Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 29 Issue 01

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Volume 29, No. 1
Pages 34 - 35


SIDEBAR. The Duke Professional Master of Environmental Management: An Exemplary Program Responsive to Workforce Needs

By Patrick Halpin  and Andy Read 
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Professional master’s degree programs provide powerful pathways for preparing individuals to work in the fields of environmental science, conservation, and management. Such programs are typically very focused two-year degrees that fill a niche; they are distinct from other types of graduate education because they equip students with the multidisciplinary skill set required to work at the interface of science and management. 


Halpin, P., and A. Read. 2016. The Duke Professional Master of Environmental Management: An exemplary program responsive to workforce needs. Oceanography 29(1):34–35, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2016.08.

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