Volume 30 | Number 4 | December 2017
Special Issue on Celebrating 30 Years of Ocean Science and Technology at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
On the Cover: Numbers are from left to right in each row.
ROW 1 — (1) MBARI ROV Ventana in MBARI’s 375,000-gallon test tank in Moss Landing, California (Photo by Todd Walsh). (2) Aerial view of MBARI campus in Moss Landing, California (Photo by Todd Walsh). (3) MBARI ROV Tiburon video frame grab of Tiburonia granrojo, a new species of jelly discovered and described by scientists at MBARI. (4) ROV Tiburon video frame grab of manipulator arm collection of coral samples from Davidson Seamount. (5) MBARI R/V Rachel Carson on Monterey Bay (Photo by Todd Walsh).
ROW 2 — (1) ROV Tiburon video frame grab of Vampyroteuthis infernalis, the vampire squid. (2) MBARI R/V Western Flyer (Photo by Todd Walsh). (3) Illustration of emergent marine technology by Kelly Lance ©MBARI. (4) CTD recovery on R/V Western Flyer (Photo by Debbie Meyer).
ROW 3 — (1) The Monterey Submarine Canyon based on multibeam bathymetric data ©MBARI. (2) ROV control room aboard R/V Rachel Carson (Photo by Kyra Schlining). (3) ROV Tiburon frame grab of an undescribed comb jelly in the genus Lampocteis.
ROW 4 — (1) ROV Ventana video frame grab of Macropinna microstoma, the barreleye fish. (2) LRAUV being deployed from R/V Paragon (© Kip Evans 2015). (3) ROV Tiburon video frame grab of Laser Raman Spectrometer, DORISS, making measurements at a seafloor vent.
Cover PDF

FROM THE GUEST EDITORS. Celebrating 30 Years of Ocean Science and Technology at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Francisco P. Chavez,
Peter G. Brewer, and
Christopher A. Scholin
The Coevolution of Midwater Research and ROV Technology at MBARI
Bruce H. Robison,
Kim R. Reisenbichler, and
Rob E. Sherlock
Insights into the Biodiversity, Behavior, and Bioluminescence of Deep-Sea Organisms Using Molecular and Maritime Technology
Steven H.D. Haddock,
Lynne M. Christianson,
Warren R. Francis,
Séverine Martini,
Casey W. Dunn,
Philip R. Pugh,
Claudia E. Mills,
Karen J. Osborn,
Brad A. Seibel,
C. Anela Choy,
Christine E. Schnitzler,
George I. Matsumoto,
Monique Messié,
Darrin T. Schultz,
Jacob R. Winnikoff,
Meghan L. Powers,
Rebeca Gasca,
William E. Browne,
Sönke Johnsen,
Kyra L. Schlining,
Susan von Thun,
Benjamin E. Erwin,
Joseph F. Ryan, and
Erik V. Thuesen
Creating the Art of Deep-Sea Experimental Chemistry with MBARI ROVs
Peter G. Brewer,
Edward T. Peltzer,
Peter M. Walz, and
William J. Kirkwood
Chasing the Future: How Will Ocean Change Affect Marine Life?
James P. Barry,
Dale Graves,
Chad Kecy,
Chris Lovera,
Craig Okuda,
Charles A. Boch, and
Joshua P. Lord
Evolution of Monitoring an Abyssal Time-Series Station in the Northeast Pacific Over 28 Years
Kenneth L. Smith Jr.,
Alana D. Sherman,
Paul R. McGill,
Rich G. Henthorn,
John Ferreira, and
Christine L. Huffard
High-Resolution AUV Mapping and Targeted ROV Observations of Three Historical Lava Flows at Axial Seamount
David A. Clague,
Jennifer B. Paduan,
David W. Caress,
William W. Chadwick Jr.,
Morgane Le Saout,
Brian M. Dreyer, and
Ryan A. Portner
The Quest to Develop Ecogenomic Sensors: A 25-Year History of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) as a Case Study
Christopher A. Scholin,
James Birch,
Scott Jensen,
Roman Marin III,
Eugene Massion,
Douglas Pargett,
Christina Preston,
Brent Roman, and
William Ussler III
Hourly In Situ Nitrate on a Coastal Mooring: A 15-Year Record and Insights into New Production
Carole M. Sakamoto,
Kenneth S. Johnson,
Luke J. Coletti,
Tanya L. Maurer,
Gene Massion,
J. Timothy Pennington,
Joshua N. Plant,
Hans W. Jannasch, and
Francisco P. Chavez
Climate Variability and Change: Response of a Coastal Ocean Ecosystem
Francisco P. Chavez,
J. Timothy Pennington,
Reiko P. Michisaki,
Marguerite Blum,
Gabriela M. Chavez,
Jules Friederich,
Brent Jones,
Robert Herlien,
Brian Kieft,
Brett Hobson,
Alice S. Ren,
John Ryan,
Jeffrey C. Sevadjian,
Christopher Wahl,
Kristine R. Walz,
Kevan Yamahara,
Gernot E. Friederich, and
Monique Messié
QUARTERDECK • Using Oceanography in the Classroom—Insight from a Survey of TOS Members
Ellen S. Kappel
STUDENT PERSPECTIVE • Becoming an Ocean Advocate Through Experiential Learning
Kate Dubickas and
Alex Ilich
RIPPLE MARKS • Birds with Fins, Fish with Wings: Pondering Penguins’ Prospects
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM • STEMSEAS: A Vehicle for the US Academic Fleet to Serve Undergraduates from Diverse Backgrounds
Sharon K. Cooper and
Jonathan C. Lewis
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and Insights. 2017. Oceanography 30(4):149–151.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Francisco Chavez, MBARI
Peter Brewer, MBARI
Chris Scholin, MBARI
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute through funds provided by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.