Volume 22 | Number 1 | March 2009
Special Issue: HERMES: Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas
On the Cover: Andrea Ulrich and Serafin Pazdera, students in scientific visualization at Zurich University of the Arts produced the artwork featured on this issue’s cover. The artwork depicts life at a deep-sea coral reef, created over the duration of two ten-day teaching projects where students worked with HERMES imagery to develop ideas and concepts for the visualization of current scientific knowledge. Their research into images, experiments, and modeling paralleled the scientific research process, inspired by chaotic and random systems, employing speculation, intuition, interpretation, and hypotheses to produce a reconstruction of reality.
Cover PDF

Introduction to the Special Issue: HERMES—Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas
Philip P.E. Weaver and
Vikki Gunn
Exploring Benthic Biodiversity Patterns and Hotspots on European Margin Slopes
Roberto Danovaro,
Miquel Canals,
Cristina Gambi ,
Serge Heussner,
Nikolaos Lampadariou, and
Ann Vanreusel
Cascades in Mediterranean Submarine Grand Canyons
Miquel Canals ,
Roberto Danovaro,
Serge Heussner,
Vasilios Lykousis,
Pere Puig,
Fabio Trincardi ,
Antoni M. Calafat ,
Xavier Durrieu de Madron,
Albert Palanques , and
Anna Sànchez-Vidal
Spotlight on Technology: Development of an Autonomous Aquarium System for Maintaining Deep Corals
Alejandro Olariaga,
Andrea Gori ,
Covadonga Orejas , and
Josep-Maria Gili
Europe's Grand Canyon: Nazaré Submarine Canyon
Paul Tyler ,
Teresa Amaro ,
Raquel Arzola,
Marina R. Cunha ,
Henko de Stigter,
Andrew Gooday ,
Veerle Huvenne ,
Jeroen Ingels,
Kostas Kiriakoulakis,
Galderic Lastras ,
Douglas Masson,
Anabela Oliveira ,
Abigail Pattenden,
Ann Vanreusel ,
Tjeerd Van Weering ,
Joao Vitorino,
Ursula Witte, and
George Wolff
The White Coral Community in the Central Mediterranean Sea Revealed by ROV Surveys
André Freiwald ,
Lydia Beuck ,
Andres Rüggeberg,
Marco Taviani ,
Dierk Hebbeln, and
R/V Meteor Cruise M70-1 Participants
Spotlight on Technology: Bleeper Evo—An Easy-to-Handle ROV for Benthic Study
Andrea Gori ,
Alejandro Olariaga,
Covadonga Orejas ,
Sergio Rossi ,
Sergi Quesada ,
Alfred Valentin,
Isaac Bosch,
Jordi Teixidór, and
Josep-Maria Gili
Cold-Water Corals on the Tisler Reef: Preliminary Observations on the Dynamic Reef Environment
Marc Lavaleye ,
Gerard Duineveld,
Tomas Lundälv ,
Martin White ,
Damien Guihen,
Kostas Kiriakoulakis, and
George A. Wolff
Spotlight on Technology: P-Cable High-Resolution Seismic
Sverre Planke,
Frode Norman,
Christian Berndt ,
Jürgen Mienert, and
Doug Masson
Bioeconomic Modeling and the Management of Cold-Water Coral Resources
Claire W. Armstrong,
Anthony J. Grehan ,
Viktoria Kahui ,
Eirik Mikkelsen,
Siv Reithe, and
Sybille van den Hove
Structure and Drivers of Cold Seep Ecosystems
Jean-Paul Foucher ,
Graham K. Westbrook,
Antje Boetius ,
Silvia Ceramicola ,
Stéphanie Dupré ,
Jean Mascle ,
Jürgen Mienert,
Olaf Pfannkuche ,
Catherine Pierre, and
Daniel Praeg
Biodiversity of Cold Seep Ecosystems Along the European Margins
Ann Vanreusel ,
Ann C. Andersen,
Antje Boetius ,
Marina R. Cunha,
Carole Decker,
Ana Hilario,
Konstantinos A. Kormas,
Loïs Maignien ,
Karine Olu,
Maria Pachiadaki ,
Benedicte Ritt,
Clara Rodrigues ,
Jozée Sarrazin,
Paul Tyler ,
Saskia Van Gaever, and
Heleen Vanneste
Modeling Food Web Interactions in Benthic Deep-Sea Ecosystems: A Practical Guide
Karline Soetaert and
Dick van Oevelen
HERMES-GIS: A Tool Connecting Scientists and Policymakers
Ben De Mol ,
Neus Querol ,
Andrew J. Davies ,
Angela Schäfer,
Federica Foglini ,
Genoveva Gonzales-Mirelis ,
Kathrin Kopke ,
Declan Dunne ,
Ingo Schewe ,
Fabio Trincardi , and
Miquel Canals
HERMES: Promoting Ecosystem-Based Management and the Sustainable Use and Governance of Deep-Water Resources
Anthony J. Grehan ,
Sybille van den Hove,
Claire W. Armstrong ,
Ronan Long,
Thomas van Rensburg,
Vikki Gunn,
Eirik Mikkelsen,
Ben De Mol , and
Stefan Hain
The Next Generation: Providing Inspiration and Training for Future Marine Scientists
Vikki Gunn and
Laurenz Thomsen
Spotlight on Technology: In Situ Technologies for Studying Deep-Sea Hotspot Ecosystems
Antje Boetius and
Frank Wenzhöfer
The Future of Integrated Deep-Sea Research in Europe: The HERMIONE Project
Philip P.E. Weaver ,
Antje Boetius ,
Roberto Danovaro,
André Freiwald ,
Vikki Gunn ,
Serge Heussner,
Telmo Morato,
Ingo Schewe , and
Sybille van den Hove
Advances in Conservation Oceanography: New Tagging and Tracking Technologies and Their Potential for Transforming the Science Underlying Fisheries Management
Greene, C.H., B.A. Block, D. Welch, G. Jackson, G.L. Lawson, and E.L. Rechisky. 2009. Advances in conservation oceanography: New tagging and tracking technologies and their potential for transforming the science underlying fisheries management. Oceanography 22(1):210–223, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2009.21.
Water Column Seismic Images as Maps of Temperature Gradient
Barry Ruddick,
Haibin Song ,
Chongzhi Dong, and
Luis Pinheiro
Thermal Footprints of Whales
James Churnside ,
Lev Ostrovsky, and
Tim Veenstra
QUARTERDECK • Our Tent is Getting Fuller, But It's Not Crowded Yet
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • Ocean Science and Its Role in the Knowledge Economy
Carolyn A. Thoroughgood
MEETING REPORT • A Successful First Pattullo Conference
M. Susan Lozier
MEETING REPORT • The Pattullo Conference: Building Community Through Mentoring
Kim I. Martini ,
Eleanor Frajka-Williams, and
Colleen Mouw
HANDS-ON OCEANOGRAPHY • Mix it Up, Mix it Down: Intriguing Implications of Ocean Layering
Peter J.S. Franks and
Sharon E.R. Franks
THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM • Teaching Strategies that Hook Classroom Learners
Robert J. Feller and
Christine R. Lotter
BOOK REVIEW • Essentials of Oceanography (Fifth Edition)
Thomas W.N. Haine
BOOK REVIEW • Tides of History: Ocean Science and Her Majesty's Navy
Helen Rozwadowski
BOOK REVIEW • The Dynamics of Coastal Models
Yu-heng Tseng
Special Issue Guest Editors
Philip P.E. Weaver, National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton
Vikki Gunn, National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton
The HERMES Consortium gratefully acknowledges the European Commission for providing funding and support for the HERMES project (EC contract no. GOCE-CT-2005-511234) under the priority "Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems" of the EC'S Framework Six Programme.