Volume 21 | Number 4 | December 2008
Special Issue: Coastal Ocean Processes
On the Cover: The cover art transforms an acoustic image of biological response to nonlinear internal waves (Figure 4 in Moum et al., this issue) to represent the suite of processes that may be ubiquitous in the global coastal ocean. CoOP’s organizing assumption is that a finite set of dominant processes controls the basic characteristics of all coastal environments. These processes differ in relative importance on a range of temporal and spatial scales, resulting in the observed variability of coastal ecosystems. CoOP’s goal has been to promote strategic interdisciplinary, process-oriented research at locations that differ in their relative mix of controlling processes to provide fundamental insights that can be applied to many coastal settings. Artwork by Anna Boyette, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography.
Cover PDF

Coastal Ocean Processes Program: Advancing Interdisciplinary Research and Technology Development
Richard A. Jahnke ,
Michael R. Roman , and
Kenneth H. Brink
Small-Scale Processes in the Coastal Ocean
James N. Moum ,
Jonathan D. Nash, and
Jody M. Klymak
Investigations of Air-Sea Gas Exchange in the CoOP Coastal Air-Sea Chemical Exchange Project
James B. Edson ,
Michael D. DeGrandpre,
Nelson Frew , and
Wade R. McGillis
New Insights into the Controls and Mechanisms of Plankton Productivity in Coastal Upwelling Waters of the Northern California Current System
Raphael M. Kudela,
Neil S. Banas ,
John A. Barth,
Elizabeth R. Frame ,
David A. Jay ,
John L. Largier ,
Evelyn J. Lessard,
Tawnya D. Peterson, and
Andrea J. Vander Woude
Coastal Sediment Dynamics and River Discharge as Key Factors Influencing Coastal Ecosystem Productivity in Southeastern Lake Michigan
Steven E. Lohrenz ,
Gary L. Fahnenstiel ,
Oscar Schofield , and
David F. Millie
Biological Responses in a Dynamic Buoyant River Plume
Mark A. Moline,
Thomas K. Frazer,
Robert Chant ,
Scott Glenn ,
Charles A. Jacoby,
John R. Reinfelder,
Jennifer Yost,
Meng Zhou , and
Oscar Schofield
Why is the Northern End of the California Current System So Productive?
Barbara M. Hickey and
Neil S. Banas
The Decadal View of the Mid-Atlantic Bight from the COOLroom: Is Our Coastal System Changing?
Oscar Schofield ,
Robert Chant ,
Bronwyn Cahill ,
Renato Castelao ,
Donglai Gong,
Alex Kahl ,
Josh Kohut ,
Martin Montes-Hugo,
Ramaya Ramadurai ,
Patricia Ramey,
Xu Yi , and
Scott Glenn
Winter-Spring Storms and Their Influence on Sediment Resuspension, Transport, and Accumulation Patterns in Southern Lake Michigan
Brian J. Eadie ,
John A. Robbins ,
J. Val Klump,
David J. Schwab , and
David N. Edgington
Progress in Coastal Ocean Modeling During CoOP
Roger M. Samelson,
John S. Allen, and
Parker MacCready
Dispersal of the Hudson River Plume in the New York Bight: Synthesis of Observational and Numerical Studies During LaTTE
Robert J. Chant,
John Wilkin,
Weifeng Zhang,
Byoung-Ju Choi ,
Eli Hunter,
Renato Castelao,
Scott Glenn ,
Joe Jurisa ,
Oscar Schofield,
Robert Houghton,
Josh Kohut,
Thomas K. Frazer , and
Mark A. Moline
Dynamics of Seafloor Processes: Advances from Benthic Observing Technologies
Deborah B. Jahnke and
Richard A. Jahnke
Monitoring the Seafloor Using the Noninvasive Eddy Correlation Technique: Integrated Benthic Exchange Dynamics
Peter Berg and
Markus Huettel
Quantifying Benthic Exchange of Fine Sediment via Continuous, Noninvasive Measurements of Settling Velocity and Bed Erodibility
Carl T. Friedrichs,
Grace M. Cartwright, and
Patrick J. Dickhudt
Kilo Nalu: Physical/Biogeochemical Dynamics Above and Within Permeable Sediments
Francis J. Sansone ,
Geno Pawlak,
Timothy P. Stanton,
Margaret A. McManus,
Brian T. Glazer,
Eric H. DeCarlo,
Marion Bandet ,
Jeffrey Sevadjian,
Kevin Stierhoff ,
Christopher Colgrove,
Andrew B. Hebert , and
In Chieh Chen
Forcing and Dynamics of Seafloor-Water Column Exchange on a Broad Continental Shelf
William B. Savidge,
Ann Gargett ,
Richard A. Jahnke,
James R. Nelson,
Dana K. Savidge ,
R. Timothy Short , and
George Voulgaris
On the Movement of Beluga Whales in Cook Inlet, Alaska: Simulations of Tidal and Environmental Impacts Using a Hydrodynamic Inundation Model
Tal Ezer ,
Roderick Hobbs , and
Lie-Yauw Oey
QUARTERDECK • In Review—NOT (with an exception)
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • Questions for TOS Members
Carolyn A. Thoroughgood
COMMENTARY • The Business of Ocean Science
Margaret Leinen
COMMENTARY • Ocean Literacy— There's More to it Than Content
Cynthia Cudaback
RIPPLE MARKS • Newest UNESCO World Heritage Site | DNA Barcoding Reaches the Deep Sea | Ahoy, Matey: Here Be Pirates | Nature's Investment Bank
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
Richard A. Jahnke and
Deborah B. Jahnke
HANDS-ON OCEANOGRAPHY • A Tabletop Demonstration of Atmospheric Dynamics: Baroclinic Instability
Balasubramanya (Balu) T. Nadiga and
Jonathan M. Aurnou
BOOK REVIEW • Microbial Ecology of the Oceans (Second Edition)
Lawrence R. Pomeroy
BOOK REVIEW • Oceans Past: Management Insights from the History of Marine Animal Populations
Michael J. Fogarty
AWARDS • The 2008 Jerlov Award
Awards: The 2008 Jerlov Award presented to T. Waterman. 2008. Oceanography 21(4):210–211.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Richard A. Jahnke | Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, GA, USA
Deborah B. Jahnke | Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, GA, USA
The production of this issue was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through grant number OCE-0301872 to the CoOP Program Office. Research discoveries presented in the contributions were made possible with support from NSF, the Office of Naval Research, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as referenced in individual acknowledgements in each contribution. The views herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding organizations.