Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 27 Issue 02

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Volume 27, No. 2
Pages 151 - 153


SIDEBAR • Ocean Networks Canada: From Geohazards Research Laboratories to Smart Ocean Systems

By Martin Heesemann , Tania L. Insua, Martin Scherwath, S. Kim Juniper , and Kate Moran  
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Ocean Networks Canada (ONC; http://www.oceannetworks.ca) operates the NEPTUNE and VENUS cabled ocean observatories off the western coast of Canada (Figure 1) and an increasing number of miniature ocean observatories, such as in the Canadian Arctic. These observatories collect data on physical, chemical, biological, and geological properties of the ocean and seafloor over long time periods, supporting research on complex Earth processes in ways not previously possible (Taylor, 2009; Barnes et al., 2012, 2013). All recorded data are permanently archived and publicly available in real time through ONC’s Oceans 2.0 data portal. Much of the data collected by ONC is related to marine geohazards, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, submarine landslides, waves, and gas hydrate stability. These real-time data are used by early warning centers and could be made available to decision makers through Smart Ocean Systems (http://www.oceannetworks.ca/technology-services/smart-ocean-systems).


Heesemann, M., T.L. Insua, M. Scherwath, S.K. Juniper, and K. Moran. 2014. Ocean Networks Canada: From geohazards research laboratories to Smart Ocean Systems. Oceanography 27(2):151–153, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2014.50.

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