Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 29 Issue 01

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Volume 29, No. 1
Pages 44 - 45


SIDEBAR. The Big Picture: National Initiatives in Graduate Education

By Suzanne T. Ortega  and Maureen Terese McCarthy 
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As the world faces ever more complex challenges, the need deepens for a diverse talent pool with rigorous training and analytic acumen. The key to meeting these evolving scientific, workforce, and humanitarian needs is a robust system of graduate education. To strengthen all aspects of graduate education, the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) partners with graduate schools throughout the country on projects that range from recruiting the most talented students to preparing students for lifelong careers. 


Ortega, S.T., and M.T. McCarthy. 2016. The big picture: National initiatives in graduate education. Oceanography 29(1):44–45, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2016.10.

    Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2015. Number of jobs held, labor market activity, and earnings growth among the youngest baby boomers: Results from a longitudinal study. US Department of Labor, http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/nlsoy.pdf
  1. Sowell, R., J. Allum, and H. Okahana. 2015. Doctoral initiative on minority attrition and completion. Council of Graduate Schools, Washington, DC, http://cgsnet.org/minority-attrition-and-completion-stem-doctoral-programs
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