Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 32 Issue 04

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Volume 32, No. 4
Pages 146 - 155


Connecting Process Models of Topographic Wave Drag to Global Eddying General Circulation Models

By Brian K. Arbic , Oliver B. Fringer, Jody M. Klymak, Frederick T. Mayer, David S. Trossman, and Peiyun Zhu 
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Article Abstract

This paper focuses on the representation of damping of mesoscale eddies, currents, and tides in global ocean models by the topographic wave drag they generate over bathymetric features. Insertion of parameterized topographic wave drag into global high-resolution models strongly impacts the energy budget, near-bottom stratification, near-bottom velocities, and vertical structure of low-frequency mesoscale eddies and currents, and impacts the low-frequency surface kinetic energy and sea surface height variance to a measurable (though lesser) extent. Parameterized topographic wave drag also strongly impacts the amplitudes of tidal motions. Process modeling studies show great potential to improve existing topographic wave drag parameterizations, although much more work is needed to develop a complete understanding of the full parameter space needed to develop practical implementations for global ocean models.


Arbic, B.K., O.B. Fringer, J.M. Klymak, F.T. Mayer, D.S. Trossman, and P. Zhu. 2019. Connecting process models of topographic wave drag to global eddying general circulation models. Oceanography 32(4):146–155, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2019.420.

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