autonomous and Lagrangian Platforms and Sensors in the Northern Arabian Sea
Pierre F.J. Lermusiaux,
Patrick J. Haley Jr.,
Sudip Jana,
Abhinav Gupta,
Chinmay S. Kulkarni,
Chris Mirabito,
Wael Hajj Ali,
Deepak N. Subramani,
Arkopal Dutt,
Jing Lin,
Andrey Y. Shcherbina,
Craig M. Lee, and
Avijit Gangopadhyay
Ambient Sound at Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench
Robert P. Dziak,
Joseph H. Haxel ,
Haruyoshi Matsumoto,
Tai-Kwan Lau ,
Sara Heimlich ,
Sharon Nieukirk ,
David K. Mellinger,
James Osse,
Christian Meinig ,
Nicholas Delich, and
Scott Stalin
Two-Stage Exams: A Powerful Tool for Reducing the Achievement Gap in Undergraduate Oceanography and Geology Classes
Barbara C. Bruno,
Jennifer Engels,
Garrett Ito ,
Jeffrey Gillis-Davis,
Henrietta Dulai,
Glenn Carter,
Charles Fletcher , and
Daniela Böttjer-Wilson
Swells, Soundings, and Sustainability, but…“Here Be Monsters”
Dawn J. Wright
QUARTERDECK • Our Awesome, Inspiring US Park Rangers and the Value of Public Service
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • Follow the Money
Alan C. Mix
TRIBUTE • A Tribute to Mike Storms: August 30, 1947–May 6, 2017
Brad Clement,
Mitch Malone,
Peggy Delaney,
Rick Murray,
Larry Mayer,
Peter deMenocal, and
Ken Miller
RIPPLE MARKS • Sushi Bait and Switch: What Fish Are You Really Eating?
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
HANDS-ON OCEANOGRAPHY • Observing the Ocean with Gliders: Techniques for Data Visualization and Analysis
Christine E. Hanson ,
L. Mun Woo ,
Paul G. Thomson, and
Charitha B. Pattiaratchi
BOOK REVIEW • A Sea of Glass: Searching for the Blaschkas’ Fragile Legacy in an Ocean at Risk
Bruce H. Robison
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and insights. 2017. Oceanography 30(2):230–232.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Craig Lee, University of Washington
Melissa Omand, University of Rhode Island
Terri Paluszkiewicz, Office of Naval Research
Dan Rudnick, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Robert Todd, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the Office of Naval Research through a grant to Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego.