Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society

Volume 24 | Number 3 | September 2011

The Changing Arctic Ocean: Special Issue on the International Polar Year (2007–2009)

On the Cover: BACKGROUND PHOTO:  Sea ice melt ponds in the Beaufort Sea in August 2011 (Photo credit: Carlton D. Rauschenberg). TOP ROW: (left) Sea ice extent in September 2007; the magenta line shows the median monthly ice extent for September from 1979 to 2000 (NSIDC). (middle) Deployment of acoustic Doppler current profiling moorings from the UCCGC Healy into Nares Strait in 2003 (Münchow et al., p. 114). (right) Sea ice algae from first-year sea ice in the Bering Sea (Photo credit: Rolf Gradinger). MIDDLE ROW: (left) Ice-Tethered Buoy (Toole et al., p. 126). (middle) Three icebreakers used during the Arctic Coring Expedition of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (Photo courtesy of IODP/ECORD). (right) Sea ice extent in September 2008 (NSIDC). BOTTOM ROW: (left) Yup'ik elder Simeon Agnus sharing qanruyutet (instructions) during a trip with youth and elders (Fienup-Riordan and Carmack, p. 266). (middle) Vertical Microstructure Profiler being deployed from the icebreaker Oden near the North Pole during the Beringia 2005 expedition (Rainville et al., p. 136). (right) Sea ice extent in September 2009 (NSIDC).
Cover PDF
Volume 24 Issue 03

The Changing Arctic Ocean: An Introduction to the Special Issue on the International Polar Year (2007–2008)
By Joseph D. Ortiz , Kelly K. Falkner , Patricia A. Matrai , and Rebecca A. Woodgate

US Arctic Research Policy
By Kathryn Moran and John W. Farrell

The Holocene History of Nares Strait: Transition from Glacial Bay to Arctic-Atlantic Throughflow
By Anne E. Jennings, Christina Sheldon, Thomas M. Cronin, Pierre Francus , Joseph Stoner, and John Andrews

SIDEBAR • Research Vessel Sikuliaq
By Margo Edwards and Daniel Oliver

A Synthesis of the Long-Term Paleoclimatic Evolution of the Arctic
By Matthew O’Regan, Christopher J. Williams, Karen E. Frey , and Martin Jakobsson

A Synthesis of Exchanges Through the Main Oceanic Gateways to the Arctic Ocean
By Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, Rebecca A. Woodgate , Craig M. Lee , Humfrey Melling, and Michael Karcher

Recent Advances in Arctic Ocean Studies Employing Models from the Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project
By Andrey Proshutinsky, Yevgeny Aksenov , Jaclyn Clement Kinney , Rüdiger Gerdes , Elena Golubeva, David Holland , Greg Holloway , Alexandra Jahn , Mark Johnson , Ekaterina Popova, Mike Steele, and Eiji Watanabe

Ocean Warming of Nares Strait Bottom Waters Off Northwest Greenland, 2003–2009
By Andreas Münchow , Kelly K. Falkner, Humfrey Melling, Berit Rabe, and Helen L. Johnson

The Ice-Tethered Profiler: Argo of the Arctic
By John M. Toole , Richard A. Krishfield, Mary-Louise Timmermans, and Andrey Proshutinsky

Impact of Wind-Driven Mixing in the Arctic Ocean
By Luc Rainville , Craig M. Lee , and Rebecca A. Woodgate

The Rapid Response of the Canada Basin to Climate Forcing: From Bellwether to Alarm Bells
By Fiona McLaughlin, Eddy Carmack, Andrey Proshutinsky, Richard A. Krishfield , Christopher Guay, Michiyo Yamamoto-Kawai , Jennifer M. Jackson, and Bill Williams

SIDEBAR • A Rosette for Sampling Ice-Covered Water
By William M. Smethie Jr. , Dale Chayes , Richard Perry, Peter Schlosser, and Ronny Friedrich

The Changing Arctic Sea Ice Cover
By Donald K. Perovich

Sea Ice Biogeochemistry and Material Transport Across the Frozen Interface
By Brice Loose , Lisa A. Miller, Scott Elliott , and Tim Papakyriakou

Arctic Marine Biodiversity: An Update of Species Richness and Examples of Biodiversity Change
By Bodil A. Bluhm, Andrey V. Gebruk, Rolf Gradinger, Russell R. Hopcroft , Falk Huettmann, Ksenia N. Kosobokova, Boris I. Sirenko, and Jan Marcin Weslawski

Fluxes, Fins, and Feathers: Relationships Among the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas in a Time of Climate Change
By Michael F. Sigler, Martin Renner , Seth L. Danielson , Lisa B. Eisner, Robert R. Lauth , Kathy J. Kuletz, Elizabeth A. Logerwell , and George L. Hunt Jr.


Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: A Review of the Planktonic Response
By Raffaela M. Abbriano, Magdalena M. Carranza, Shane L. Hogle, Rachel A. Levin, Amanda N. Netburn, Katherine L. Seto, Stephanie M. Snyder, and Peter J.S. Franks


Holes in Progressively Thinning Arctic Sea Ice Lead to New Ice Algae Habitat
By Sang Heon Lee, C. Peter McRoy, Hyoung Min Joo, Rolf Gradinger , Xuehua Cui , Mi Sun Yun, Kyung Ho Chung , Sung-Ho Kang , Chang-Keun Kang , Eun Jung Choy, Seunghyun Son, Eddy Carmack, and Terry E. Whitledge

Special Issue Guest Editors

Joseph Ortiz, Kent State University
Kelly Falkner, National Science Foundation
Patricia Matrai, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Rebecca Woodgate, University of Washington