Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 21 Issue 04

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Volume 21, No. 4
Pages 173 - 178


Kilo Nalu: Physical/Biogeochemical Dynamics Above and Within Permeable Sediments

By Francis J. Sansone , Geno Pawlak, Timothy P. Stanton, Margaret A. McManus, Brian T. Glazer, Eric H. DeCarlo, Marion Bandet , Jeffrey Sevadjian, Kevin Stierhoff , Christopher Colgrove, Andrew B. Hebert , and In Chieh Chen 
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The Kilo Nalu Nearshore Reef Observatory is a cabled physical-biogeochemical ocean observing system along the south coast of Oahu, Hawaii. Real-time observations began with the deployment of a range of instrument packages in March 2007, followed in July 2007 with an autonomous profiler, a moored instrument array, and event-focused shipboard and autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) surveys. The tropical reef seabed at this site consists of live coral, a fossil limestone reef, and carbonate sands. The slope of the seafloor is 1:30 from the shore to 40-m water depth, 1:2 from 40–100-m depth, and 1:1 from 100–250-m depth. The latter depth is located ~ 2 km offshore, reflecting the extremely narrow coastal shelf at this site.


Sansone, F.J., G. Pawlak, T.P. Stanton, M.A. McManus, B.T. Glazer, E.H. DeCarlo, M. Bandet, J. Sevadjian, K. Stierhoff, C. Colgrove, A.B. Hebert, and I.C. Chen. 2008. Kilo Nalu: Physical/biogeochemical dynamics above and within permeable sediments. Oceanography 21(4):173–178, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2008.15.

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