Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 27 Issue 02

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Volume 27, No. 2
Pages 167 - 169


SIDEBAR • EMSO: A Distributed Infrastructure for Addressing Geohazards and Global Ocean Change

By Mairi Best , Paolo Favali , Laura Beranzoli , and Coordinators for EMSO Partners  
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The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO; http://www.emso-eu.org) is addressing the next challenge in Earth-ocean science: how to coordinate data acquisition, analysis, archiving, access, and response to geohazards across provincial, national, regional, and international boundaries. Such coordination is needed to optimize the use of current and planned ocean observatory systems to (1) address national and regional public safety concerns about geohazards (e.g., earthquakes, submarine landslides, tsunamis) and (2) permit broadening of their scope toward monitoring environmental change on global ocean scales.


Best, M., P. Favali, L. Beranzoli, M. Cannat, N. Cagatay, J.J. Dañobeitia, E. Delory, H. de Stigter, B. Ferré, M. Gillooly, F. Grant, P.O.J. Hall, V. Lykousis, J. Mienert, J.M.A. de Miranda, G. Oaie, V. Radulescu, J.-F. Rolin, H. Ruhl, and C. Waldmann. 2014. EMSO: A distributed infrastructure for addressing geohazards and global ocean change. Oceanography 27(2):167–169, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2014.52.

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  9. Sgroi, T., S. Monna, D. Embriaco, G. Giovanetti, G. Marinaro, and P. Favali. 2014. Geohazards in the western Ionian Sea: Insights from non-earthquake signals recorded by the NEMO-SN1 seafloor observatory. Oceanography 27(2):154–166, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2014.51.
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