Volume 28 | Number 1 | March 2015
Special Issue: SPURS: Salinity Processes in the Upper-ocean Regional Study
On the Cover: A montage of photographs from a SPURS cruise on R/V Knorr (courtesy of Eric Lindstrom, NASA Headquarters) and a map depicting annual mean ocean surface salinity in the Atlantic Ocean (September 2012–September 2013) from NASA’s Aquarius satellite (courtesy of Oleg Melnichenko, University of Hawaii). Red color indicates higher salinity, while yellow and then blue are progressively fresher waters. SPURS examined the saltiest waters in the middle of the North Atlantic basin.
Cover PDF

SPURS: Salinity Processes in the Upper-ocean Regional Study— The North Atlantic Experiment
Eric Lindstrom ,
Frank Bryan, and
Ray Schmitt
Ocean Salinity and the Global Water Cycle
Paul J. Durack
Differences Among Subtropical Surface Salinity Patterns
Arnold L. Gordon ,
Claudia F. Giulivi,
Julius Busecke, and
Frederick M. Bingham
A River of Salt
Raymond W. Schmitt and
Austen Blair
Data Management Support for the SPURS Atlantic Field Campaign
Frederick M. Bingham ,
Peggy Li ,
Zhijin Li ,
Quoc Vu, and
Yi Chao
Salinity and Temperature Balances at the SPURS Central Mooring During Fall and Winter
J. Thomas Farrar,
Luc Rainville,
Albert J. Plueddemann ,
William S. Kessler,
Craig Lee ,
Benjamin A. Hodges,
Raymond W. Schmitt,
James B. Edson,
Stephen C. Riser,
Charles C. Eriksen , and
David M. Fratantoni
Variability in Near-Surface Salinity from Hours to Decades in the Eastern North Atlantic: The SPURS Region
Stephen C. Riser,
Jessica Anderson,
Andrey Shcherbina, and
Eric D’Asaro
Mixed-Layer Salinity Budget in the SPURS Region on Seasonal to Interannual Time Scales
Shenfu Dong ,
Gustavo Goni , and
Rick Lumpkin
The Freshwater Balance Over the North Atlantic SPURS Domain from Aquarius Satellite Salinity, OSCAR Satellite Surface Currents, and Some Simplified Approaches
Kathleen Dohan,
Hsun-Ying Kao , and
Gary S.E. Lagerloef
Sea Surface Salinity Observations with Lagrangian Drifters in the Tropical North Atlantic During SPURS: Circulation, Fluxes, and Comparisons with Remotely Sensed Salinity from Aquarius
Luca R. Centurioni ,
Verena Hormann,
Yi Chao ,
Gilles Reverdin ,
Jordi Font, and
Dong-Kyu Lee
Variability and Interleaving of Upper-Ocean Water Masses Surrounding the North Atlantic Salinity Maximum
Andrey Y. Shcherbina,
Eric A. D’Asaro ,
Stephen C. Riser , and
William S. Kessler
Surface Salinity in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre During the STRASSE/SPURS Summer 2012 Cruise
Gilles Reverdin,
Simon Morisset,
Louis Marié,
Denis Bourras,
Graigory Sutherland ,
Brian Ward,
Joaquín Salvador,
Jordi Font,
Yannis Cuypers,
Yannis Cuypers,
Luca Centurioni ,
Verena Hormann ,
Nicolas Koldziejczyk,
Jacqueline Boutin ,
Francesco D’Ovidio ,
Francesco Nencioli ,
Nicolas Martin ,
Denis Diverres,
Gaël Alory, and
Rick Lumpkin
Regional Rainfall Measurements Using the Passive Aquatic Listener During the SPURS Field Campaign
Jie Yang ,
Stephen C. Riser,
Jeffrey A. Nystuen,
William E. Asher , and
Andrew T. Jessup
Sharing the Importance of Ocean Salinity Beyond the Scientific Community
Annette deCharon,
Carla Companion,
Ryan Cope, and
Lisa Taylor
Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Freshwater Lenses in the Ocean’s Near-Surface Layer
Alexander V. Soloviev,
Silvia Matt , and
Atsushi Fujimura
The NOAA Vents Program 1983 to 2013: Thirty Years of Ocean Exploration and Research
Stephen R. Hammond,
Robert W. Embley, and
Edward T. Baker
QUARTERDECK • Celebrating Five Years of Ocean Exploration Supplements to Oceanography
Ellen S. Kappel
TRIBUTE • An Old Salt Retires
Ray Schmitt
TOS NEWS • Mark Cane: 2014 Fellow of The Oceanography Society
Richard Seager
RIPPLE MARKS • Last of the Ice Bears? Climate Change Threatens Iconic Polar Bears' Food Sources
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
BOOK REVIEW • An Introduction to Ocean Remote Sensing
Kristina B. Katsaros
BOOK REVIEW • Sea-Level Science: Understanding Tides, Surges, Tsunamis and Mean Sea-Level Changes
John A. Church
BOOK REVIEW • Double Diffusive Convection
Dan Kelley
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and insights. 2015. Oceanography 28(1):181–183
Special Issue Guest Editors
Eric Lindstrom, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Frank Bryan, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Ray Schmitt, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).