Volume 32 | Number 4 | December 2019
Special Issue on FLEAT: Flow Encountering Abrupt Topography
On the Cover: The microstructure glider used for turbulent wake studies is in the foreground, with Pat Colin aboard the Coral Reef Research Foundation’s catamaran Kemedukl in the background. Photo credit: Steve Lindfield, CRRF. Bottom left: Mika Siegelman (University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa) cradling a conductivity and temperature recorder that is covered with gooseneck barnacles. Photo credit: Kristin Zeiden, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Middle: Shoreline of Palau. Photo credit: Hans C. Graber, University of Miami. Right: Simulation of the eddying currents surrounding the islands of the Republic of Palau, showing salinity (color) and velocity at 400 m resolution (see Harper et al., 2019, in this issue for model details). Image credit: Harper Simmons, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Cover PDF

INTRODUCTION TO THE SPECIAL ISSUE • FLEAT: A Multiscale Observational and Modeling Program to Understand How Topography Affects Flows in the Western North Pacific
T.M. Shaun Johnston,
Martha C. Schönau,
Terri Paluszkiewicz,
Jennifer A. MacKinnon,
Brian K. Arbic,
Patrick L. Colin,
Matthew H. Alford,
Magdalena Andres,
Luca Centurioni,
Hans C. Graber,
Karl R. Helfrich,
Verena Hormann,
Pierre F.J. Lermusiaux,
Ruth C. Musgrave,
Brian S. Powell,
Bo Qiu,
Daniel L. Rudnick,
Harper L. Simmons,
Louis St. Laurent,
Eric J. Terrill,
David S. Trossman,
Gunnar Voet,
Hemantha W. Wijesekera, and
Kristin L. Zeiden
Nonlinear Short-Term Upper Ocean Circulation Variability in the Tropical Western Pacific
Bo Qiu,
Shuiming Chen,
Brian S. Powell,
Patrick L. Colin,
Daniel L. Rudnick, and
Martha C. Schönau
The End of an El Niño: A View from Palau
Martha C. Schönau,
Hemantha W. Wijesekera,
William J. Teague,
Patrick L. Colin,
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan,
Daniel L. Rudnick,
Bruce D. Cornuelle,
Zachariah R. Hallock, and
David W. Wang
Eddies, Topography, and the Abyssal Flow by the Kyushu-Palau Ridge Near Velasco Reef
Magdalena Andres,
Mika Siegelman,
Verena Hormann,
Ruth C. Musgrave,
Sophia T. Merrifield,
Daniel L. Rudnick,
Mark A. Merrifield,
Matthew H. Alford,
Gunnar Voet,
Hemantha W. Wijesekera,
Jennifer A. MacKinnon,
Luca Centurioni,
Jonathan D. Nash, and
Eric J. Terrill
Typhoon-Forced Waves Around a Western Pacific Island Nation
Sophia T. Merrifield,
Travis A. Schramek,
Sean Celona,
Ana Beatriz Villas Bôas,
Patrick L. Colin, and
Eric J. Terrill
Understanding Vorticity Caused by Flow Passing an Island
Daniel L. Rudnick,
Kristin L. Zeiden,
Celia Y. Ou,
T.M. Shaun Johnston,
Jennifer A. MacKinnon,
Matthew H. Alford, and
Gunnar Voet
Observations of Near-Inertial Surface Currents at Palau
Mika Siegelman,
Mark A. Merrifield,
Eric Firing,
Jennifer A. MacKinnon,
Matthew H. Alford,
Gunnar Voet,
Hemantha W. Wijesekera,
Travis A. Schramek,
Kristin L. Zeiden, and
Eric J. Terrill
Dynamical Downscaling of Equatorial Flow Response to Palau
Harper L. Simmons,
Brian S. Powell,
Sophia T. Merrifield,
Sarah E. Zedler, and
Patrick L. Colin
Island Wakes Observed from High-Frequency Current Mapping Radar
Sophia T. Merrifield,
Patrick L. Colin,
Thomas Cook,
Carlos Garcia-Moreno,
Jennifer A. MacKinnon,
Mark Otero,
Travis A. Schramek,
Mika Siegelman,
Harper L. Simmons, and
Eric J. Terrill
Turbulence and Vorticity in the Wake of Palau
Louis St. Laurent,
Takashi Ijichi,
Sophia T. Merrifield,
Justin Shapiro, and
Harper L. Simmons
Energy and Momentum Lost to Wake Eddies and Lee Waves Generated by the North Equatorial Current and Tidal Flows at Peleliu, Palau
T.M. Shaun Johnston,
Jennifer A. MacKinnon,
Patrick L. Colin,
Patrick J. Haley Jr.,
Pierre F.J. Lermusiaux,
Andrew J. Lucas,
Mark A. Merrifield,
Sophia T. Merrifield,
Chris Mirabito,
Jonathan D. Nash,
Celia Y. Ou,
Mika Siegelman,
Eric J. Terrill, and
Amy F. Waterhouse
Palau’s Effects on Regional-Scale Ocean Circulation
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan and
Bruce D. Cornuelle
Energy Transfer in the Western Tropical Pacific
Sarah E. Zedler,
Brian S. Powell,
Bo Qiu, and
Daniel L. Rudnick
Connecting Process Models of Topographic Wave Drag to Global Eddying General Circulation Models
Brian K. Arbic,
Oliver B. Fringer,
Jody M. Klymak,
Frederick T. Mayer,
David S. Trossman, and
Peiyun Zhu
Tropical Western Pacific Thermal Structure and its Relationship to Ocean Surface Variables: A Numerical State Estimate and Forereef Temperature Records
Travis A. Schramek,
Bruce D. Cornuelle,
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan,
Patrick L. Colin,
Sonia J. Rowley,
Mark A. Merrifield, and
Eric J. Terrill
Ngaraard Pinnacle, Palau: An Undersea “Island” in the Flow
Patrick L. Colin,
T.M. Shaun Johnston,
Jennifer A. MacKinnon,
Celia Y. Ou,
Daniel L. Rudnick,
Eric J. Terrill,
Steven J. Lindfield, and
Heidi Batchelor
Radar Observations of Ocean Surface Features Resulting from Underwater Topography Changes
Lisa Nyman,
Björn Lund,
Hans C. Graber,
Roland Romeiser, and
Jochen Horstmann
Flow-Topography Interactions in the Samoan Passage
James B. Girton,
John B. Mickett,
ZhongXiang Zhao,
Matthew H. Alford,
Gunnar Voet,
Jesse M. Cusack,
Glenn S. Carter,
Kelly A. Pearson-Potts,
Larry J. Pratt,
Shuwen Tan, and
Jody M. Klymak
A Spatial Geography of Abyssal Turbulent Mixing in the Samoan Passage
Glenn S. Carter,
Gunnar Voet,
Matthew H. Alford,
James B. Girton,
John B. Mickett,
Jody M. Klymak,
Larry J. Pratt,
Kelly A. Pearson-Potts,
Jesse M. Cusack, and
Shuwen Tan
QUARTERDECK • Talking to Local Communities About Climate Change
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • Observing the Ocean: From Niche to Norm
Martin Visbeck
RIPPLE MARKS • Bioluminescent, Biofluorescent Species Light the Way to New Biomedical Discoveries
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM • How to Help Your Students Ask More and Better Questions
Melissa Zrada,
Kim A. Kastens, and
Margie Turrin
Career Profiles—Options and Insights. 2019. Oceanography 32(4):211.
Special Issue Guest Editors
T.M. Shaun Johnston, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Terri Paluszkiewicz, Octopus Ocean Consulting LLC
Martha Schönau, Applied Ocean Sciences
Louis St. Laurent, University of Washington