Volume 27 | Number 3 | September 2014
Special Issue: Navy Operational Models
On the Cover: The Naval Oceanography mission is to provide environmental battlespace awareness to the operational forces. US Navy R&D focuses on improving knowledge and understanding of the maritime operating environment. This knowledge is used to build environmental prediction systems based on a combination of numerical models and real-time observations. Navy specialists use these systems, which range from global to tactical scales and from ocean and ice to the atmosphere, to provide an environmental picture to our sailors and soldiers, enabling them to exploit environmental variability and operate safely. Background photo: The multi-purpose amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2) leads a formation of US and Indonesian navy ships during a pass and review. US Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Mark R. Alvarez / Released
Cover PDF

Overview of Operational Ocean Forecasting in the US Navy: Past, Present, and Future
William Burnett ,
Scott Harper ,
Ruth Preller,
Gregg Jacobs , and
Kevin LaCroix
US Navy Operational Global Ocean and Arctic Ice Prediction Systems
E. Joseph Metzger,
Ole Martin Smedstad ,
Prasad G. Thoppil,
Harley E. Hurlburt ,
James A. Cummings,
Alan J. Wallcraft,
Luis Zamudio ,
Deborah S. Franklin,
Pamela G. Posey,
Michael W. Phelps,
Patrick J. Hogan,
Frank L. Bub, and
Chris J. DeHaan
Regional and Coastal Prediction with the Relocatable Ocean Nowcast/Forecast System
Clark Rowley and
Andrea Mask
US Navy Global and Regional Wave Modeling
W. Erick Rogers ,
James D. Dykes, and
Paul A. Wittmann
Forecasting the Ocean's Optical Environment Using the BioCast System
Jason Keith Jolliff ,
Sherwin Ladner,
Richard Crout ,
Paul Lyon,
Kenneth Matulewski,
Robert A. Arnone, and
David Lewis
Navy Nearshore Ocean Prediction Systems
Jayaram Veeramony,
Mark D. Orzech,
Kacey L. Edwards,
Michael Gilligan ,
Jeikook Choi,
Eric Terrill , and
Tony De Paolo
The US Navy Coupled Ocean-Wave Prediction System
Richard Allard ,
Erick Rogers,
Paul Martin,
Tommy Jensen,
Philip Chu,
Tim Campbell,
James Dykes,
Travis Smith,
Jeikook Choi, and
Uriah Gravois
Tropical Cyclone Prediction Using COAMPS-TC
James D. Doyle,
Richard M. Hodur ,
Sue Chen,
Yi Jin,
Jonathan R. Moskaitis,
Shouping Wang,
Eric A. Hendricks,
Hao Jin , and
Travis A. Smith
The Navy Global Environmental Model
Timothy F. Hogan,
Ming Liu ,
James A. Ridout ,
Melinda S. Peng ,
Timothy R. Whitcomb,
Benjamin C. Ruston,
Carolyn A. Reynolds,
Stephen D. Eckermann ,
Jon R. Moskaitis,
Nancy L. Baker ,
John P. McCormack ,
Kevin C. Viner ,
Justin G. McLay,
Maria K. Flatau,
Liang Xu ,
Chaing Chen , and
Simon W. Chang
The Navy's Application of Ocean Forecasting to Decision Support
Frank L. Bub (retired) ,
Andrea C. Mask,
Kelly R. Wood,
Dennis G. Krynen ,
Bruce N. Lunde ,
Christopher J. DeHaan ,
E. Joseph Metzger,
Pamela G. Posey , and
Jay A. Wallmark
Operational Oceanography, End Users, and Social Network Sites: An Exploratory Analysis
Pablo Otero ,
Manuel Ruiz-Villarreal,
Gonzalo González-Nuevo, and
Jose Manuel Cabanas
Climate-Associated Regime Shifts Drive Decadal-Scale Variability in Recovery of North Atlantic Right Whale Population
Meyer-Gutbrod, E.L., and C.H. Greene. 2014. Climate-associated regime shifts drive decadal-scale variability in recovery of North Atlantic right whale population. Oceanography 27(3):148–153, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2014.64.
QUARTERDECK • Oceanography's Electronic Editions — Users, Please Comment!
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • A Move Toward Interdependency
Mark R. Abbott
RIPPLE MARKS • September Brings Crab Feasts—And Concerns for Chesapeake Blue Crabs
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
COMMENTARY • Understanding the Role of the Biological Pump in the Global Carbon Cycle: An Imperative for Ocean Science
Susumu Honjo,
Timothy I. Eglinton ,
Craig D. Taylor ,
Kevin M. Ulmer,
Stefan M. Sievert ,
Astrid Bracher,
Christopher R. German ,
Virginia Edgcomb ,
Roger Francois,
M. Debora Iglesias-Rodriguez ,
Benjamin Van Mooy , and
Daniel J. Repeta
COMMENTARY • Augmenting the Biological Pump: The Shortcomings of Geoengineered Upwelling
Susie J. Bauman,
Matthew T. Costa,
Michael B. Fong,
Brian M. House,
Elena M. Perez,
Maxine H. Tan,
Alexander E. Thornton, and
Peter J.S. Franks
Tom Garrison
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and insights. 2014. Oceanography 27(3):156–159.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Ruth Preller, Naval Research Laboratory
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the Office of Naval Research and the Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command.