Volume 27 | Number 2 | June 2014
Special Issue: Undersea Natural Hazards
On the Cover: Image snippets from articles in the special issue section depicting the four types of undersea natural hazards covered: earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, and volcanic eruptions. Further information about these images, including credits, can be found on the following pages: pp. 25 and 29 in Embley et al.; pp. 32 and 35 in Talling et al.; p. 49 in Watt et al.; p. 73 in Yalciner et al.; p. 83 in Necmioğlu and Özel.; p. 86 in Geist and Lynett.; p. 99 in Hori et al.; p. 112 in Wallace et al.; and p. 142 in Toomey et al.
Cover PDF

Eruption of South Sarigan Seamount, Northern Mariana Islands: Insights into Hazards from Submarine Volcanic Eruptions
Robert W. Embley,
Yoshihiko Tamura ,
Susan G. Merle ,
Tomoki Sato ,
Osamu Ishizuka ,
William W. Chadwick Jr. ,
Douglas A. Wiens ,
Patrick Shore, and
Robert J. Stern
Large Submarine Landslides on Continental Slopes: Geohazards, Methane Release, and Climate Change
Peter J. Talling,
Michael Clare,
Morelia Urlaub ,
Ed Pope,
James E. Hunt, and
Sebastian F.L. Watt
New Insights into the Emplacement Dynamics of Volcanic Island Landslides
Sebastian F.L. Watt ,
Peter J. Talling , and
James E. Hunt
Insights into Submarine Geohazards from Breaks in Subsea Telecommunication Cables
Lionel Carter,
Rachel Gavey,
Peter J. Talling , and
James T. Liu
A Possible Submarine Landslide and Associated Tsunami at the Northwest Nile Delta, Mediterranean Sea
Ahmet C. Yalciner,
Andrey Zaytsev ,
Betul Aytore ,
Isil Insel,
Mohammad Heidarzadeh ,
Rozita Kian , and
Fumihiko Imamura
An Earthquake Source Sensitivity Analysis for Tsunami Propagation in the Eastern Mediterranean
Öcal Necmioğlu and
Nurcan M. Özel
Source Processes for the Probabilistic Assessment of Tsunami Hazards
Eric L. Geist and
Patrick J. Lynett
A Forecasting Procedure for Plate Boundary Earthquakes Based on Sequential Data Assimilation
Takane Hori ,
Mamoru Hyodo,
Ryoko Nakata,
Shin’ichi Miyazaki , and
Yoshiyuki Kaneda
SIDEBAR • DONET: A Real-Time Monitoring System for Megathrust Earthquakes and Tsunamis Around Southwestern Japan
Yoshiyuki Kaneda
Earthquake and Tsunami Potential of the Hikurangi Subduction Thrust, New Zealand: Insights from Paleoseismology, GPS, and Tsunami Modeling
Laura M. Wallace ,
Ursula A. Cochran,
William L. Power, and
Kate J. Clark
Submarine Paleoseismology Along Populated Transform Boundaries: The Enriquillo-Plantain-Garden Fault, Canal du Sud, Haiti, and the North Anatolian Fault, Marmara Sea, Turkey
Cecilia M.G. McHugh,
Leonardo Seeber,
Marie-Helene Cormier, and
Matthew Hornbach
Investigation of the Huge Tsunami from the 2011 Tōhoku-Oki, Japan, Earthquake Using Ocean Floor Boreholes to the Fault Zone
Jim Mori ,
Frederick Chester ,
Emily E. Brodsky , and
Shuichi Kodaira
The Cascadia Initiative: A Sea Change In Seismological Studies of Subduction Zones
Douglas R. Toomey ,
Richard M. Allen,
Andrew H. Barclay ,
Samuel W. Bell ,
Peter D. Bromirski ,
Richard L. Carlson ,
Xiaowei Chen,
John A. Collins ,
Robert P. Dziak ,
Brent Evers,
Donald W. Forsyth,
Peter Gerstoft,
Emilie E.E. Hooft ,
Dean Livelybrooks,
Jessica A. Lodewyk ,
Douglas S. Luther ,
Jeffrey J. McGuire,
Susan Y. Schwartz ,
Maya Tolstoy ,
Anne M. Tréhu,
Michelle Weirathmueller , and
William S.D. Wilcock
SIDEBAR • Ocean Networks Canada: From Geohazards Research Laboratories to Smart Ocean Systems
Martin Heesemann ,
Tania L. Insua,
Martin Scherwath,
S. Kim Juniper , and
Kate Moran
Geohazards in the Western Ionian Sea: Insights from Non-Earthquake Signals Recorded by the NEMO-SN1 Seafloor Observatory
Tiziana Sgroi ,
Stephen Monna,
Davide Embriaco ,
Gabriele Giovanetti ,
Giuditta Marinaro, and
Paolo Favali
SIDEBAR • EMSO: A Distributed Infrastructure for Addressing Geohazards and Global Ocean Change
Mairi Best,
Paolo Favali ,
Laura Beranzoli , and
Coordinators for EMSO Partners
Hovercraft as a Mobile Science Platform Over Sea Ice in the Arctic Ocean
Yngve Kristoffersen and
John K. Hall
Multiplatform, Multidisciplinary Investigations of the Impacts of Modified Circumpolar Deep Water in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
Walker O. Smith Jr. ,
Kimberly T. Goetz ,
Daniel E. Kaufman,
Bastien Y. Queste ,
Vernon Asper ,
Daniel P. Costa,
Michael S. Dinniman,
Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs ,
Eileen E. Hofmann,
Karen J. Heywood,
John M. Klinck,
Josh T. Kohut, and
Craig M. Lee
Real-Time Observations of the February 2010 Chile and March 2011 Japan Tsunamis Recorded in Honolulu by the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System
Julia W. Fiedler ,
Margaret A. McManus,
Michael S. Tomlinson,
Eric H. De Carlo,
Geno R. Pawlak ,
Grieg F. Steward,
Olivia D. Nigro,
Ross E. Timmerman ,
Patrick S. Drupp, and
Chris E. Ostrander
Career Choices in Marine and Environmental Sciences: Navigating a Sea of Options
Daniela Böttjer ,
Sean P. Jungbluth ,
Rene Boiteau ,
Brian Burkhardt ,
Fabio de Leo , and
Barbara C. Bruno
QUARTERDECK • Undersea Natural Hazards
Ellen S. Kappel
Matthias Tomczak
RIPPLE MARKS • Here Be Oarfish—Sea Serpents Are Among Us
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
RIP CURRENT – NEWS IN OCEANOGRAPHY • Rapid Subsurface Ocean Warming in the Bay of Fundy as Measured by Free-Swimming Basking Sharks
Heather N. Koopman,
Andrew J. Westgate,
Zachary A. Siders, and
Lawrence B. Cahoon
COMMENTARY • A Framework for a Marine Biodiversity Observing Network Within Changing Continental Shelf Seascapes
Frank E. Muller-Karger ,
Maria T. Kavanaugh,
Enrique Montes ,
William M. Balch,
Mya Breitbart,
Francisco P. Chavez,
Scott C. Doney ,
Elizabeth M. Johns,
Ricardo M. Letelier,
Michael W. Lomas,
Heidi M. Sosik , and
Angelicque E. White
BOOK REVIEW • Marine Conservation: Science, Policy, and Management
Judith P. Grassle
BOOK REVIEW • The Biology of Reefs and Reef Organisms
Laura D. Mydlarz
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and insights. 2014. Oceanography 27(2):230–235.
THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM • A Public Perception of Our Ocean
Simon Boxall
TOS NEWS • TOS Activities at the 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting
TOS News: TOS activities at the 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting. 2014. Oceanography 27(2):239.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Yoshihisa Shirayama, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Jason Chaytor, US Geological Survey
Yoshiyuki Kaneda, Nagoya University
Shuichi Kodaira, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC).