Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 24 Issue 03

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Volume 24, No. 3
Pages 102 - 113


Recent Advances in Arctic Ocean Studies Employing Models from the Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project

By Andrey Proshutinsky , Yevgeny Aksenov , Jaclyn Clement Kinney , Rüdiger Gerdes , Elena Golubeva, David Holland , Greg Holloway , Alexandra Jahn , Mark Johnson , Ekaterina Popova, Mike Steele, and Eiji Watanabe  
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Article Abstract

Observational data show that the Arctic Ocean has significantly and rapidly changed over the last few decades, which is unprecedented in the observational record. Air and water temperatures have increased, sea ice volume and extent have decreased, permafrost has thawed, storminess has increased, sea level has risen, coastal erosion has progressed, and biological processes have become more complex and diverse. In addition, there are socio-economic impacts of Arctic environmental change on Arctic residents and the world, associated with tourism, oil and gas exploration, navigation, military operations, trade, and industry. This paper discusses important results of the Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project, which is advancing the role of numerical modeling in Arctic Ocean and sea ice research by stimulating national and international synergies for high-latitude research.


Proshutinsky, A., Y. Aksenov, J. Clement Kinney, R. Gerdes, E. Golubeva, D. Holland, G. Holloway, A. Jahn, M. Johnson, E. Popova, M. Steele, and E. Watanabe. 2011. Recent advances in Arctic ocean studies employing models from the Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project. Oceanography 24(3):102–113, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2011.61.

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