Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 27 Issue 03

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Volume 27, No. 3
Pages 126 - 137


The Navy's Application of Ocean Forecasting to Decision Support

By Frank L. Bub (retired) , Andrea C. Mask , Kelly R. Wood, Dennis G. Krynen , Bruce N. Lunde , Christopher J. DeHaan , E. Joseph Metzger, Pamela G. Posey , and Jay A. Wallmark  
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Article Abstract

The Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) provides daily operational global, regional, and coastal ocean model forecasts and their associated prediction products. The models utilized include three-dimensional circulation, wave, and ice forecasting systems that have been developed to meet Navy requirements; the models are forced by Navy atmospheric models and constrained by Navy-developed bottom topography. In addition, NAVOCEANO acquires, quality controls, and delivers real-time ocean observations from both in situ and remote-sensing resources for assimilation by the ocean models. These observations are also used to assess model skill and develop ocean climatologies. A major supercomputing capacity is needed to run this ocean modeling suite, as well as a uniquely skilled model operations team that keeps the systems running. Dedicated ocean forecasters interpret the predictions and apply the information to Navy operations. The path from requirements to development to operations demonstrates the close links between research and development, production, and operational Navy applications. This path also provides innovative future ocean modeling plans directed to improve oceanographic support to the Navy.


Bub, F.L., A.C. Mask, K.R. Wood, D.G. Krynen, B.N. Lunde, C.J. DeHaan, E.J. Metzger, P.G. Posey, and J.A. Wallmark. 2014. The Navy’s application of ocean forecasting to decision support. Oceanography 27(3):126–137, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2014.74.

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